

英文 中文
clustering j聚類
computationally intensive 計算量很大的
cross-product 叉乘
dendrogram 樹狀圖
groups 羣組
kernl methods,kernel tricks 核方法,核技法
k-nearest neighbors k-最近鄰
multidimensional scalling 多維縮放
pattern 模式
solution (題)解
collective intelligence 集體智慧
crawl (網頁)檢索
data-intensive 數據量很大的
dot-product 點積
inbound link,incoming link 外部回指鏈接
K-Means K-均值
list comprehension 列表推導式
observation 觀測數據,觀測值
similarity 相似度,相似性
vertical search engine 垂直搜索引擎




  • 蒐集偏好


critics = {'Lisa Rose':{'Lady in the Water':2.5, 'Snake on a Plane':3.5,
            'Just My Luck':3.0, 'Superman Returns':3.5, 'You, Me and Dupree':2.5,
            'The Night Listener':3.0},
            'Gene Seymour':{'Lady in the Water':3.0, 'Snake on a Plane':3.5,
            'Just My Luck':1.5, 'Superman Returns':5.0, 'The Night Listener':3.0,
            'You, Me and Dupree':3.5,},
            'Michael Phillips':{'Lady in the Water':2.5, 'Snake on a Plane':3.0,
            'Superman Returns':3.5, 'The Night Listener':4.0},
            'Claudia Puig':{'Snake on a Plane':3.5,'Just My Luck':3.0,
            'The Night Listener':4.5, 'Superman Returns':4.0, 
            'You, Me and Dupree':2.5},
            'Mick LaSalle':{'Lady in the Water':3.0, 'Snake on a Plane':4.0,
            'Just My Luck':2.0, 'Superman Returns':3.0, 'The Night Listener':3.0,
            'You, Me and Dupree':2.0},
            'Jack Matthews':{'Lady in the Water':3.0, 'Snake on a Plane':4.0,
            'The Night Listener':3.0, 'Superman Returns':5.0, 'You, Me and Dupree':3.5},
            'Toby':{'Snake on a Plane':4.5, 'You, Me and Dupree':1.0, 'Superman Returns':4.0}}

  • 尋找相似用戶





>>> 1/(1+sqrt(pow(4.5-4,2)+pow(1-2,2)))


from math import sqrt
# 返回一個有關 person1 和 person2 的基於距離的相似度評價
def sim_distance(prefs, person1, person2):
    #得到 shared_items 的列表
    for item in prefs[person1]:
        if item in prefs[person2]:    
            si[item] = 1
    # 如果沒有共同之處,返回 0
    if len(si) == 0:return 0
    # 計算所有差值的平方和
    sum_of_squares = sum([pow(prefs[person1][item]-prefs[person2][item],2)
                        for item in prefs[person1] if item in prefs[person2]])
    return 1/(1 + sqrt(sum_of_squares))


爲了形象地展示這一方法,我們可以在圖上標示出兩位評論者的評分情況,如下圖所示。Mick LaSalle爲《Superman》評了3分,而Gene Seymour則評了5分,所以該影片被定位在圖中的(3.5)處。

在採用皮爾遜方法進行評價時,我們可以從圖上發現一個值得注意的地方,那就是它修正了“誇大分值(grade inflation)”的情況。在這張圖中,雖然Jack Matthews總是傾向於給出比Lisa Rose更高的分支,但最終的直線仍然是擬合的,這是因爲他們兩者有着相對近似的偏好。如果某人總是傾向於給出比另一個人更高的分值,而兩者的分值之差又始終保持一致,則他們依然可能會存在很好的相關性。此前提到過的歐幾里得距離評價方法,會因爲一個人的評價始終比另一個的更爲“嚴格”(從而導致評價始終相對偏低),而得出兩者不想死的結論,即使他們的品味很相似也是如此。而這一行爲是否就是我們想要的結果,則卻決於具體的應用場景。


# 返回 p1 和 p2 的皮爾遜相關係數
def sim_pearson(prefs, p1, p2):
    # 得到雙方都曾評價過的物品列表
    si = {}
    for item in prefs[p1]:
        if item in prefs[p2]:si[item] = 1
    # 得到 si 列表元素的個數
    n = len(si)
    # 如果兩者沒有共同之處,返回 1
    if n == 0:return 1
    # 對所有偏好求和
    sum1 = sum([prefs[p1][it] for it in si])
    sum2 = sum([prefs[p2][it] for it in si])
    # 求平方和
    sum1Sq = sum([pow(prefs[p1][it], 2) for it in si])
    sum2Sq = sum([pow(prefs[p2][it], 2) for it in si])
    # 求乘積和
    pSum = sum([prefs[p1][it] * prefs[p2][it] for it in si])
    # 計算皮爾遜評價值
    num = pSum - (sum1 * sum2 /n)
    den = sqrt((sum1Sq - pow(sum1, 2) / n) * (sum2Sq - pow(sum2, 2) / n))
    if den == 0:return 0
    r = num/den
    return r


import recommendation
print(recommendation.sim_pearson(recommendation.critics,'Lisa Rose','Gene Seymour') )


