
QAccel 處理鍵盤加速器和快捷鍵 Handles keyboard accelerator and shortcut keys
QAccessible Enums與可達性的靜態函數 Enums and static functions relating to accessibility
QAccessibleInterface 定義一個接口,該接口公開有關可訪問對象的信息。 Defines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects
QAccessibleObject 爲QObjor實現QAccess接口的部分 Implements parts of the QAccessibleInterface for QObjects
QAction 可以在菜單和工具欄中顯示的抽象用戶界面動作 Abstract user interface action that can appear both in menus and tool bars
QActionGroup 集體行動 Groups actions together
QApplication 管理GUI應用程序的控制流程和主要設置 Manages the GUI application's control flow and main settings
QAsciiCache 基於char *鍵提供緩存的模板類 Template class that provides a cache based on char* keys
QAsciiCacheIterator Qasciicache Collections Iterator Iterator for QAsciiCache collections
QAsciiDict 基於char *鍵提供字典的模板類 Template class that provides a dictionary based on char* keys
QAsciiDictIterator QasiIDICT集合的迭代器 Iterator for QAsciiDict collections
QBitArray 位數組 Array of bits
QBitVal 內部類,與QBITAL數組一起使用 Internal class, used with QBitArray
QBitmap 單色(1位深度)像素映射 Monochrome (1-bit depth) pixmaps
QBoxLayout 水平或垂直排列子控件 Lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically
QBrush 定義Qu畫師繪製的形狀的填充模式。 Defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by a QPainter
QBuffer 在QByTurrar上操作的I/O設備 I/O device that operates on a QByteArray
QButton 按鈕小部件的抽象基類,提供按鈕常用的功能 The abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons
QButtonGroup Organizes QButton widgets in a group Organizes QButton widgets in a group
QByteArray 字節數組 Array of bytes
QCDEStyle 外觀與感覺 CDE look and feel
QCString 經典C零結尾字符數組(CHAR*)的抽象 Abstraction of the classic C zero-terminated char array (char *)
QCache 基於QSql鍵提供緩存的模板類 Template class that provides a cache based on QString keys
QCacheIterator QCHASE收藏品 Iterator for QCache collections
QCanvas 可以包含QCANVAISTION對象的2D區域 2D area that can contain QCanvasItem objects
QCanvasEllipse 在QCANVAS上的橢圓或橢圓段 Ellipse or ellipse segment on a QCanvas
QCanvasItem QCANVAS上的抽象圖形對象 Abstract graphic object on a QCanvas
QCanvasItemList QCANASAS項目列表 List of QCanvasItems
QCanvasLine 在QCANVAS上的行 Line on a QCanvas
QCanvasPixmap QCANVASPITS的像素映射 Pixmaps for QCanvasSprites
QCanvasPixmapArray QCANVISPIX映射數組 Array of QCanvasPixmaps
QCanvasPolygon 有QCANVAS的多邊形 Polygon on a QCanvas
QCanvasPolygonalItem QCANVAS多邊形 Polygonal canvas item on a QCanvas
QCanvasRectangle 有QCANVAS的矩形 Rectangle on a QCanvas
QCanvasSpline 在QCANVAS上的多個Bezier樣條函數 Multi-bezier splines on a QCanvas
QCanvasSprite 活躍的歌唱 Animated canvas item on a QCanvas
QCanvasText QCANVAS上的文本對象 Text object on a QCanvas
QCanvasView 關於QCANVAS的屏幕視圖 On-screen view of a QCanvas
QChar 輕量級Unicode字符 Lightweight Unicode character
QCharRef q字符串的幫助類 Helper class for QString
QCheckBox Checkbox with a text label Checkbox with a text label
QCheckListItem 可檢查列表視圖項 Checkable list view items
QCheckTableItem Qtables中的檢查 Checkboxes in QTables
QChildEvent 子對象事件的事件參數 Event parameters for child object events
QClipboard 訪問窗口系統剪貼板 Access to the window system clipboard
QCloseEvent 描述關閉事件的參數 Parameters that describe a close event
QColor 基於RGB或HSV值的顏色 Colors based on RGB or HSV values
QColorDialog 指定顏色的對話窗口小部件 Dialog widget for specifying colors
QColorDrag 拖拽顏色轉移對象 Drag and drop object for transferring colors
