

   對話模型在自然語言理解和機器智能方面是一個非常重要的任務。儘管之前已經有一些方法,但是他們受限於特定的領域(比如:預定機票)而且需要手動指定規則。在這篇文章中,我們針對這個任務展現了一種簡單的方法,這種方法使用最近被提出的sequece to sequece 框架。我們的模型通過給定之前的對話中的句子來預測下一個句子的方式進行交談。我們模型的有點就是它可以進行端到端的訓練,因此需要風少的手動指定規則。我們發現這個直接的模型可以通過一個大量的基於對話的訓練數據集生成簡單的對話。我們的初步結果指出,儘管優化了錯誤的目標函數,但是模型仍然運行的很好。它能從某個特定領域數據集和一個大量的包含噪音的電字母一般性數據集中抽取知識。在一個特定領域的IT幫助臺數據集中,模型可以衝過對話找出解決耨一個技術問題的方案。通過一個包含噪音的開放性的電影劇本數據集中,該模型可以執行簡單的形式的常識推理。正如期望的一樣,我們也發現了我們的模型一種常見的失敗模式-缺乏連貫性。





   集體來講,假設我們觀察到一個兩輪對話,第一個人說:”ABC”,第二個人說:“WXYZ”。我們可以使用一個遞歸神經網絡,如上圖1所示,訓練將”ABC”映射到“WXYZ”,當它接收到的模型的隱藏狀態序列結束符號“< EOS >”可以看作是結束。
   不同於翻譯這樣簡單的任務,一個像sequece to sequece這樣的模型將無法成功解決建模對話的問題,因爲一個明顯的簡化:目標函數優化不捕獲通過人類溝通得到的實際目標實現,這是典型的長期的基於信息交換的而不是基於下一步預測。一個模型缺乏一致性和一般的世界知識是另一個明顯的純粹的無監督模型的侷限性。


4.1 IT幫助臺故障修復數據集

4.2 開放電影字幕數據集

   我們還在開發的電影字幕數據集上測試了我們的模型。該數據集包含XML格式的電影對話。它包含電影中人物所說的話。我們使用簡單的處理步驟刪除XML標籤和明顯的非會話文本(例如:超鏈接)數據集。由於輪流說話沒有明確表示,我們將連續的句子看做是不同的角色的人說的。我們基於上一句來訓練模型來預測下一句,我們針對每一句都這麼做(注意到這是我們數據集的一杯並且每一個機組都用於上下文和目標)。我們的訓練集和驗證集是分開的,訓練集樣本是62M的序列(923令牌),驗證集26M(395M 令牌)。這樣分割是爲了似的一組序列要麼出現在訓練集中,要麼出現在測試集中但不是同時出現。不想之前的數據集,該opensubtitles是相當大的和嘈雜的,因爲連續的句子有可能是同一個任務所說。給定廣泛的電影,和技術故障排除數據集相比,這是一個開放域的會話數據集。

5.1 IT故障排除實驗

Conversation 1: VPN issues

   描述你的問題: i am having issues accessing vpn
   Machine: hi
   Human: hello
   Machine: could you please let me know what are the operating systems you are using ?
   Human: i am using linux
   Machine: ok it was in the ssl vpn on which you stated it was broken
   Machine: please check if you are logged in to corp network
   Machine: what is the error that you are running please
   Human: i am seeing an error related to vpn
   Machine: what is the error message that you are getting when connecting to vpn using network connect ?
   Human: connection refused or something like that
   Machine: may i know the version of network connect you connect ?
   Human: i am not sure i know that
   Machine: is the network connect prompting for any user certificate
   Machine: ?
   Human: yes
   Machine: are you at home or at work at the moment ?
   Machine: office ?
   Human: i am at home
   Machine: try this
   Machine: goto page and enter your name and password
   Human: done
   Machine: try logging in with and check if its working fine now
   Human: yes , now it works !
   Machine: great
   Machine: anything else that i can help
   Human: no , that was very useful
   Machine: you are other than : )
   Machine: have a nice night
Conversation 2: Browser issues.