# 從反映偏好的字典中返回最爲匹配者
# 返回結果的個數和相似度函數均爲可選參數
def topMatches(prefs, person, n = 5, similarity = sim_pearson):
    scores = [(similarity(prefs, person, other), other)for other in prefs if other != person]
    # 參見列表推導式
    # 對列表排序,評價值最高的排在前面
    scores.sort() # 排序
    scores.reverse() # 反向列表中元素
    return scores[0:n]


>>> import recommendation
>>> recommendation.topMatches(recommendation.critics,'Toby',n=3)
[(0.9912407071619299, 'Lisa Rose'), (0.9244734516419049, 'Mick LaSalle'), (0.8934051474415647, 'Claudia Puig')]

根據返回的結果我們瞭解到,應當閱讀Lisa Rose所撰寫的評論,因爲她的品味與我們的很相似。






# 利用所有他人評價值的加權平均,爲某人提供建議
def getRecommendations(prefs,person,similarity = sim_pearson):
    totals = {}
    simSums = {}
    for other in prefs:
        # 不要和自己作比較
        if other ==person: continue
        sim = similarity(prefs, person, other)
        if sim <= 0: continue
        for item in prefs[other]:
            if item not in prefs[person] or prefs[person][item] == 0:
                # 相似度 * 評價值
                totals.setdefault(item, 0) 
                # setdefault() 函數: 如果鍵不已經存在於字典中,將會添加鍵並將值設爲默認值。
                # dict.setdefault(key, default=None)
                # key -- 查找的鍵值。
                # default -- 鍵不存在時,設置的默認鍵值。
                totals[item] += prefs[other][item] * sim
                # 相似度之和
                simSums.setdefault(item, 0)
                simSums[item] += sim
    # 建立一個歸一化的列表
    rankings = [(total / simSums[item], item) for item, total in totals.items()] # 列表推導式
    # 返回經過排序的列表
    return rankings



>>> import recommendation
>>> recommendation.getRecommendations(recommendation.critics,'Toby')
[(3.3477895267131017, 'The Night Listener'), (2.8325499182641614, 'Lady in the Water'), (2.530980703765565, 'Just My Luck')]




def transformPrefs(prefs):
    result = {}
    for person in prefs:
        for item in prefs[person]:
            result.setdefault(item, {})
            result[item][person] = prefs[person][item]
    return result


>>> import recommendation
>>> movies=recommendation.transformPrefs(recommendation.critics)
>>> recommendation.topMatches(movies,'Snake on a Plane')
[(0.7637626158259785, 'Lady in the Water'), (0.11180339887498941, 'Superman Returns'), (-0.3333333333333333, 'Just My Luck'), (-0.5663521139548527, 'The Night Listener'), (-0.6454972243679047, 'You, Me and Dupree')]



>>> recommendation.getRecommendations(movies,'Just My Luck')
[(4.0, 'Michael Phillips'), (3.0, 'Jack Matthews')]




"""Library to access del.icio.us data via Python.


  Using the API class directly:

  >>> a = pydelicious.apiNew('user', 'passwd')
  >>> # or:
  >>> a = DeliciousAPI('user', 'passwd')
  >>> a.tags_get() # Same as:
  >>> a.request('tags/get', )

  Or by calling the 'convenience' methods on the module.

  - def add(user, passwd, url, description, tags = "", extended = "", dt = "", replace="no"):
  - def get(user, passwd, tag="", dt="",  count = 0):
  - def get_all(user, passwd, tag = ""):
  - def delete(user, passwd, url):
  - def rename_tag(user, passwd, oldtag, newtag):
  - def get_tags(user, passwd):

  >>> a = apiNew(user, passwd)
  >>> a.posts_add(url="http://my.com/", desciption="my.com", extended="the url is my.moc", tags="my com")
  >>> len(a.posts_all())
  >>> get_all(user, passwd)

  This are short functions for getrss calls.

  >>> rss_

def get_userposts(user):
def get_tagposts(tag):
def get_urlposts(url):
def get_popular(tag = ""):

  >>> json_posts()
  >>> json_tags()
  >>> json_network()
  >>> json_fans()

:License: pydelicious is released under the BSD license. See 'license.txt'
 for more informations.

 - Rewriting comments to english. More documentation, examples.
 - Added JSON-like return values for XML data (del.icio.us also serves some JSON...)
 - better error/exception classes and handling, work in progress.
 - Encoding seems to be working (using UTF-8 here).

 - Source code SHOULD BE ASCII!
 - More tests.
 - Parse datetimes in XML.
 - Salvage and test RSS functionality?
 - Setup not used, Still works? Should setup.py be tested?
 - API functions need required argument checks.

 * lizense einbinden und auch via setup.py verteilen
 * readme auch schreiben und via setup.py verteilen
 * auch auf anderen systemen testen (linux -> uni)
 * automatisch releases bauen lassen, richtig benennen und in das
   richtige verzeichnis verschieben.
 * was k[o]nnen die anderen librarys denn noch so? (ruby, java, perl, etc)
 * was wollen die, die es benutzen?
 * wof[u]r k[o]nnte ich es benutzen?
 * entschlacken?