QColorGroup 小部件顏色組 Group of widget colors
QComboBox 組合按鈕和彈出列表 Combined button and popup list
QComboTableItem QTables使用組合框的方法 Means of using comboboxes in QTables
QCommonStyle 封裝GUI的常見外觀和感覺 Encapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUI
QConstString 使用常數Unicode數據的字符串對象 String objects using constant Unicode data
QContextMenuEvent 描述上下文菜單事件的參數 Parameters that describe a context menu event
QCopChannel 幾個客戶之間的通信能力 Communication capabilities between several clients
QCursor 任意形狀的鼠標光標 Mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape
QCustomEvent 支持自定義事件 Support for custom events
QCustomMenuItem 在彈出菜單中自定義自定義菜單項的基類 Abstract base class for custom menu items in popup menus
QDataBrowser 數據錄入窗體的數據操作和導航 Data manipulation and navigation for data entry forms
QDataStream 二進制數據到Qoo裝置的串行化 Serialization of binary data to a QIODevice
QDataTable 支持瀏覽和編輯的靈活SQL表小部件 Flexible SQL table widget that supports browsing and editing
QDataView 只讀SQL表單 Read-only SQL forms
QDate 日期函數 Date functions
QDateEdit 日期編輯器 Date editor
QDateTime 日期和時間函數 Date and time functions
QDateTimeEdit 將QDATEEDIT和QTimeEngEnter控件合併爲編輯日期的單個窗口小部件 Combines a QDateEdit and QTimeEdit widget into a single widget for editing datetimes
QDesktopWidget 多頭系統屏幕信息的獲取 Access to screen information on multi-head systems
QDial 圓形範圍控制(如速度計或電位器) Rounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer)
QDialog 對話框窗口的基類 The base class of dialog windows
QDict 基於QStand鍵提供字典的模板類 Template class that provides a dictionary based on QString keys
QDictIterator qdit集合的迭代器 Iterator for QDict collections
QDir 以平臺無關的方式訪問目錄結構及其內容 Access to directory structures and their contents in a platform-independent way
QDirectPainter 直接訪問視頻硬件 Direct access to the video hardware
QDns 異步DNS查找 Asynchronous DNS lookups
QDockArea 管理和配置QDOKWindows Manages and lays out QDockWindows
QDockWindow 可以在QDOCKEATE中停靠或作爲桌面上的頂級窗口浮動的小部件 Widget which can be docked inside a QDockArea or floated as a top level window on the desktop
QDomAttr 表示QDOME元素的一個屬性。 Represents one attribute of a QDomElement
QDomCDATASection 表示XML cDATA節。 Represents an XML CDATA section
QDomCharacterData 表示DOM中的通用字符串。 Represents a generic string in the DOM
QDomComment 表示XML註釋 Represents an XML comment
QDomDocument 表示XML文檔 Represents an XML document
QDomDocumentFragment QDONTUNE的樹,通常不是完整的QDOM文檔 Tree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocument
QDomDocumentType 文檔樹中DTD的表示 The representation of the DTD in the document tree
QDomElement 表示DOM樹中的一個元素 Represents one element in the DOM tree
QDomEntity 表示XML實體 Represents an XML entity
QDomEntityReference 表示XML實體引用。 Represents an XML entity reference
QDomImplementation DOM實現的特徵信息 Information about the features of the DOM implementation
QDomNamedNodeMap 可以通過名稱訪問的節點的集合 Collection of nodes that can be accessed by name
QDomNode DOM樹中所有節點的基類 The base class for all the nodes in a DOM tree
QDomNodeList QDomNode對象列表 List of QDomNode objects
QDomNotation 表示XML表示法。 Represents an XML notation
QDomProcessingInstruction 表示XML處理指令。 Represents an XML processing instruction
QDomText 表示解析的XML文檔中的文本數據。 Represents text data in the parsed XML document
QDoubleValidator 浮點數的範圍檢驗 Range checking of floating-point numbers
QDragEnterEvent 事件,當拖放首先拖動到控件上時,該事件被髮送到控件。 Event which is sent to the widget when a drag and drop first drags onto the widget
