VC6.0 線程編程


線程是“進程”中某個單一順序的控制流。也稱爲輕量進程(lightweight process--LWP)。指運行中的程序的調度單位。一個標準的線程由線程ID,當前指令指針(PC),寄存器集合和堆棧組成。另外,線程是進程中的一個實體,是被系統獨立調度和分派的基本單位,線程自己不擁有系統資源,只擁有一點在運行中必不可少的資源,但它可與同屬一個進程的其他線程共享進程所擁有的全部資源。一個線程可以創建和撤銷另一個線程,同一進程中的多個線程之間可以併發執行。由於線程之間的相互制約,致使線程在運行中呈現出間斷性。線程也有就緒、阻塞和運行三種基本狀態。每一個程序都至少有一個線程,若程序只有一個線程,那就是程序本身。


Windows Thread

頭文件:#include<process.h>//for _beginthread

需要設置;Project-->>Setting-->>C/C++-->>Code Generation-->>User run-time library 選擇Debug Multithreaded 或者Multithreaded。也可在Project Option中加入/MT 或/MTD


// Thread.cpp
   One hassle  is that fact that C++ must employ a free(C) function
or a static class member function as the thread entry function.
	This program must be compiled with a multi-threaded C run-time
(/MT for LIBCMT.LIB in a release build or /MTd for LIBCMTD.LIB in 
a debug build).
#include              // for STL string class
#include           // for HANDLE
#include           // for _beginthread()
using namespace std;

class ThreadX
  int loopStart;
  int loopEnd;
  int dispFrequency;
  string threadName;

  ThreadX( int startValue, int endValue, int frequency )
	loopStart = startValue;
	loopEnd = endValue;
	dispFrequency = frequency;
 In C++ you must employ a free(C) function or a static class member
 function as the thread entry-point-function. Furthermore, _beginthreadex()
 demands that the thread entry function signature take a single(void *) and
 returned an unsigned.
  static unsigned __stdcall ThreadStaticEntryPoint(void * pThis)
	  ThreadX * pthX = (ThreadX*)pThis;   // the tricky cast
	  pthX->ThreadEntryPoint();           // now call the true entry-point-function
		A thread terminates automatically if it completes execution,
		or it can terminate itself with a call to _endthread().
	  return 1;						      // the thread exit code

  void ThreadEntryPoint()
		This is the desired entry-point-function but to get here we have 
		to use a 2 step procedure involving the ThreadStaticEntryPoint()
	for (int i = loopStart; i <= loopEnd; ++i)
	  if (i % dispFrequency == 0)
		  printf( "%s: i = %d\n", threadName.c_str(), i );
	printf( "%s thread terminating\n", threadName.c_str() );

int main()
		All processes get a primary thread automatically. This primary
		thread can generate additional threads. In this program the primary
		thread creates 2 additional threads and all 3 threads then run 
		simultaneously without any synchronization. No data is shared 
		between	the threads.

		We instantiate an object of the ThreadX class. Next we will 
		create a thread and specify that the thread is to begin executing
		the function ThreadEntryPoint() on object o1. Once started,
		this thread will execute until that function terminates or until
		the overall process terminates.
    ThreadX * o1 = new ThreadX( 0, 1, 2000 );
	When developing a multithreaded WIN32-based application with
	Visual C__, you need to use the CRT thread functions to create any
	threads that call CRT functions. Hence to create and terminate
	threads, use _begintreadex() and _endthreadex() instead of the Win32
	APIs CreateThread() and EndThread().

	The multithread library LIBCMT.LIB includes the _beginthread()
	and _endthread() functions. The _beginthread() function performs
	initialization without which many C run-time functions will fail.
	You must use _beginthread() instead of CreateThread() in C programs
	built with LIBCMT.LIB if you intend to call C run-time functions.