 * Refactored the API class, much cleaner now and functions dlcs_api_request, dlcs_parse_xml are available for who wants them.
 * stimmt das so? muss eher noch t[a]g str2utf8 konvertieren
   >>> pydelicious.getrss(tag="t[a]g")
   url: http://del.icio.us/rss/tag/t[a]g
 * requester muss eine sekunde warten
 * __init__.py gibt die funktionen weiter
 * html parser funktioniert noch nicht, gar nicht
 * alte funktionen fehlen, get_posts_by_url, etc.
 * post funktion erstellen, die auch die fehlenden attribs addiert.
 * die api muss ich noch weiter machen
 * requester muss die 503er abfangen
 * rss parser muss auf viele m[o]glichkeiten angepasst werden
import sys
import os
import time
import datetime
import md5, httplib
import urllib, urllib2, time
from StringIO import StringIO

    from elementtree.ElementTree import parse as parse_xml
except ImportError:
    from  xml.etree.ElementTree import parse as parse_xml

import feedparser

### Static config

__version__ = '0.5.0'
__author__ = 'Frank Timmermann <regenkind_at_gmx_dot_de>' # GP: does not respond to emails
__contributors__ = [
    'Greg Pinero',
    'Berend van Berkum <[email protected]>']
__url__ = 'http://code.google.com/p/pydelicious/'
__author_email__ = ""
# Old URL: 'http://deliciouspython.python-hosting.com/'

__description__ = '''pydelicious.py allows you to access the web service of del.icio.us via it's API through python.'''
__long_description__ = '''the goal is to design an easy to use and fully functional python interface to del.icio.us. '''

DLCS_OK_MESSAGES = ('done', 'ok') # Known text values of positive del.icio.us <result> answers
DLCS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 444 # Seconds before socket triggers timeout
#DLCS_API_REALM = 'del.icio.us API'
DLCS_API_HOST = 'https://api.del.icio.us'
DLCS_RSS = 'http://del.icio.us/rss/'

ISO_8601_DATETIME = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'

USER_AGENT = 'pydelicious.py/%s %s' % (__version__, __url__)

if 'DLCS_DEBUG' in os.environ:
    DEBUG = int(os.environ['DLCS_DEBUG'])

# Taken from FeedParser.py
# timeoutsocket allows feedparser to time out rather than hang forever on ultra-slow servers.
# Python 2.3 now has this functionality available in the standard socket library, so under
# 2.3 you don't need to install anything.  But you probably should anyway, because the socket
# module is buggy and timeoutsocket is better.
    import timeoutsocket # http://www.timo-tasi.org/python/timeoutsocket.py
except ImportError:
    import socket
    if hasattr(socket, 'setdefaulttimeout'): socket.setdefaulttimeout(DLCS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
if DEBUG: print >>sys.stderr, "Set socket timeout to %s seconds" % DLCS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT

### Utility classes

class _Waiter:
    """Waiter makes sure a certain amount of time passes between
    successive calls of `Waiter()`.

    Some attributes:
    :last: time of last call
    :wait: the minimum time needed between calls
    :waited: the number of calls throttled

    pydelicious.Waiter is an instance created when the module is loaded.
    def __init__(self, wait):
        self.wait = wait
        self.waited = 0
        self.lastcall = 0;

    def __call__(self):
        tt = time.time()

        timeago = tt - self.lastcall

        if self.lastcall and DEBUG>2:
            print >>sys.stderr, "Lastcall: %s seconds ago." % lastcall

        if timeago <= self.wait:
            if DEBUG>0: print >>sys.stderr, "Waiting %s seconds." % self.wait
            self.waited += 1
            self.lastcall = tt + self.wait
            self.lastcall = tt

Waiter = _Waiter(DLCS_WAIT_TIME)

class PyDeliciousException(Exception):
    '''Std. pydelicious error'''

class DeliciousError(Exception):
	"""Raised when the server responds with a negative answer"""

class DefaultErrorHandler(urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler):
    '''@xxx:bvb: Where is this used? should it be registered somewhere with urllib2?

    Handles HTTP Error, currently only 503.
    def http_error_503(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
        raise urllib2.HTTPError(req, code, throttled_message, headers, fp)

class post(dict):
    """Post object, contains href, description, hash, dt, tags,
    extended, user, count(, shared).

    @xxx:bvb: Is this needed? Right now this is superfluous,
    def __init__(self, href = "", description = "", hash = "", time = "", tag = "", extended = "", user = "", count = "",
                 tags = "", url = "", dt = ""): # tags or tag?
        self["href"] = href
        if url != "": self["href"] = url
        self["description"] = description
        self["hash"] = hash
        self["dt"] = dt
        if time != "": self["dt"] = time
        self["tags"] = tags
        if tag != "":  self["tags"] = tag     # tag or tags? # !! tags
        self["extended"] = extended
        self["user"] = user
        self["count"] = count

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        try: return self[name]
        except: object.__getattribute__(self, name)

class posts(list):
    """@xxx:bvb: idem as class post, python structures (dict/list) might
    suffice or a more generic solution is needed.
    def __init__(self, *args):
        for i in args: self.append(i)

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        try: return [p[attr] for p in self]
        except: object.__getattribute__(self, attr)