QDragLeaveEvent 當拖放離開控件時發送到控件的事件 Event which is sent to the widget when a drag and drop leaves the widget
QDragMoveEvent 在拖放過程中發送的事件。 Event which is sent while a drag and drop is in progress
QDragObject 封裝基於MIME的數據傳輸 Encapsulates MIME-based data transfer
QDropEvent 當拖放完成時發送的事件 Event which is sent when a drag and drop is completed
QEditorFactory 用於創建qFATA數據類型的編輯器小部件 Used to create editor widgets for QVariant data types
QErrorMessage 錯誤信息顯示對話框 Error message display dialog
QEucJpCodec EUC-JP字符集的轉換 Conversion to and from EUC-JP character sets
QEucKrCodec EK-KR字符集的轉換 Conversion to and from EUC-KR character sets
QEvent 所有事件類的基類。事件對象包含事件參數 The base class of all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters
QFile 對文件進行操作的I/O設備 I/O device that operates on files
QFileDialog 允許用戶選擇文件或目錄的對話框 Dialogs that allow users to select files or directories
QFileIconProvider 使用QFielDeCalax的圖標 Icons for QFileDialog to use
QFileInfo 系統無關文件信息 System-independent file information
QFilePreview QFileDialog中的文件預覽 File previewing in QFileDialog
QFocusData 維護焦點鏈中的小部件列表 Maintains the list of widgets in the focus chain
QFocusEvent 控件焦點事件的事件參數 Event parameters for widget focus events
QFont 用於繪製文本的字體 Font used for drawing text
QFontDatabase 有關底層窗口系統中可用字體的信息 Information about the fonts available in the underlying window system
QFontDialog 用於選擇字體的對話框小部件 Dialog widget for selecting a font
QFontInfo 字體的一般信息 General information about fonts
QFontManager 實現Qt/Engt中的字體管理 Implements font management in Qt/Embedded
QFontMetrics 字體度量信息 Font metrics information
QFrame 可以有框架的小部件的基類 The base class of widgets that can have a frame
QFtp FTP協議的實現 Implementation of the FTP protocol
QGL Qt OpenGL模塊中雜項標識符的命名空間 Namespace for miscellaneous identifiers in the Qt OpenGL module
QGLColormap 用於將自定義顏色映射安裝到QGLIDWET中 Used for installing custom colormaps into QGLWidgets
QGLContext 封裝OpenGL渲染上下文 Encapsulates an OpenGL rendering context
QGLFormat OpenGL渲染上下文的顯示格式 The display format of an OpenGL rendering context
QGLWidget Widget for rendering OpenGL graphics Widget for rendering OpenGL graphics
QGLayoutIterator 抽象的內部佈局迭代器基類 Abstract base class of internal layout iterators
QGb18030Codec 中國GB18030/GBK/GB23編碼轉換 Conversion to and from the Chinese GB18030/GBK/GB2312 encoding
QGbkCodec 中文GBK編碼的轉換與轉換 Conversion to and from the Chinese GBK encoding
QGrid 兒童簡易幾何管理 Simple geometry management of its children
QGridLayout 在網格中設置小部件 Lays out widgets in a grid
QGridView 固定尺寸網格抽象庫 Abstract base for fixed-size grids
QGroupBox 帶標題的羣箱框架 Group box frame with a title
QGuardedPtr 爲QObjs提供保護指針的模板類 Template class that provides guarded pointers to QObjects
QHBox 子控件的水平幾何管理 Horizontal geometry management for its child widgets
QHBoxLayout 水平排列小部件 Lines up widgets horizontally
QHButtonGroup 在一個水平行的組中組織QButt小部件 Organizes QButton widgets in a group with one horizontal row
QHGroupBox 在具有一個水平行的組中組織小部件 Organizes widgets in a group with one horizontal row
QHeader 標題行或列,例如表和列表視圖 Header row or column, e.g. for tables and listviews
QHebrewCodec 視覺有序希伯來語的轉換 Conversion to and from visually ordered Hebrew
QHideEvent 事件是在小部件被隱藏之後發送的 Event which is sent after a widget is hidden
QHostAddress IP地址 IP address
QHttp 互聯網協議的執行 Implementation of the HTTP protocol