   Describe your problem: browser keeps crashing
   Machine: hi
   Human: hi
   Machine: could you please let me know what is
   the operating system you are using ?
   Human: linux
   Machine: ok this is the issue with the system performance , nasser , tools .
   Human: what is that ?
   Machine: is it a windows machine ?
   Machine: we have linux on your machine .
   Machine: is it windows xp or windows 7 ?
   Human: i am using linux
   Machine: let me take a remote of your machine and check if issue has been pushed properly .
   Human: ok
   Machine: please open terminal and run the below commands in one computer :
   Machine: sudo apt - get update
   Machine: sudo apt - get upgrade
   Machine: sudo - updater
   Human: done
   Machine: let me try connecting now
   Human: ok
   Machine: its done
   Machine: should use the second or hit run on
   the background
   Human: done
   Machine: try signing out now and follow the
   prompts as per the message given above
   Machine: shd i reboot the machine .
   Human: ok , please go ahead
   Machine: once its completed please try to login
   Human: sure
   Machine: please ping me back once you have tried to login
   Machine: are we still connected
   Human: i now logged in
   Machine: thanks for your confirmation
   Human: what should i do now ?
   Machine: wait for 1 5 minutes to complete the login policy
   Machine: and then try logging in
   Human: ok
   Machine: is there anything else to help you ?
   Human: let my try browsing a little bit and if it keeps crashing i will let you know
   Machine: sure will do
   Machine: seems the mail is not loading
   Machine: are we still connected to the chat ?
   Human: it seems good now , cool , thank you ,bye
   Machine: you , too
   Machine: bye
Conversation 3: Password issues

Describe your problem: i forgot my password

   Machine: hi , this is from helpdesk connect , what can i help you with today ?
   Human: hi , i forgot my password
   Machine: ok great
   Human: can you tell me how i can recover it ?
   Machine: i ’ ll need to verify who it is at that machine
   Machine: can we do a hangout
   Machine: ?
   Human: yes
   Human: cool , i am good now
   Machine: how ‘s this looking good ?
   Machine: i ‘ll go ahead and close this chat .
   Machine: take care . : )
   Human: bye
   Machine: bye .

5.2 開放電影字幕數據集實驗
   在收斂時,該遞歸模型得到的困惑度爲17,我們的平滑5-gram模型實現了28的困惑度。有趣的是,添加soft attention 機制並沒有顯著提升訓練集或校驗集的困惑度。

5.2.1 模型樣本
Conversation 1: Basic

   Human: hello !
   Machine: hello !
   Human: how are you ?
   Machine: i ’m good .
   Human: what ’s your name ?
   Machine: i ’m julia .
   Human: when were you born ?
   Machine: july 20th .
   Human: what year were you born ?
   Machine: 1977 .
   Human: where are you from ?
   Machine: i ’m out in the boonies.
   Human: are you a man or a woman ?
   Machine: i ’m a woman .
   Human: why are we here ?
   Machine: i ’m not sure .
   Human: okay, bye !
   Machine: bye .
   Human: see you later .
   Machine: bye .
Conversation 2: Simple Q&A (contexts and multiple

   Human: my name is david . what is my name ?
   Machine: david .
   Human: my name is john . what is my name ?
   Machine: john .
   Human: are you a leader or a follower ?
   Machine: i ’m a leader .
   Human: are you a follower or a leader ?
   Machine: i ’m a leader .
Conversation 3: General knowledge Q&A

   Human: who is skywalker ?
   Machine: he is a hero .
   Human: who is bill clinton ?
   Machine: he ’s a billionaire .
   Human: is sky blue or black ?
   Machine: blue .
   Human: does a cat have a tail ?
   Machine: yes .
   Human: does a cat have a wing ?
   Machine: no
   Human: can a cat fly ?
   Machine: no .
   Human: how many legs does a cat have ?
   Machine: four , i think .
   Human: how many legs does a spider have ?
   Machine: three , i think .
   Human: how many legs does a centipede have ?
   Machine: eight .
   Human: what is the color of the sky ?
   Machine: blue .
   Human: what is the color of water ?
   Machine: water .
   Human: what is the color of blood ?
   Machine: it is the same as a black eye .
   Human: what is the usual color of a leaf ?
   Machine: it is a green one .
   Human: what is the color of a yellow car ?
   Machine: yellow .
   Human: how much is two plus two ?
   Machine: four .
   Human: how much is ten minus two ?
   Machine: seventy - two .
Conversation 4: Philosophical Q&A

   Human: what is the purpose of life ?
   Machine: to serve the greater good .
   Human: what is the purpose of living ?
   Machine: to live forever .
   Human: what is the purpose of existence ?
   Machine: to find out what happens when we get to the planet earth .
   Human: where are you now ?
   Machine: i ’m in the middle of nowhere .
   Human: what is the purpose of dying ?
   Machine: to have a life .
   Human: what is the purpose of being intelligent?
   Machine: to find out what it is .
   Human: what is the purpose of emotions ?
   Machine: i don ’t know .
Conversation 5: Morality