### Utility functions

def str2uni(s):
    # type(in) str or unicode
    # type(out) unicode
    return ("".join([unichr(ord(i)) for i in s]))

def str2utf8(s):
    # type(in) str or unicode
    # type(out) str
    return ("".join([unichr(ord(i)).encode("utf-8") for i in s]))

def str2quote(s):
    return urllib.quote_plus("".join([unichr(ord(i)).encode("utf-8") for i in s]))

def dict0(d):
    # Trims empty dict entries
    # {'a':'a', 'b':'', 'c': 'c'} => {'a': 'a', 'c': 'c'}
    dd = dict()
    for i in d:
            if d[i] != "": dd[i] = d[i]
    return dd

def delicious_datetime(str):
    """Parse a ISO 8601 formatted string to a Python datetime ...
    return datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(str, ISO_8601_DATETIME)[0:6])

def http_request(url, user_agent=USER_AGENT, retry=4):
    """Retrieve the contents referenced by the URL using urllib2.

    Retries up to four times (default) on exceptions.
    request = urllib2.Request(url, headers={'User-Agent':user_agent})

    # Remember last error
    e = None

    # Repeat request on time-out errors
    tries = retry;
    while tries:
            return urllib2.urlopen(request)

        except urllib2.HTTPError, e: # protocol errors,
            raise PyDeliciousException, "%s" % e

        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            # @xxx: Ugly check for time-out errors
			#if len(e)>0 and 'timed out' in arg[0]:
			print >> sys.stderr, "%s, %s tries left." % (e, tries)
			tries = tries - 1
			#	tries = None

    # Give up
    raise PyDeliciousException, \
            "Unable to retrieve data at '%s', %s" % (url, e)

def http_auth_request(url, host, user, passwd, user_agent=USER_AGENT):
    """Call an HTTP server with authorization credentials using urllib2.
    if DEBUG: httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1

    # Hook up handler/opener to urllib2
    password_manager = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
    password_manager.add_password(None, host, user, passwd)
    auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager)
    opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler)

    return http_request(url, user_agent)

def dlcs_api_request(path, params='', user='', passwd='', throttle=True):
    """Retrieve/query a path within the del.icio.us API.

    This implements a minimum interval between calls to avoid
    throttling. [#]_ Use param 'throttle' to turn this behaviour off.

    @todo: back off on 503's (HTTPError, URLError? @todo: testing).

    Returned XML does not always correspond with given del.icio.us examples
    @todo: (cf. help/api/... and post's attributes)

    .. [#] http://del.icio.us/help/api/
    if throttle:

    if params:
        # params come as a dict, strip empty entries and urlencode
        url = "%s/%s?%s" % (DLCS_API, path, urllib.urlencode(dict0(params)))
        url = "%s/%s" % (DLCS_API, path)

    if DEBUG: print >>sys.stderr, "dlcs_api_request: %s" % url

        return http_auth_request(url, DLCS_API_HOST, user, passwd, USER_AGENT)

    # @bvb: Is this ever raised? When?
    except DefaultErrorHandler, e:
        print >>sys.stderr, "%s" % e

def dlcs_parse_xml(data, split_tags=False):
    """Parse any del.icio.us XML document and return Python data structure.

    Recognizes all XML document formats as returned by the version 1 API and
    translates to a JSON-like data structure (dicts 'n lists).

    Returned instance is always a dictionary. Examples::

     {'posts': [{'url':'...','hash':'...',},],}
     {'tags':['tag1', 'tag2',]}
     {'dates': [{'count':'...','date':'...'},], 'tag':'', 'user':'...'}
	 {'result':(True, "done")}
     # etcetera.

    if DEBUG>3: print >>sys.stderr, "dlcs_parse_xml: parsing from ", data

    if not hasattr(data, 'read'):
        data = StringIO(data)

    doc = parse_xml(data)
    root = doc.getroot()
    fmt = root.tag

	# Split up into three cases: Data, Result or Update
    if fmt in ('tags', 'posts', 'dates', 'bundles'):

        # Data: expect a list of data elements, 'resources'.
        # Use `fmt` (without last 's') to find data elements, elements
        # don't have contents, attributes contain all the data we need:
        # append to list
        elist = [el.attrib for el in doc.findall(fmt[:-1])]

        # Return list in dict, use tagname of rootnode as keyname.
        data = {fmt: elist}

        # Root element might have attributes too, append dict.

        return data

    elif fmt == 'result':

        # Result: answer to operations
        if root.attrib.has_key('code'):
            msg = root.attrib['code']
            msg = root.text

		# Return {'result':(True, msg)} for /known/ O.K. messages,
        # use (False, msg) otherwise
        v = msg in DLCS_OK_MESSAGES
        return {fmt: (v, msg)}

    elif fmt == 'update':

        # Update: "time"
        #return {fmt: root.attrib}
		return {fmt: {'time':time.strptime(root.attrib['time'], ISO_8601_DATETIME)}}

        raise PyDeliciousException, "Unknown XML document format '%s'" % fmt

def dlcs_rss_request(tag = "", popular = 0, user = "", url = ''):
    """Handle a request for RSS

