aoti使用注意,越界問題以及Segmentation fault問題

int atoi( const char *str );


Interprets an integer value in a byte string pointed to by str.

Discards any whitespace characters until the first non-whitespace character is found, then takes as many characters as possible to form a valid integer number representation and converts them to an integer value. The valid integer value consists of the following parts:

  • (optional) plus or minus sign
  • numeric digits


str - pointer to the null-terminated byte string to be interpreted

Return value

Integer value corresponding to the contents of str on success. If the converted value falls out of range of corresponding return type, the return value is undefined. If no conversion can be performed, 0 is returned.

先說明下當atoi的輸入爲nullptr,會Segmentation fault


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>

int main()
    const char *str1 = "42";
    const char *str2 = "3.14159";
    const char *str3 = "31337 with words";
    const char *str4 = "words and 2";
    std::string str5 = "-122";

    int num1 = std::atoi(str1);
    int num2 = std::atoi(str2);
    int num3 = std::atoi(str3);
    int num4 = std::atoi(str4);
    int num5 = std::atoi(str5.c_str());

    std::cout << "std::atoi(\"" << str1 << "\") is " << num1 << '\n';
    std::cout << "std::atoi(\"" << str2 << "\") is " << num2 << '\n';
    std::cout << "std::atoi(\"" << str3 << "\") is " << num3 << '\n';
    std::cout << "std::atoi(\"" << str4 << "\") is " << num4 << '\n';
    std::cout << "std::atoi(\"" << str5 << "\") is " << num5 << '\n';
// output
std::atoi("42") is 42
std::atoi("3.14159") is 3
std::atoi("31337 with words") is 31337
std::atoi("words and 2") is 0
std::atoi("-122") is -122


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    string str = "12345678";
    char *ch = const_cast<char *>(str.c_str());
    int num1 = atoi(ch + 2);
    int num2 = atoi(ch + 5);
    int num3 = atoi(ch + 25); // maybe Segmentation fault

    cout << "num1 : " << num1 << endl;
    cout << "num2 : " << num2 << endl;
    cout << "num3 : " << num3 << endl;

    cout << "ch1 : " << ch + 2 << endl;
    cout << "ch2 : " << ch + 5 << endl;
    cout << "ch3 : " << ch + 25 << endl;
// output
num1 : 345678
num2 : 678
num3 : 0
ch1 : 345678
ch2 : 678
ch3 : @

在11行可能會出現Segmentation fault的問題,小概率事件,在19行的打印信息中可以看出,輸出的信息是隨的,有可能就執行了nullptr,就出現了Segmentation fault

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