BZOJ 3224 Tyvj 1728 普通平衡树 (Splay)

BZOJ 3224

让你实现一棵树,实现 插入, 删除,查询x 数的排名,查询排名为x 的数 ,求x 的前驱(前驱定义为小于x ,且最大的数), 求x 的后继(后继定义为大于x ,且最小的数)的功能。



#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const int Maxn = 100000 + 5, INF = 1 << 30;
int fa[Maxn], ch[Maxn][2], key[Maxn], s[Maxn], root, tot, cnt[Maxn];
void init()
    memset(fa, 0, sizeof fa); 
    memset(ch, 0, sizeof ch);
    memset(key, 0, sizeof key); 
    memset(s, 0, sizeof s);
    tot = root = 0;
void up(const int &u)
        s[u] = s[ch[u][0]] + s[ch[u][1]] + cnt[u];
//x become the father of y
void Rotate(const int &x, const int& d)
    int y = fa[x];
    ch[y][d^1] = ch[x][d];
    if (ch[x][d]) fa[ch[x][d]] = y;
    fa[x] = fa[y];
    if (fa[x])
        if (y == ch[fa[y]][0]) ch[fa[y]][0] = x;
        else ch[fa[y]][1] = x;
    ch[x][d] = y; fa[y] = x;
    up(y); up(x);
//tag become x's father
void splay(const int &x, const int &tag)
    while (fa[x] != tag)
        int y = fa[x];
        if (x == ch[y][0])
            if (fa[y] != tag && y == ch[fa[y]][0]) Rotate(y,1);
            if(fa[y] != tag && y == ch[fa[y]][1]) Rotate(y,0);
        if (!tag) root = x;

void ins(int &x, const int &val, const int &p)
    if (!x) {
        x = ++tot; key[x] = val; ch[x][0] = ch[x][1] = 0;
        fa[x] = p; cnt[x] = s[x] = 1; 
        int t = x;
        if (val < key[t]) ins(ch[t][0],val,t);
        else if (val > key[t]) ins(ch[t][1],val,t);
        else ++cnt[x];

void insert(const int &val)
        ins(root, val, 0); splay(tot,0);

int find(int x, const int &val)
    if (!x) return 0;
    if (val < key[x]) return find(ch[x][0],val);
    if (val > key[x]) return find(ch[x][1],val);
    splay(x, 0); 
    return x;
    //delete root
void del()
    if (cnt[root] > 1)
            --cnt[root]; --s[root]; return;
    if( !ch[root][0] )
        fa[ ch[root][1] ] = 0 ;
        root = ch[root][1];
        int cur = ch[root][0];
        while( ch[cur][1] ) cur = ch[cur][1];
        splay( cur , root );
        ch[cur][1] = ch[root][1];
        root = cur , fa[cur] = 0;
        if ( ch[root][1] ) fa[ch[root][1]] = root;
        up( root );

void Delete(const int& val)
        int k = find(root,val);
        if (k) del();

int Kth(int u, int k)
        if (!u) return 0;
        if (k <= s[ch[u][0]]) return Kth(ch[u][0],k);
        if (k > s[ch[u][0]] + cnt[u]) return Kth(ch[u][1],k-s[ch[u][0]]-cnt[u]);
        return key[u];
int Rank(int u, int val)
    if (!u) return 0;
    if (key[u] == val) return s[ch[u][0]] + 1;
    if (key[u] < val) return s[ch[u][0]] + cnt[u] + Rank(ch[u][1],val);
    else return Rank(ch[u][0],val);

int pred(int u, int val)
    if (!u) return INF;
    if (val <= key[u]) return pred(ch[u][0],val);
    int ans = pred(ch[u][1],val);
    if (ans == INF) ans = key[u];
    return ans;

int succ(int u, int val)
    if (!u) return INF;
    if (val >= key[u]) return succ(ch[u][1],val);
    int ans = succ(ch[u][0],val);
    if (ans == INF) ans = key[u];
    return ans;

int main()
    int t, op, x;
    scanf("%d", &t);
    while (t--)
        scanf("%d%d", &op, &x);
        if (op == 1) insert(x); //插入 
        else if (op == 2) Delete(x); //删除 
        else if (op == 3) printf("%d\n", Rank(root,x)); //数x的排名 
        else if (op == 4) printf("%d\n", Kth(root,x)); //排名K的数 
        else if (op == 5)printf("%d\n", pred(root,x)); //前驱 
        else printf("%d\n", succ(root,x));//后继 
    return 0;
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