    @todo: translate from German

    rss sollte nun wieder funktionieren, aber diese try, except scheisse ist so nicht schoen

    rss wird unterschiedlich zusammengesetzt. ich kann noch keinen einheitlichen zusammenhang
    zwischen daten (url, desc, ext, usw) und dem feed erkennen. warum k[o]nnen die das nicht einheitlich machen?
    tag = str2quote(tag)
    user = str2quote(user)
    if url != '':
        # http://del.icio.us/rss/url/efbfb246d886393d48065551434dab54
        url = DLCS_RSS + '''url/%s'''%md5.new(url).hexdigest()
    elif user != '' and tag != '':
        url = DLCS_RSS + '''%(user)s/%(tag)s'''%dict(user=user, tag=tag)
    elif user != '' and tag == '':
        # http://del.icio.us/rss/delpy
        url = DLCS_RSS + '''%s'''%user
    elif popular == 0 and tag == '':
        url = DLCS_RSS
    elif popular == 0 and tag != '':
        # http://del.icio.us/rss/tag/apple
        # http://del.icio.us/rss/tag/web2.0
        url = DLCS_RSS + "tag/%s"%tag
    elif popular == 1 and tag == '':
        url = DLCS_RSS + '''popular/'''
    elif popular == 1 and tag != '':
        url = DLCS_RSS + '''popular/%s'''%tag
    rss = http_request(url).read()
    rss = feedparser.parse(rss)
    # print rss
#     for e in rss.entries: print e;print
    l = posts()
    for e in rss.entries:
        if e.has_key("links") and e["links"]!=[] and e["links"][0].has_key("href"):
            url = e["links"][0]["href"]
        elif e.has_key("link"):
            url = e["link"]
        elif e.has_key("id"):
            url = e["id"]
            url = ""
        if e.has_key("title"):
            description = e['title']
        elif e.has_key("title_detail") and e["title_detail"].has_key("title"):
            description = e["title_detail"]['value']
            description = ''
        try: tags = e['categories'][0][1]
            try: tags = e["category"]
            except: tags = ""
        if e.has_key("modified"):
            dt = e['modified']
            dt = ""
        if e.has_key("summary"):
            extended = e['summary']
        elif e.has_key("summary_detail"):
            extended = ""
        if e.has_key("author"):
            user = e['author']
            user = ""
#  time = dt ist weist auf ein problem hin
# die benennung der variablen ist nicht einheitlich
#  api senden und
#  xml bekommen sind zwei verschiedene schuhe :(
        l.append(post(url = url, description = description, tags = tags, dt = dt, extended = extended, user = user))
    return l

### Main module class

class DeliciousAPI:
    """Class providing main interace to del.icio.us API.

    Methods ``request`` and ``request_raw`` represent the core. For all API
    paths there are furthermore methods (e.g. posts_add for 'posts/all') with
    an explicit declaration of the parameters and documentation. These all call
    ``request`` and pass on extra keywords like ``_raw``.

    def __init__(self, user, passwd, codec='iso-8859-1', api_request=dlcs_api_request, xml_parser=dlcs_parse_xml):
        """Initialize access to the API with ``user`` and ``passwd``.

        ``codec`` sets the encoding of the arguments.

        The ``api_request`` and ``xml_parser`` parameters by default point to
        functions within this package with standard implementations to
        request and parse a resource. See ``dlcs_api_request()`` and
        ``dlcs_parse_xml()``. Note that ``api_request`` should return a
        file-like instance with an HTTPMessage instance under ``info()``,
        see ``urllib2.openurl`` for more info.
        assert user != ""
        self.user = user
        self.passwd = passwd
        self.codec = codec

        # Implement communication to server and parsing of respons messages:
        assert callable(api_request)
        self._api_request = api_request
        assert callable(xml_parser)
        self._parse_response = xml_parser

    def _call_server(self, path, **params):
        params = dict0(params)
        for key in params:
            params[key] = params[key].encode(self.codec)

        # see __init__ for _api_request()
        return self._api_request(path, params, self.user, self.passwd)

    ### Core functionality

    def request(self, path, _raw=False, **params):
        """Calls a path in the API, parses the answer to a JSON-like structure by
        default. Use with ``_raw=True`` or ``call request_raw()`` directly to
        get the filehandler and process the response message manually.

        Calls to some paths will return a `result` message, i.e.::

            <result code="..." />



        These are all parsed to ``{'result':(Boolean, MessageString)}`` and this
        method will raise ``DeliciousError`` on negative `result` answers. Using
        ``_raw=True`` bypasses all parsing and will never raise ``DeliciousError``.

        See ``dlcs_parse_xml()`` and ``self.request_raw()``."""

