Qt for Symbian Self FAQ 更新ing

第一次吃螃蟹總有問題,Qt for Sybiam也是一個新的技術手段,總碰到些莫名的小問題,今天開始做個自問自答得FAQ,方便查找。

1. Q:程序有網絡申請或是本地數據讀寫需求,程序桌面應用沒有問題,下載到手機上沒有生效?
In Symbian OS you use capabilities to define your application's level of trust. The capabilities can be set in your project file with the TARGET.CAPABILITY variable. If this variable has no value, the default value None is used.

The following example shows the setting of a number of capabilities:
TARGET.CAPABILITY = LocalServices NetworkServices ReadUserData UserEnvironment WriteUserData

P.S. The QtNetwork module provides classes to make network programming easier and portable.
To include the definitions of the module's classes, use the following directive:
 #include <QtNetwork>
To link against the module, add this line to your qmake .pro file:
 QT += network
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