	Unlike the thread handle returned by _beginthread(), the thread handle
	returned by _beginthreadex() can be used with the synchronization APIs.
    HANDLE   hth1;
    unsigned  uiThread1ID;

    hth1 = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex( NULL,         // security
                                   0,            // stack size
                                   o1,           // arg list
                                   CREATE_SUSPENDED,  // so we can later call ResumeThread()
                                   &uiThread1ID );

    if ( hth1 == 0 )
        printf("Failed to create thread 1\n");

    DWORD   dwExitCode;
    GetExitCodeThread( hth1, &dwExitCode );  // should be STILL_ACTIVE = 0x00000103 = 259
    printf( "initial thread 1 exit code = %u\n", dwExitCode );

		The System::Threading::Thread object in C++/CLI has a "Name" property.
		To create the equivalent functionality in C++ I added a public data number 
		named threadName.
    o1->threadName = "t1";

    ThreadX * o2 = new ThreadX( -100000, 0, 2000 );

    HANDLE   hth2;
    unsigned  uiThread2ID;

    hth2 = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex( NULL,         // security
                                   0,            // stack size
                                   o2,           // arg list
                                   CREATE_SUSPENDED,  // so we can later call ResumeThread()
                                   &uiThread2ID );

    if ( hth2 == 0 )
        printf("Failed to create thread 2\n");

    GetExitCodeThread( hth2, &dwExitCode );  // should be STILL_ACTIVE = 0x00000103 = 259
    printf( "initial thread 2 exit code = %u\n", dwExitCode );

    o2->threadName = "t2";
	If we hadn't specifed CREATE_SUSPENDED in the call to
	_beginthreadex(), we wouldn't now need to call ResumeThread()
    ResumeThread( hth1 );   // serves the purpose of Jaeschke's t1->Start()
    ResumeThread( hth2 );  //你需要恢復線程的句柄,使用該函數能夠激活線程運行
		In C++/CLI the process continues until the last thread exits.
		That is, the thread's have independent lifetimes. Hence
		Jaeschke's original code was designed to show that the primary
		thread could exit and not influence the other threads.

		However, in C++ the process terminates when the primary thread exits
		and when the process terminates all its threads are then terminated.
		Hence if you comment out the following waits, the non-primary threads will
		never get a chance to run.

    WaitForSingleObject( hth1, INFINITE );
    WaitForSingleObject( hth2, INFINITE );

		WaitForSingleObject 函數用來檢測 hHandle 事件的信號狀態,
		當函數的執行時間超過 dwMilliseconds 就返回,但如果參數
		dwMilliseconds 爲INFINITE時,函數將指導相應時間事件變成
    GetExitCodeThread( hth1, &dwExitCode );
    printf( "thread 1 exited with code %u\n", dwExitCode );

    GetExitCodeThread( hth2, &dwExitCode );
		,用 CreateThread 創建線程時,獲得到。
    printf( "thread 2 exited with code %u\n", dwExitCode );

    CloseHandle( hth1 );
    CloseHandle( hth2 );

    delete o1;
    o1 = NULL;

    delete o2;
    o2 = NULL;

    printf("Primary thread terminating.\n");
	return 0;


1. 如果你在編寫C/C++代碼,決不應該調用CreateThread。相反,應該使用Visual C++運行時庫函數_beginthreadex,退出也應該使用_endthreadex。如果不使用Microsoft的Visual C++編譯器,你的編譯器供應商有它自己的CreateThread替代函數。

2.因爲_beginthreadex和_endthreadex是CRT(C Runtime Library)線程函數,所以必須注意編譯選項runtime library的選擇,使用MT或MTD 【MultiThreaded, Debug MultiThreaded】。

3._beginthreadex 函數的參數列表與CreateThread函數的參數列表是相同的, 但是參數名和類型並不完全相同。這是因爲Microsoft的C/C++運行期庫的開發小組認爲,C/C++運行時函數不應該對Windows數據類型有任何依賴。_beginthreadex函數也像CreateThread那樣,返回新創建的線程的句柄。


(1).每個線程均獲得由C/C++運行時庫的堆棧分配的自己的tiddata內存結構。(tiddata結構位於Mtdll.h文件中的Visual C++ 源代碼中)。











HANDLE GetCurrentProcess();

HANDLE GetCurrentThread();

DWORD GetCurrentProcessId();


DWORDSetThreadIdealProcessor(HANDLE hThread, DWORD dwldealProcessor);

BOOL SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS);

BOOL SetThreadPriority(HANDLE hTread, in nPriotiry);

BOOL GetThreadContext(HANDLE hThread, PCONTEXT pContext);

BOOL SwitchToThread();




_beginthreadex OR CreateThread & Why


來源自1999年7月MSJ雜誌的《Win32 Q&A》欄目




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