        # method _parse_response is bound in `__init__()`, `_call_server`
        # uses `_api_request` also set in `__init__()`
        if _raw:
            # return answer
            return self.request_raw(path, **params)

            # get answer and parse
            fl = self._call_server(path, **params)
            rs = self._parse_response(fl)

			# Raise an error for negative 'result' answers
            if type(rs) == dict and rs == 'result' and not rs['result'][0]:
                errmsg = ""
                if len(rs['result'])>0:
                    errmsg = rs['result'][1:]
                raise DeliciousError, errmsg

            return rs

    def request_raw(self, path, **params):
        """Calls the path in the API, returns the filehandle. Returned
        file-like instances have an ``HTTPMessage`` instance with HTTP header
        information available. Use ``filehandle.info()`` or refer to the
        ``urllib2.openurl`` documentation.
        # see `request()` on how the response can be handled
        return self._call_server(path, **params)

    ### Explicit declarations of API paths, their parameters and docs

    # Tags
    def tags_get(self, **kwds):
        """Returns a list of tags and the number of times it is used by the user.

                <tag tag="TagName" count="888">
        return self.request("tags/get", **kwds)

    def tags_rename(self, old, new, **kwds):
        """Rename an existing tag with a new tag name. Returns a `result`
        message or raises an ``DeliciousError``. See ``self.request()``.

        &old (required)
            Tag to rename.
        &new (required)
            New name.
        return self.request("tags/rename", old=old, new=new, **kwds)

    # Posts
    def posts_update(self, **kwds):
        """Returns the last update time for the user. Use this before calling
        `posts_all` to see if the data has changed since the last fetch.

            <update time="CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ">
        return self.request("posts/update", **kwds)

    def posts_dates(self, tag="", **kwds):
        """Returns a list of dates with the number of posts at each date.

                <date date="CCYY-MM-DD" count="888">

        &tag (optional).
            Filter by this tag.
        return self.request("posts/dates", tag=tag, **kwds)

    def posts_get(self, tag="", dt="", url="", **kwds):
        """Returns posts matching the arguments. If no date or url is given,
        most recent date will be used.

            <posts dt="CCYY-MM-DD" tag="..." user="...">
                <post ...>

        &tag (optional).
            Filter by this tag.
        &dt (optional).
            Filter by this date (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ).
        &url (optional).
            Filter by this url.
        return self.request("posts/get", tag=tag, dt=dt, url=url, **kwds)

    def posts_recent(self, tag="", count="", **kwds):
        """Returns a list of the most recent posts, filtered by argument.

            <posts tag="..." user="...">
                <post ...>

        &tag (optional).
            Filter by this tag.
        &count (optional).
            Number of items to retrieve (Default:15, Maximum:100).
        return self.request("posts/recent", tag=tag, count=count, **kwds)

    def posts_all(self, tag="", **kwds):
        """Returns all posts. Please use sparingly. Call the `posts_update`
        method to see if you need to fetch this at all.

            <posts tag="..." user="..." update="CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ">
                <post ...>

        &tag (optional).
            Filter by this tag.
        return self.request("posts/all", tag=tag, **kwds)

    def posts_add(self, url, description, extended="", tags="", dt="",
            replace="no", shared="yes", **kwds):
        """Add a post to del.icio.us. Returns a `result` message or raises an
        ``DeliciousError``. See ``self.request()``.

        &url (required)
            the url of the item.
        &description (required)
            the description of the item.
        &extended (optional)
            notes for the item.
        &tags (optional)
            tags for the item (space delimited).
        &dt (optional)
            datestamp of the item (format "CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ").

        Requires a LITERAL "T" and "Z" like in ISO8601 at http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html for example: "1984-09-01T14:21:31Z"
        &replace=no (optional) - don't replace post if given url has already been posted.
        &shared=no (optional) - make the item private
        return self.request("posts/add", url=url, description=description,
                extended=extended, tags=tags, dt=dt,
                replace=replace, shared=shared, **kwds)

    def posts_delete(self, url, **kwds):
        """Delete a post from del.icio.us. Returns a `result` message or
        raises an ``DeliciousError``. See ``self.request()``.

        &url (required)
            the url of the item.
        return self.request("posts/delete", url=url, **kwds)

    # Bundles
    def bundles_all(self, **kwds):
        """Retrieve user bundles from del.icio.us.

                <bundel name="..." tags=...">
        return self.request("tags/bundles/all", **kwds)

    def bundles_set(self, bundle, tags, **kwds):
        """Assign a set of tags to a single bundle, wipes away previous
        settings for bundle. Returns a `result` messages or raises an
        ``DeliciousError``. See ``self.request()``.

        &bundle (required)
            the bundle name.
        &tags (required)
            list of tags (space seperated).
        if type(tags)==list:
            tags = " ".join(tags)
        return self.request("tags/bundles/set", bundle=bundle, tags=tags,

    def bundles_delete(self, bundle, **kwds):
        """Delete a bundle from del.icio.us. Returns a `result` message or
        raises an ``DeliciousError``. See ``self.request()``.

