you are my life

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You are My Life

Your eyes returned me to the days that had gone by

They taught me to regret the past and its wounds

That which I experienced before my eyes saw you

What is the wasted life to me?

You are my life whose morning began with your light

How much of my life before you has passed and gone by

My darling, how much of my life has gone

My heart never experienced one bit of joy before you

And had never tasted in this world anything but the flavor of injury

I've now just begun to love my life

I've now begun to fear for the passing of my lifetime

Every joy that I longed for before you was fantasy

My heart and mind meet find it in the light of your eyes

Oh life of my heart, oh you who is more precious than my life

Why didn't I meet your love, my darling, sooner?

The sweet nights and the desire and the love

For so long my heart carried them for you

Taste love with me

Taste love with love

From the feeling of my heart whose desire extended to your feeling

Give me your eyes they reflect my eyes in their world

Give me your hands their touch calms my hands

Oh my darling come on forget about that which has passed us

Oh you who is more precious than my days

Oh you who is sweeter than my dreams

Take me to your longing take me

Pull me away from the universe

Far, far away you and I

From the love that awakens our days

From the desire than sleeps our nights

I've reconciled time my days with you

I've reconciled time with you

I forgot my pains with you

And I forgot with you my woes

Your eyes called me to the days that have passed

They taught me to regret the past and its wounds

That which I experienced before my eyes saw you

What is the wasted life to me?

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