QIMEvent 輸入法事件的參數 Parameters for input method events
QIODevice I/O設備的基類 The base class of I/O devices
QIconDrag 支持QCONVIEW中的拖放操作 Supports drag and drop operations within a QIconView
QIconDragItem 封裝阻力項目 Encapsulates a drag item
QIconSet 不同風格和尺寸的圖標集 Set of icons with different styles and sizes
QIconView 帶可移動標記圖標的區域 Area with movable labelled icons
QIconViewItem 單曲的一個主題 Single item in a QIconView
QImage 與像素數據直接存取的獨立於硬件的PixMax表示 Hardware-independent pixmap representation with direct access to the pixel data
QImageConsumer QIMADEDECODER使用的抽象 Abstraction used by QImageDecoder
QImageDecoder 用於所有支持圖像格式的增量圖像解碼器 Incremental image decoder for all supported image formats
QImageDrag 拖動圖像傳輸對象 Drag and drop object for transferring images
QImageFormat 用於特定圖像格式的增量圖像解碼器 Incremental image decoder for a specific image format
QImageFormatPlugin 自定義圖像格式插件的抽象基礎 Abstract base for custom image format plugins
QImageFormatType 製作QiFig格式對象的工廠 Factory that makes QImageFormat objects
QImageIO 加載和保存圖像的參數 Parameters for loading and saving images
QInputDialog 簡單方便對話框從用戶獲取單個值 Simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user
QIntCache 基於長鍵提供緩存的模板類 Template class that provides a cache based on long keys
QIntCacheIterator 秦嶺藏品 Iterator for QIntCache collections
QIntDict 基於長鍵提供字典的模板類 Template class that provides a dictionary based on long keys
QIntDictIterator 琴蒂系列 Iterator for QIntDict collections
QIntValidator 確保字符串在指定範圍內包含有效整數的驗證器 Validator which ensures that a string contains a valid integer within a specified range
QJisCodec JIS字符集的轉換與轉換 Conversion to and from JIS character sets
QKeyEvent 描述關鍵事件 Describes a key event
QKeySequence 封裝加速器所使用的密鑰序列 Encapsulates a key sequence as used by accelerators
QLCDNumber 顯示一個帶有LCD數字的數字 Displays a number with LCD-like digits
QLabel 文字或圖像顯示 Text or image display
QLayout 幾何管理器的基類 The base class of geometry managers
QLayoutItem 一個Q佈局的抽象項操作 Abstract item that a QLayout manipulates
QLayoutIterator Qlayoutitem之上的 Iterators over QLayoutItem
QLibrary 處理共享庫的包裝器 Wrapper for handling shared libraries
QLineEdit One-line text editor One-line text editor
QListBox 可選擇只讀項目列表 List of selectable, read-only items
QListBoxItem 所有列表框項的基類 The base class of all list box items
QListBoxPixmap 用PixMax和可選文本列出框項 List box items with a pixmap and optional text
QListBoxText 列出顯示文本的框項 List box items that display text
QListView 實現列表/樹視圖 Implements a list/tree view
QListViewItem 實現列表視圖項 Implements a list view item
QListViewItemIterator qListVIEW項集合的迭代器 Iterator for collections of QListViewItems
QLocalFs 在本地文件系統上工作的QNETWork協議的實現 Implementation of a QNetworkProtocol that works on the local file system
QLock 系統V共享信號量的包裝器 Wrapper for a System V shared semaphore
QMainWindow 主應用程序窗口,帶有菜單欄、停靠窗口(例如工具欄)和狀態欄 Main application window, with a menu bar, dock windows (e.g. for toolbars), and a status bar
QMap 基於值的提供字典的模板類 Value-based template class that provides a dictionary
QMapConstIterator QMAP迭代器 Iterator for QMap
QMapIterator QMAP迭代器 Iterator for QMap
QMemArray 提供簡單類型數組的模板類 Template class that provides arrays of simple types
QMenuBar 水平菜單欄 Horizontal menu bar
QMenuData QueNuBar和QPopupMenu的基類 Base class for QMenuBar and QPopupMenu
QMessageBox 模態對話框與短消息,圖標,和一些按鈕 Modal dialog with a short message, an icon, and some buttons
