按位求和 CSU - 1161 Sums


Sometimes Ziwen need to operate even larger numbers. A limit of 1000 digits is so small… You have to find the sum of two numbers with maximal size of 1 000 000 digits.


The first line contains a single integer N that is the length of the given integers(1 ≤ N ≤ 1 000 000). It is followed by these integers written in columns. That is, the next N lines contain two digits each, divided by a space. Each of the two given integers is not less than 0, and the length of their sum does not exceed N. The integers may contain leading zeroes.


Output exactly N digits in a single line representing the sum of these two integers.

Sample Input

0 4
4 2
6 8
3 7

Sample Output



//Sums CSU - 1161
using namespace std;
int array1[2000010];
int main() 
	int N;
	cin >> N;
	//int array[2000010];
	for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
		cin >> array1[i] >> array1[i + 1000000];//array指向不明確
	int temp, b=0;//暫時保存兩位之和,b保存十位上的數
	for (int i = N-1; i >= 0; i--)
		temp = array1[i] + array1[i + 1000000] + b;//加上b哦
		array1[i] = temp % 10;
		b = temp / 10;

	for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
		cout << array1[i];

	return 0;

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