        &bundle (required)
            the bundle name.
        return self.request("tags/bundles/delete", bundle=bundle, **kwds)

    ### Utils

    # Lookup table for del.icio.us url-path to DeliciousAPI method.
    paths = {
        'tags/get': tags_get,
        'tags/rename': tags_rename,
        'posts/update': posts_update,
        'posts/dates': posts_dates,
        'posts/get': posts_get,
        'posts/recent': posts_recent,
        'posts/all': posts_all,
        'posts/add': posts_add,
        'posts/delete': posts_delete,
        'tags/bundles/all': bundles_all,
        'tags/bundles/set': bundles_set,
        'tags/bundles/delete': bundles_delete,

    def get_url(self, url):
        """Return the del.icio.us url at which the HTML page with posts for
        ``url`` can be found.
        return "http://del.icio.us/url/?url=%s" % (url,)

### Convenience functions on this package

def apiNew(user, passwd):
    """creates a new DeliciousAPI object.
    requires user(name) and passwd
    return DeliciousAPI(user=user, passwd=passwd)

def add(user, passwd, url, description, tags="", extended="", dt="", replace="no"):
    return apiNew(user, passwd).posts_add(url=url, description=description, extended=extended, tags=tags, dt=dt, replace=replace)

def get(user, passwd, tag="", dt="",  count = 0):
    posts = apiNew(user, passwd).posts_get(tag=tag,dt=dt)
    if count != 0: posts = posts[0:count]
    return posts

def get_all(user, passwd, tag=""):
    return apiNew(user, passwd).posts_all(tag=tag)

def delete(user, passwd, url):
    return apiNew(user, passwd).posts_delete(url=url)

def rename_tag(user, passwd, oldtag, newtag):
    return apiNew(user=user, passwd=passwd).tags_rename(old=oldtag, new=newtag)

def get_tags(user, passwd):
    return apiNew(user=user, passwd=passwd).tags_get()

### RSS functions @bvb: still working...?
def getrss(tag="", popular=0, url='', user=""):
    """get posts from del.icio.us via parsing RSS @bvb[or HTML]

	@bvb[not tested]

    tag (opt) sort by tag
    popular (opt) look for the popular stuff
    user (opt) get the posts by a user, this striks popular
    url (opt) get the posts by url
    return dlcs_rss_request(tag=tag, popular=popular, user=user, url=url)

def get_userposts(user):
    return getrss(user = user)

def get_tagposts(tag):
    return getrss(tag = tag)

def get_urlposts(url):
    return getrss(url = url)

def get_popular(tag = ""):
    return getrss(tag = tag, popular = 1)

### @TODO: implement JSON fetching
def json_posts(user, count=15):
    count=###   the number of posts you want to get (default is 15, maximum is 100)
    raw         a raw JSON object is returned, instead of an object named Delicious.posts

def json_tags(user, atleast, count, sort='alpha'):
    atleast=###         include only tags for which there are at least ### number of posts
    count=###           include ### tags, counting down from the top
    sort={alpha|count}  construct the object with tags in alphabetic order (alpha), or by count of posts (count)
    callback=NAME       wrap the object definition in a function call NAME(...), thus invoking that function when the feed is executed
    raw                 a pure JSON object is returned, instead of code that will construct an object named Delicious.tags

def json_network(user):
    callback=NAME       wrap the object definition in a function call NAME(...)
    ?raw         a raw JSON object is returned, instead of an object named Delicious.posts

def json_fans(user):
    callback=NAME       wrap the object definition in a function call NAME(...)
    ?raw         a pure JSON object is returned, instead of an object named Delicious.


from pydelicious import get_popular,get_userposts,get_urlposts
import time

def initializeUserDict(tag,count=5):
  # get the top count' popular posts
  for p1 in get_popular(tag=tag)[0:count]:
    # find all users who posted this
    for p2 in get_urlposts(p1['href']):
  return user_dict

def fillItems(user_dict):
  # Find links posted by all users
  for user in user_dict:
    for i in range(3):
        print "Failed user "+user+", retrying"
    for post in posts:
  # Fill in missing items with 0
  for ratings in user_dict.values():
    for item in all_items:
      if item not in ratings:







def calculateSimilarItems(prefs, n = 10):
    # 建立字典,以給出與這些物品最爲相近的所有其他物品
    result = {}
    # 以物品爲中心對偏好矩陣實施倒置處理
    itemPrefs = transformPrefs(prefs)
    c = 0
    for item in itemPrefs:
        # 針對大數據集更新狀態變量
        c += 1
        if c % 100 == 0:print ("%d / %d") % (c, len(itemPrefs))
        # 尋找最爲相近的物品
        scores = topMatches(itemPrefs, item, n = n, similarity = sim_distance)
        result[item] = scores
    return result # 返回一個包含物品及其最相近物品列表的字典