QMetaObject 關於QT對象的元信息 Meta information about Qt objects
QMetaProperty Stores meta data about a property Stores meta data about a property
QMimeSource 提供某種MIME類型的格式化數據的對象的抽象 Abstraction of objects which provide formatted data of a certain MIME type
QMimeSourceFactory MIME類型數據的可擴展提供程序 Extensible provider of mime-typed data
QMotifPlusStyle 更復雜的主題外觀和感覺 More sophisticated Motif-ish look and feel
QMotifStyle 主題外觀 Motif look and feel
QMouseEvent 描述鼠標事件的參數 Parameters that describe a mouse event
QMoveEvent 移動事件的事件參數 Event parameters for move events
QMovie 動畫或圖像的增量加載,隨着其進程的信號傳遞 Incremental loading of animations or images, signalling as it progresses
QMutex 線程間的訪問序列化 Access serialization between threads
QNPInstance QObjt是一個Web瀏覽器插件 QObject that is a Web-browser plugin
QNPStream 瀏覽器提供給QNPNase實例的數據流 Stream of data provided to a QNPInstance by the browser
QNPWidget QWIDGET,這是一個Web瀏覽器插件窗口 QWidget that is a Web-browser plugin window
QNPlugin 插件中心工廠 The plugin central factory
QNetworkOperation 網絡協議的通用操作 Common operations for network protocols
QNetworkProtocol 網絡協議通用API Common API for network protocols
QObject 所有QT對象的基類 The base class of all Qt objects
QObjectCleanupHandler 監視多個QObjices的生存期 Watches the lifetime of multiple QObjects
QObjectList Q對象的QPTRLIST QPtrList of QObjects
QObjectListIt qObjtRealts的迭代器 Iterator for QObjectLists
QPNGImagePacker 創建良好壓縮的PNG動畫 Creates well-compressed PNG animations
QPaintDevice 可以畫的對象的基類 The base class of objects that can be painted
QPaintDeviceMetrics 關於油漆裝置的信息 Information about a paint device
QPaintEvent 繪製事件的事件參數 Event parameters for paint events
QPainter 低級繪畫嗎? Does low-level painting e.g. on widgets
QPair 基於值的模板類,它提供一對元素 Value-based template class that provides a pair of elements
QPalette 每個小部件狀態的顏色組 Color groups for each widget state
QPen 定義q畫家如何繪製線條和形狀輪廓 Defines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes
QPicture 記錄和重放QPrice命令的繪圖設備 Paint device that records and replays QPainter commands
QPixmap 基於屏幕的基於像素的油漆裝置 Off-screen, pixel-based paint device
QPixmapCache 應用全局緩存的PIXMAP Application-global cache for pixmaps
QPlatinumStyle MAC /鉑金外觀 Mac/Platinum look and feel
QPoint 定義平面中的一個點 Defines a point in the plane
QPointArray 點數組 Array of points
QPopupMenu 彈出菜單控件 Popup menu widget
QPrinter 在打印機上噴漆的油漆裝置 Paint device that paints on a printer
QProcess 用於啓動外部程序並與它們通信 Used to start external programs and to communicate with them
QProgressBar 水平進度條 Horizontal progress bar
QProgressDialog 慢操作進展反饋 Feedback on the progress of a slow operation
QPtrCollection 基於指針的QT集合的基類 The base class of most pointer-based Qt collections
QPtrDict 基於空隙*鍵提供字典的模板類 Template class that provides a dictionary based on void* keys
QPtrDictIterator Iterator for QPTRDICT collections Iterator for QPtrDict collections
QPtrList 提供雙鏈表的模板類 Template class that provides doubly-linked lists
QPtrListIterator QPTRIST集合的迭代器 Iterator for QPtrList collections
QPtrQueue 提供隊列的模板類 Template class that provides a queue
QPtrStack 提供堆棧的模板類 Template class that provides a stack
QPtrVector 提供向量(數組)的模板集合類 Template collection class that provides a vector (array)
QPushButton 命令按鈕 Command button
QRadioButton 帶有文本或PIMAP標籤的單選按鈕 Radio button with a text or pixmap label
QRangeControl 範圍內的整數值 Integer value within a range
QRect 在平面中定義矩形 Defines a rectangle in the plane