   Human: what is moral ?
   Machine: what empowered humanity , what intellectual the essence is .
   Human: what is immoral ?
   Machine: the fact that you have a child .
   Human: what is morality ?
   Machine: what is altruism ?
   Human: what is the definition of altruism ?
   Machine: if you don ’t believe in god , then you don ’t know .
   Human: ok … so what is the definition of morality ?
   Machine: well , the truth is , you ’re not a believer in god almighty .
   Human: tell me the definition of morality , i am quite upset now !
   Machine: i ’m not ashamed of being a philosopher !
   Human: tell me the definition of morality .
   Machine: i don ’t have ethics .
   Human: look , i need help , i need to know more about morality …
   Machine: i don ’t know what ethics is .
   Human: seriously , what is morality ?
   Machine: what is the definition of living ?
   Human: why living has anything to do with morality ?
   Machine: you ’re not a cop .
   Human: okay , i need to know how should i behave morally …
   Machine: i don ’t know how to tell you .
   Human: is morality and ethics the same ?
   Machine: yes , sir .
   Human: what are the things that i do to be immoral ?
   Machine: i don ’t know .
   Human: give me some examples of moral actions …
   Machine: i ’m not a moralist .
   Human: alright , morality ?
   Machine: integrity .
   Human: what is integrity ?
   Machine: i ’m sorry , i don ’t know what else to say .
   Human: be moral !
   Machine: be a man !
   Human: i really like our discussion on morality and ethics …
   Machine: and how i ’m not in the mood for a philosophical debate .
   Human: what do you like to talk about ?
   Machine: nothing .
   Conversation 6: Opinions (notice the model outputs “he” ,
   “she” or “it” depending on the subject being asked)
   Human: what do you think about tesla ?
   Machine: he ’s a good conductor .
   Human: what do you think about bill gates ?
   Machine: he ’s a good man .
   Human: What do you think about messi ?
   Machine: he ’s a great player .
   Human: what do you think about cleopatra ?
   Machine: oh , she ’s very regal .
   Human: what do you think about england during the reign of elizabeth ?
   Machine: it was a great place .

   Conversation 7: Job and Personality
   Human: what is your job ?
   Machine: i ’m a lawyer .
   Human: what do you do ?
   Machine: i ’m a doctor
   Human: Are you a follower or a leader ?
   CleverBot: No !!
   Human: My name is david . what is my name ?
   CleverBot: How old are you David ?
   Human: My name is john . what is my name ?
   CleverBot: John
   Human: What is the purpose of being intelligent?
   CleverBot: The purpose of life is to love God and love people.
   Human: Is sky blue or black ?
   CleverBot: I am 200 years old.
   Human: What is the color of a yellow car ?
   CleverBot: Brown.
   Human: What is the usual color of a leaf ?
   CleverBot: What is the color of the apple in the fridge ?
   Human: What is the purpose of life ?
   CleverBot: My purpose it to forward my species,in other words to make it easier for future generations of mankind to live.
   Human: What do you think about tesla ?
   CleverBot: I am tesla.
   Human: What do you think about cleopatra ?
   CleverBot: Cool is cool.
   Human: What do you think about england during the reign of elizabeth ?
   CleverBot: I like him. Do you ?
   Human: What do you think about bill gates ?
   CleverBot: Lets talk about Link.
   Human: What is moral ?
   CleverBot: Morality is the quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct.
   Human: What is immoral ?
   CleverBot: What is the objective of sistetic life ?
   Human: Does a cat have a wing ?
   CleverBot: What is the name of your husband.
   Human: Can a cat fly ?
   CleverBot:: What is your husband’s name ?
   Human: Who is skywalker ?
   CleverBot: There are two of them, Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker, both haracters from star Wars.
   Human: How many legs does a cat have ?
   CleverBot: An ant.
   Human: How many legs does a centipede have?
   CleverBot: A centipede’s number of legs varies from thirty to two hundred.
   Human: What is your job ?
   CleverBot: I work in mental health.
   Human: What do you do ?
   CleverBot: I have no job.

5.2.2 人類評估

  爲了公平和客觀地比較我們的模型和CleverBot,我們挑選了200個問題,問了四個不同人去評估我們的模型和CleaverBot. 人類法官需要被問那個機器人是他們的首選,如果答案是同等質量的,我們也允許平局。如果四個人的三個法官同意,我們記錄分數。我們的模型作爲首選有97個問題,而CleverBot有60。20個問題上兩者是平局,23個問題上法官存在分歧。這裏有一些法官評價系統的樣品(粗體我們展示他們的首選答案,第三個例子顯示平局,和第四個例子顯示diagreement):
   Human: What is the deepest spot on the world ?
   NCM: The pacific ocean.
   CB: What ?
   Human: Do you like Mexican food or Indian
   food ?
   NCM: I hate it.
   CB: I love Mexican food.
   Human: Who are you crazy about ?
   NCM: You’re the one who’s crazy.
   CB: Who are you ?
   Human: What’s thirty plus forty ?
   NCM: Sixty ?
   CB: What should we talk about ?
  然而,我們相信,設計一個好的快速度量對話模型的質量的指標仍然是一個開放的研究問題。我們通過手工檢查方式,通過使用Mechanical Turk和基於規則的機器人作比較獲取人類評估,通過計算困惑度的方式等。然而, 這些都有明顯的缺點,我們正在積極的追求這一研究方向以及其他的研究方向。



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