>>> import recommendation
>>> itemsim=recommendation.calculateSimilarItems(recommendation.critics)
>>> itemsim
{'Lady in the Water': [(0.4494897427831781, 'You, Me and Dupree'), (0.38742588672279304, 'The Night Listener'), (0.3483314773547883, 'Snake on a Plane'), (0.3483314773547883, 'Just My Luck'), (0.2402530733520421, 'Superman Returns')], 'Snake on a Plane': [(0.3483314773547883, 'Lady in the Water'), (0.32037724101704074, 'The Night Listener'), (0.3090169943749474, 'Superman Returns'), (0.2553967929896867, 'Just My Luck'), (0.1886378647726465, 'You, Me and Dupree')], 'Just My Luck': [(0.3483314773547883, 'Lady in the Water'), (0.32037724101704074, 'You, Me and Dupree'), (0.2989350844248255, 'The Night Listener'), (0.2553967929896867, 'Snake on a Plane'), (0.20799159651347807, 'Superman Returns')], 'Superman Returns': [(0.3090169943749474, 'Snake on a Plane'), (0.252650308587072, 'The Night Listener'), (0.2402530733520421, 'Lady in the Water'), (0.20799159651347807, 'Just My Luck'), (0.1918253663634734, 'You, Me and Dupree')], 'You, Me and Dupree': [(0.4494897427831781, 'Lady in the Water'), (0.32037724101704074, 'Just My Luck'), (0.29429805508554946, 'The Night Listener'), (0.1918253663634734, 'Superman Returns'), (0.1886378647726465, 'Snake on a Plane')], 'The Night Listener': [(0.38742588672279304, 'Lady in the Water'), (0.32037724101704074, 'Snake on a Plane'), (0.2989350844248255, 'Just My Luck'), (0.29429805508554946, 'You, Me and Dupree'), (0.252650308587072, 'Superman Returns')]}



def getRecommendedItems(prefs, itemMatch, user):#itemMatch 物品相似度矩陣
    userRatings = prefs[user]
    scores = {}
    totalSim = {}
    # 循環遍歷由當前用戶評分的物品
    for (item, rating) in userRatings.items(): # dict.items() 此方法返回元組對的列表。
        # 尋遍遍歷與當前物品相似的物品
        for (similarity, item2) in itemMatch[item]:
            # 如果該用戶已經對當前物品做過評價,則將其忽略
            if item2 in userRatings: continue
            # 評價值與相似度的加權之和
            scores.setdefault(item2, 0) # setdefault 見前面註釋
            scores[item2] += similarity * rating
            # 全部相似度之和
            totalSim.setdefault(item2, 0)
            totalSim[item2] += similarity
        # 將每個合計值除以加權和,求出平均值
    rankings = [(score / totalSim[item], item) for item, score in scores.items()]
        # 按最高值到最低值的順序,返回評分結果
    return rankings


>>> import recommendation
>>> itemsim=recommendation.calculateSimilarItems(recommendation.critics)
>>> recommendation.getRecommendedItems(recommendation.critics,itemsim,'Toby')
[(3.1667425234070894, 'The Night Listener'), (2.9366294028444346, 'Just My Luck'), (2.868767392626467, 'Lady in the Water')]





def loadMovieLens(path = '/data/ml-latest-small'):
    # 獲取影片標題
    movies = {}
    for line in open(path + '/movies.csv'):
        (movieId, title, genres) = line.split('\t')[0:2] # 這裏文件中第三列是影片類型,略作修改
        movies[id] = title # 把 title 和 id對應
    # 加載數據
    prefs = {}
    for line in open(path + '/ratings.csv'):
        (user, movieid, rating, ts) = line.split('\t') # 分割
        prefs.setdefault(user, {})
        prefs[user][movies[movieid]] = float(rating)
    return prefs



def loadMovieLens(path='./data/my-small'):
    import csv
    # 獲取影片標題
    movies = {}
    with open(path + '/movies.csv') as movies_file:
        row = csv.reader(movies_file,delimiter='\t')
        next(row)  # 讀取首行
        id = [] #建立一個數組來存電影id
        title =[] #建立一個數組來存電影名稱
        for r in row:
            movies[id] = title  # 把 title 和 id對應
    # 加載數據
    prefs = {}
    with open(path + '/ratings.csv') as ratings_file:
        row = csv.reader(ratings_file,delimiter=',')
        next(row)  # 讀取首行
        user = []  # 建立一個數組來存用戶id
        movieid = []  # 建立一個數組來存電影id
        rating = []  # 建立一個數組來存用戶對電影的評價分數
        ts = []  # 建立一個數組來存記錄的時間戳
        # line = line.strip()
        # 讀取除首行之後每一行的的數據,並將其加入到各數組之中
        for r in row:
            prefs.setdefault(user, {})
            #prefs[user][movies[movieid]] = float(rating)
            prefs[user][movies[movieid]] = rating
        # print(rating[50])
    return prefs



def loadMovieLens(path='./data/my-small'):
    import csv
    # 獲取影片標題
    movies = {}
    for line in open(path + '/movies.csv'):
        (id, title) = line.split('\t')[0:2]  # 這裏文件中第三列是影片類型,略作修改
        movies[id] = title  # 把 title 和 id對應
    # 加載數據
    prefs = {}
    with open('./data/my-small/ratings.csv') as csv_file:
        row = csv.reader(csv_file,delimiter=',')
        next(row) #讀取首行
        ratings = [] #建立一個數組來存儲評價數據
        for r in row:
            ratings.append(float(r[2])) #將字符串轉換爲浮點型加入到數組之中
    i = 0
    for line in open(path + '/ratings.csv'):
        if(i==len(ratings)): break
        (user, movieid, rating, ts) = line.split(',')  # 分割
        prefs.setdefault(user, {})
        prefs[user][movies[movieid]] = ratings[i]
    return prefs


import recommendation



itemsim = recommendation.calculateSimilarItems(prefs,50)


if c % 100 == 0: print("%d / %d" % (c, len(itemPrefs)))



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