QRegExp 正則表達式的模式匹配 Pattern matching using regular expressions
QRegExpValidator 用於檢查字符串正則表達式 Used to check a string against aregular expression
QRegion 畫家的剪輯區域 Clip region for a painter
QResizeEvent 調整大小事件的事件參數 Event parameters for resize events
QSGIStyle SGI/IIX外觀與感覺 SGI/Irix look and feel
QScreen 它的後代管理框架緩衝區和調色板。 And its descendants manage the framebuffer and palette
QScrollBar 垂直或水平滾動條 Vertical or horizontal scroll bar
QScrollView 按需滾動條滾動區域 Scrolling area with on-demand scroll bars
QSemaphore 穩健整數信號量 Robust integer semaphore
QServerSocket 基於TCP的服務器 TCP-based server
QSessionManager 訪問會話管理器 Access to the session manager
QSettings 持久平臺無關應用程序設置 Persistent platform-independent application settings
QShowEvent 顯示小部件時發送的事件 Event which is sent when a widget is shown
QSignal 可以用於爲不繼承QObjt的類發送信號。 Can be used to send signals for classes that don't inherit QObject
QSignalMapper Bundles signals from identifiable senders Bundles signals from identifiable senders
QSimpleRichText 可顯示的小文本 Small displayable piece of rich text
QSize 定義二維對象的大小 Defines the size of a two-dimensional object
QSizeGrip 用於調整頂層窗口大小的角柄 Corner-grip for resizing a top-level window
QSizePolicy 描述水平和垂直調整大小策略的佈局屬性 Layout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy
QSjisCodec 轉換到JIS的轉換 Conversion to and from Shift-JIS
QSlider 垂直或水平滑塊 Vertical or horizontal slider
QSocket 緩衝TCP連接 Buffered TCP connection
QSocketDevice 與平臺無關的低級套接字API Platform-independent low-level socket API
QSocketNotifier 支持套接字回調 Support for socket callbacks
QSound 平臺音頻設備的接入 Access to the platform audio facilities
QSpacerItem 佈局中的空白 Blank space in a layout
QSpinBox Spin box widget (spin button) Spin box widget (spin button)
QSplitter 實現拆分器控件 Implements a splitter widget
QSql 需要全局性的QT-SQL標識符的命名空間 Namespace for Qt SQL identifiers that need to be global-like
QSqlCursor 瀏覽和編輯SQL表和視圖 Browsing and editing of SQL tables and views
QSqlDatabase 用於創建SQL數據庫連接並提供事務處理 Used to create SQL database connections and provide transaction handling
QSqlDriver 用於訪問SQL數據庫的抽象基類 Abstract base class for accessing SQL databases
QSqlDriverPlugin 自定義QSql驅動程序插件的抽象基礎 Abstract base for custom QSqlDriver plugins
QSqlEditorFactory 用於創建QDATABLE和QSqlForm所使用的編輯器 Used to create the editors used by QDataTable and QSqlForm
QSqlError SQL數據庫錯誤信息 SQL database error information
QSqlField 操作SQL數據庫表和視圖中的字段 Manipulates the fields in SQL database tables and views
QSqlFieldInfo 存儲與SQL字段相關聯的元數據 Stores meta data associated with a SQL field
QSqlForm 創建和管理綁定到SQL數據庫的數據輸入窗體 Creates and manages data entry forms tied to SQL databases
QSqlIndex 操作和描述QSql遊標和QSqlDatabase索引的函數 Functions to manipulate and describe QSqlCursor and QSqlDatabase indexes
QSqlPropertyMap 用於將窗口小部件映射到SQL字段 Used to map widgets to SQL fields
QSqlQuery 執行和操作SQL語句的方法 Means of executing and manipulating SQL statements
QSqlRecord 封裝數據庫記錄,即一組數據庫字段。 Encapsulates a database record, i.e. a set of database fields
QSqlRecordInfo 封裝一組數據庫字段元數據 Encapsulates a set of database field meta data
QSqlResult 從SQL數據庫訪問數據的抽象接口 Abstract interface for accessing data from SQL databases
QStatusBar 適用於顯示狀態信息的橫杆 Horizontal bar suitable for presenting status information
QStoredDrag 任意MIME數據的簡單存儲值拖動對象 Simple stored-value drag object for arbitrary MIME data
