Vol. 1 Vocabulary Builder 4

                                    Vol. 1 《劍16Academic Test4 Reading Passage 2

                                                      Changes in Reading Habits

                                     What are the implications of the way we read today?

Paragraph 1

Look around on your next plane trip. The iPad is the new pacifier for babies and toddlers. Younger school-aged children read stories on smartphones; older kids don’t read at all, but hunch over video games. Parents and other passengers read on tablets or skim a flotilla of email and news feeds. Unbeknown to most of us, an invisible, game-changing transformation links everyone in this picture; the neuronal circuit that underlines the brain’s ability to read is subtly, rapidly changing and this has implications for everyone from the pre-reading toddler to the expert adult.


                                                      neuronal circuit 神經迴路


[詞彙拓展] neuron n. 神經元

circuit /'sɜːkɪt/ n.電路;迴路;一圈; v. 環行


a circuit board 電路板       

a short circuit/short circuits 短路

p.s. You know what? This one is just above/over my head.(理解不了…)


underline /ʌndə'laɪn/ v.在…下劃線;強調 (=underscore)

                                                      Look familiar? Yes!Word文檔工具欄裏的下劃線圖標。


① under prep.(介詞)低於;在…之下; adv. 在下方 adj. 下面的;


under attack 受到攻擊

underlip 下嘴脣 (=bottom lip/ lower lip)

upper lip上嘴脣

猜一猜:keep a stiff upper lip是什麼意思?(stiff adj.僵直的;僵硬的)


類似表達:Chest out, and chin up!



② line n. 線;排 v. 劃線於…;排成一列


line up v. 排隊

cross the line 越界

So what do you think? Cross the line or Not?

It’s better to cross the line and suffer the consequences than to just stare at the line for the rest of your life.

                               —Yosr El Dakhs



                                         the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力


able /'eɪb(ə)l/ adj.能夠…的;得以…的;有才幹的

be able to do sth. 有能力做某事

[後綴]  -able 形容詞後綴,“能夠…”

e.g. affordable 支付得起的    

reasonable adj. 合理的;公道的

(reason n. 理由;原因 v. 推理;思考 reason+able能夠推理的)

unable adj. 不會的,不能勝任的

[前綴]  un-否定前綴,在形容詞前表“不”

be unable to do sth. 沒有能力勝任某事

disable v. 使殘廢;使失去能力;使失去資格

[前綴]  dis-否定前綴,表“相反、相對;奪去”

disabled adj. 殘疾的;有殘缺的

disability n. 無能力;殘疾


                                              subtly /'sʌtli/adv. 敏銳地;精巧地;


subtle adj. 微妙的;難以捉摸的;狡猾的;敏感的,有辨別力的




③以-le結尾的形容詞,一般情況下去-e再加-y,如possible-possibly, probable-probably;




wikiHow裏有一篇文章How to Flirt Subtly(《如何巧妙地撩女/男生》),總結而言,分三步:

① Flirting with Eye Contact 用眼神撩

② Flirting with Body Language 用肢體語言撩

③ Becoming a Flirtatious Conversationalist 成爲會撩的健談者

p.s. flirting屬於中性詞,中文翻譯“調情”則實錘貶義。其實,flirting文化的演變很能反映西方文化由保守內斂到自由表達的轉變,我們可以從很多文學作品和影視作品裏窺見一斑。

    過去,flirt確實多爲貶義,例如在毛姆在小說The Painted Veil(《面紗》)裏寫到輕佻的Kitty時,和簡•奧斯汀在Pride and Prejudice(《傲慢與偏見》)裏寫到輕浮無知的Lydia和Kitty時,都反覆使用到了這個詞。



    當然,flirt也可以是貶義,主要看flirting的人是誰,如果是Kris Wu……


                                            rapidly /'ræpidli/ adv.迅速地;立即


同義詞(synonyms) :quickly, swiftly, speedily, hastily, hurriedly, expeditiously, briskly, promptly…


                                                      That's all for today. Bye for now!


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