


How to estimate the size of an RMAN database backup (Doc ID 1274720.1)



How to estimate the RMAN backuppiece size for a database that has never been backed up by RMAN before.




(1)使用的設備類型(DISK或SBT)決定是否使用 ‘UNUSED BLOCK COMPRESSION’ (未使用的塊壓縮)








A Complete Understanding of RMAN Compression (Doc ID 563427.1)


1. Null compression ,空壓縮

2. Unused block compression,未使用塊壓縮

3. Binary compression , 二進制壓縮


1.  Null compression -----data blocks that have never been allocated.

2.  Unused block compression -----datafile blocks that are not currently used to store data.

3.  Binary compression -----specifying "AS COMPRESSED" clause in backup command, this compression is called as binary compression.


----truncate或delete後的這種塊,是屬於2.  Unused block compression這種類型的。




System Backup to Tape. This term specifies a nondisk backup device type, typically a tape library or tape drive. RMAN supports channels of type disk and SBT.




而disk和tape的區別就是 ‘UNUSED BLOCK COMPRESSION’,disk是採用的,tape不採用,所以disk佔用空間比tape小。



UNUSED block compression can only be used by DISK backups or Oracle Secure Backup and uses space bitmap indexes in locally managed tablespaces to scan only allocated extents during backup and results in a faster backup (we dont have to scan the whole database) and can significantly reduce the size of the backup as 'dirty' blocks that are not allocated will not be scanned - see Note 563427.1:  A Complete Understanding of RMAN Compression.

---‘UNUSED BLOCK COMPRESSION’只能被在備份時用disk備份或oracle安全備份和用在本地管理表空間的空間位圖索引來才只掃描已分配的區,這樣會有更快速的備份(不需要掃描全部的數據庫),並且會顯著減少備份大小,因爲未分配的髒塊不會被掃描。


NULL compression is the process of omitting blocks that have NEVER been touch  - only 'dirty' blocks are included in the backuppiece.



Backup compression , if used will further compress the output by a factor of 2- 4 times.



To estimate the backupppiece size of an SBT backup (other than Oracle Secure Backup) you would need to know how many dirty blocks are in the WHOLE database - querying db_free_space will tell you how much free space is unallocated BUT a tape backup will scan the whole database so 'dirty' block in unallocated extents will still be included in the backuppiece. If the database contains a high percentage of 'dirty' blocks then worse case scenario is that the backuppiece size will be the same as the database size.


總結 :


若是disk備份或Oracle Secure Backup,則需要知道有多少髒塊(因爲髒塊不被掃描也不備份)。


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