QStrIList 與不區分大小寫比較的CHAR*雙鏈表 Doubly-linked list of char* with case-insensitive comparison
QStrList 字符的雙鏈表 Doubly-linked list of char*
QStrListIterator QSTRIST和QSTRILIST類的迭代器 Iterator for the QStrList and QStrIList classes
QString Unicode文本和經典C空終止字符數組的抽象 Abstraction of Unicode text and the classic C null-terminated char array
QStringList 字符串表 List of strings
QStyle GUI的外觀和感覺 The look and feel of a GUI
QStyleFactory 創建qStar對象 Creates QStyle objects
QStyleOption qStle函數的可選參數 Optional parameters for QStyle functions
QStylePlugin 自定義QSLUE插件抽象庫 Abstract base for custom QStyle plugins
QStyleSheet 用於豐富文本渲染的樣式集合和標籤生成器 Collection of styles for rich text rendering and a generator of tags
QStyleSheetItem 一組文本樣式的封裝 Encapsulation of a set of text styles
QTab QTabar中的結構 The structures in a QTabBar
QTabBar 標籤欄,例如在標籤對話框中使用 Tab bar, e.g. for use in tabbed dialogs
QTabDialog 選項卡小部件的堆棧 Stack of tabbed widgets
QTabWidget 選項卡小部件的堆棧 Stack of tabbed widgets
QTable 靈活可編輯表控件 Flexible editable table widget
QTableItem QTABLE細胞的細胞含量 The cell content for QTable cells
QTableSelection 在QTABLE中訪問選定區域 Access to a selected area in a QTable
QTabletEvent 描述平板事件的參數 Parameters that describe a Tablet event
QTextBrowser 具有超文本導航的富文本瀏覽器 Rich text browser with hypertext navigation
QTextCodec 文本編碼之間的轉換 Conversion between text encodings
QTextCodecPlugin 自定義QTraceCDEC插件抽象庫 Abstract base for custom QTextCodec plugins
QTextDecoder 狀態譯碼器 State-based decoder
QTextDrag 拖動對象以傳遞普通和Unicode文本 Drag and drop object for transferring plain and Unicode text
QTextEdit 強大的單頁富文本編輯器 Powerful single-page rich text editor
QTextEncoder 狀態編碼器 State-based encoder
QTextIStream 輸入流的便利類 Convenience class for input streams
QTextOStream 輸出流的便利類 Convenience class for output streams
QTextStream 使用Qoo裝置閱讀和書寫文本的基本功能 Basic functions for reading and writing text using a QIODevice
QThread 獨立於平臺的線程 Platform-independent threads
QTime 時鐘時間函數 Clock time functions
QTimeEdit 時間編輯器 Time editor
QTimer 計時器信號和單炮計時器 Timer signals and single-shot timers
QTimerEvent 描述定時器事件的參數 Parameters that describe a timer event
QToolBar 包含工具按鈕等小部件的活動面板 Movable panel containing widgets such as tool buttons
QToolButton 命令或選項的快速訪問按鈕,通常用於QTooBar中 Quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBar
QToolTip 小工具的任何小部件或矩形部分的工具提示(氣球幫助) Tool tips (balloon help) for any widget or rectangular part of a widget
QToolTipGroup 將工具提示收集到相關組中 Collects tool tips into related groups
QTranslator 國際化支持文本輸出 Internationalizationsupport for text output
QTranslatorMessage 翻譯器消息及其性質 Translator message and its properties
QTsciiCodec TAMIL TSCII編碼的轉換與轉換 Conversion to and from the Tamil TSCII encoding
QUriDrag 拖動對象以獲取URI引用的列表 Drag object for a list of URI references
QUrl URL解析器,簡化了URL的工作 URL parser and simplifies working with URLs
QUrlInfo Stores information about URLs Stores information about URLs
QUrlOperator URL的通用操作 Common operations on URLs
QVBox 子控件的垂直幾何管理 Vertical geometry management of its child widgets
QVBoxLayout 垂直排列小部件 Lines up widgets vertically
QVButtonGroup 在垂直列中組織QButt小部件 Organizes QButton widgets in a vertical column
QVGroupBox 在垂直列中組織一組小部件 Organizes a group of widgets in a vertical column
QValidator 輸入文本的驗證 Validation of input text
QValueList 提供雙鏈表的基於值的模板類 Value-based template class that provides doubly linked lists
