TLC5510、DAC0832、TLC7524 接口電路VHDL程序





library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;


entity tlc5510 is

port(clk :in std_logic; --系統時鐘

     oe :out std_logic; --TLC5510的輸出使能/OE

     clk1:out std_logic; --TLC5510的轉換時鐘

     din:in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --來自TLC5510的採樣數據

     dout:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); --FPGA數據輸出

end tlc5510;


architecture behav of tlc5510 is

signal q:integer range 3 downto 0;


process(clk) --此進程中,把CLK進行4分頻,得到TLC5510的轉換時鐘


if clk'event and clk='1' then

   if q=3 then q<=0;

   else q<=q+1;

   end if;

end if;

if q>=2 then clk1<='1'; --對系統CLK進行4分頻

else clk1<='0';

end if;

end process;

oe<='0'; --輸出使能賦低電平                                                          

dout<=din; --採樣數據輸出                  

end behav;




library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;


entity DAC0832 is

  port(clk:in std_logic; --系統時鐘

       rst:in std_logic; --復位信號

       ile:out std_logic; --數據鎖存允許信號

      cont:out std_logic; --控制信號(WR1、WR2、CS、Xfer)

  data_out:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));--波形數據輸出

  end DAC0832;  


architecture behav of DAC0832 is

signal q:integer range 0 to 63; --計數器

signal data:std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --波形數據




if rst='1' then q<=0; --復位,對計數器q清零

elsif clk'event and clk='1' then

   if q=63 then q<=0; --此IF語句對系統時鐘進行64分頻

      if data="11111111" then data<="00000000";--此IF語句產生鋸齒波波形數據

      else data<=data+1;

      end if;

   else q<=q+1;

   end if;

end if;

end process;

ile<='1';cont<='0';data_out<=data; --ile、cont賦值;波形數據輸出;

end behav;




library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity TLC7524 is

  port( clk :in std_logic; --系統時鐘

        rst :in std_logic; --復位信號

      data_out:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); --波形數據

  end TLC7524;    



architecture behav of TLC7524 is

signal b:integer range 0 to 63; --地址計數器

signal q:integer range 0 to 4; --計數器

signal d:integer range 0 to 255; --波形數據寄存器


process(clk) --此進程通過對系統時鐘的分頻,完成的地址計數器的循環計數


if rst='1' then b<=0; --復位時,對地址寄存器清零   

elsif clk'event and clk='1' then

   if q=4 then q<=0; --此IF語句完成對系統時鐘的5分頻

      if b=63 then b<=0; --此IF語句完成對地址的循環計數

      else b<=b+1;

      end if;

   else q<=q+1;

   end if;

end if;

end process;


process(b) --此進程存儲了正弦波64個採樣點的波形數據


case b is

when 00=> d<=255  ; when 01=> d<=254  ;when 02=> d<=252  ;when 03=> d<=249  ;

when 04=> d<=245  ; when 05=> d<=239  ;when 06=> d<=233  ;when 07=> d<=225  ;

when 08=> d<=217  ; when 09=> d<=207  ;when 10=> d<=197  ;when 11=> d<=186  ;

when 12=> d<=174  ; when 13=> d<=162  ;when 14=> d<=150  ;when 15=> d<=137  ;

when 16=> d<=124  ; when 17=> d<=112  ;when 18=> d<= 99  ;when 19=> d<= 87  ;

when 20=> d<= 75  ; when 21=> d<= 64  ;when 22=> d<= 53  ;when 23=> d<= 43  ;

when 24=> d<= 34  ; when 25=> d<= 26  ;when 26=> d<= 19  ;when 27=> d<= 13  ;

when 28=> d<=  8  ; when 29=> d<=  4  ;when 30=> d<=  1  ;when 31=> d<=  0  ;

when 32=> d<=  0  ; when 33=> d<=  1  ;when 34=> d<=  4  ;when 35=> d<=  8  ;

when 36=> d<= 13  ; when 37=> d<= 19  ;when 38=> d<= 26  ;when 39=> d<= 34  ;

when 40=> d<= 43  ; when 41=> d<= 53  ;when 42=> d<= 64  ;when 43=> d<= 75  ;

when 44=> d<= 87  ; when 45=> d<= 99  ;when 46=> d<=112  ;when 47=> d<=124  ;

when 48=> d<=137  ; when 49=> d<=150  ;when 50=> d<=162  ;when 51=> d<=174  ;

when 52=> d<=186  ; when 53=> d<=197  ;when 54=> d<=207  ;when 55=> d<=217  ;

when 56=> d<=225  ; when 57=> d<=233  ;when 58=> d<=239  ;when 59=> d<=245  ;

when 60=> d<=249  ; when 61=> d<=252  ;when 62=> d<=254  ;when 63=> d<=255  ;

when others=> null;

end case;

end process;

data_out<=conv_std_logic_vector(d,8); --正弦波波形數據輸出

end behav;





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