QValueListConstIterator QValeleListconst迭代器 Const iterator for QValueList
QValueListIterator qValeleListIt的迭代器 Iterator for QValueList
QValueStack 提供堆棧的基於值的模板類 Value-based template class that provides a stack
QValueVector 提供動態數組的基於值的模板類 Value-based template class that provides a dynamic array
QVariant 就像最常見的QT數據類型的聯合 Acts like a union for the most common Qt data types
QWMatrix 座標系的二維變換 2D transformations of a coordinate system
QWSDecoration 允許定製Qt/Ent+窗口管理器的外觀 Allows the appearance of the Qt/Embedded Window Manager to be customized
QWSKeyboardHandler 實現Qt/Engt的鍵盤驅動程序/處理器 Implements the keyboard driver/handler for Qt/Embedded
QWSMouseHandler QT/嵌入式鼠標驅動程序/處理程序 Mouse driver/handler for Qt/Embedded
QWSServer Qt/Engin中的服務器特定功能 Server-specific functionality in Qt/Embedded
QWSWindow Qt/Engin中的服務器特定功能 Server-specific functionality in Qt/Embedded
QWaitCondition 允許等待/喚醒線程間的條件 Allows waiting/waking for conditions between threads
QWhatsThis 簡單描述任何小部件,即回答“這是什麼?” Simple description of any widget, i.e. answering the question "What's this?"
QWheelEvent 描述車輪事件的參數 Parameters that describe a wheel event
QWidget 所有用戶界面對象的基類 The base class of all user interface objects
QWidgetFactory 從Qt設計器.UI文件中動態創建小部件 For the dynamic creation of widgets from Qt Designer .ui files
QWidgetItem 表示小部件的佈局項目 Layout item that represents a widget
QWidgetPlugin 自定義QWIDGET插件的抽象基礎 Abstract base for custom QWidget plugins
QWidgetStack 只顯示頂部控件的小部件堆棧是用戶可見的 Stack of widgets of which only the top widget is user-visible
QWindowsMime 將標準MIME打開到窗口剪貼板格式 Maps open-standard MIME to Window Clipboard formats
QWindowsStyle 微軟視窗 Microsoft Windows-like look and feel
QWizard 嚮導對話框框架 Framework for wizard dialogs
QWorkspace Workspace window that can contain decorated windows, e.g. for MDI Workspace window that can contain decorated windows, e.g. for MDI
QXmlAttributes XML屬性 XML attributes
QXmlContentHandler 接口以報告XML數據的邏輯內容 Interface to report the logical content of XML data
QXmlDTDHandler 報告XML數據DTD內容的接口 Interface to report DTD content of XML data
QXmlDeclHandler XML數據報表聲明內容接口 Interface to report declaration content of XML data
QXmlDefaultHandler 所有XML處理程序類的默認實現 Default implementation of all XML handler classes
QXmlEntityResolver 接口解決XML數據中包含的外部實體 Interface to resolve external entities contained in XML data
QXmlErrorHandler 在XML數據中報告錯誤的接口 Interface to report errors in XML data
QXmlInputSource QXMLRead子類的輸入數據 The input data for the QXmlReader subclasses
QXmlLexicalHandler XML數據的詞彙內容報告接口 Interface to report the lexical content of XML data
QXmlLocator 具有文件內解析位置信息的XML處理程序類 The XML handler classes with information about the parsing position within a file
QXmlNamespaceSupport 希望包含命名空間支持的XML讀取器的幫助類 Helper class for XML readers which want to include namespace support
QXmlParseException 用於用QXmlErrorHandler接口報告錯誤 Used to report errors with the QXmlErrorHandler interface
QXmlReader XML閱讀器的接口(即解析器) Interface for XML readers (i.e. parsers)
QXmlSimpleReader 一個簡單的XML閱讀器(解析器)的實現 Implementation of a simple XML reader (parser)
QXtApplication 促進XT/MyTf和QT小部件的混合 Facilitates the mixing of Xt/Motif and Qt widgets
QXtWidget 允許XT/MyTf和QT小部件的混合 Allows mixing of Xt/Motif and Qt widgets
Qt 需要全局性的雜項標識符的命名空間 Namespace for miscellaneous identifiers that need to be global-like
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