
19 Tiny Habits That Lead to Huge Results

If you want to build something big, if you have a vision, a dream, or even just a clearly defined end goal, the question is not how you can make that happen right now, or tomorrow.

Nicolas Cole Follow Jan 17, 2018

4 min read




  1. 設置目標的同時需要進行追蹤與反饋(這段和第二點有點類似,但注重與目標上,當我們設定了目標,我們會做好計劃,但是變化是唯一不變的東西,所以我們做好計劃後,也需要跟蹤自己所做的,是不是效率低了?哪裏還做得不好?那麼就需要對計劃做微型的調整,做變化的變化來應對變化)

  2. 不要一個人吃飯,而是去接觸更多不同的人(一個人吃飯,會陷入沒有任何輸入的狀態,而經常接觸不同的人,一起吃飯,那麼通過交流接觸更多信息,讓自己豐富起來)

  3. 塑造自己的成功

  4. 保持反思的習慣(我們在快節奏的社會,經常一個加班就會壓榨我們的生活,讓我們陷入麻木的思維陷阱,所以我們需要記錄,我們需要反思我們處理事的方法等等)

  5. 善於分享,與幫助其他人(將自己當做一個專家,將自己會的東西表達出來,寫博客也好,分享的過程也是自己縷清楚思路的過程,二次思考,也會讓自己更加收益)

  6. 該浪的時候就浪,徹底放輕鬆

  7. 吃得健康(吃飯是我們每天都要做的事,所以要吃得好,吃得均衡,最近開始吃雞胸肉,想要塑造身材,控制飲食,雖然我挺瘦的)

  8. 和不同年齡段的人交流(不同的人有不同的視角)

  9. 給自己陶冶情操的機會

  10. 幾點起牀說道做到(這也是一種習慣,對自己的一種肯定)

  11. 大聲的讀出你的首要目標(李陽瘋狂英語也是基於這個理念,如果你有什麼理想,每天都大聲讀出來,讓自己有底,也讓強調自己我還有這個目標,我要付出實踐去努力實現,而不是藏着掖着,最後不了了之)


  • instant 立即的;緊急的

  • progression 前進;連續

  • vision 幻想;現象

  • manifest 表明,清楚顯示

  • paragraph 段落;短評

  • Journal 日記 ,雜誌,分類賬

  • grounded 理智

  • sane 理智

  • acknowledgement 確認

  • deceive 欺騙

  • craft 工藝

  • ultimately 最終

  • represent 表現 ,代表

  • revealing 揭示

  • portray 扮演

  • expert 專家

  • acquired 取得

Success doesn’t happen in an instant.

It happens through the progression of lots of little successes, strung together over time.

The question is:

“What habits can I put into place that will allow that end goal to manifest itself?”

9. Don’t just set goals — track them.

One of the most revealing things I’ve ever done for myself was making a project plan for my life.

Yes, a project plan.

And all the things I wanted to get done in the next three months, I planned them out like I would a marketing campaign (I’m not joking).

But guess what?

It showed me everything I needed to know, when things were due, and how much time I needed to spend on them in order to get them accomplished.

Do this more often, and you’ll be amazed at how much you over-promise and under-deliver — and what needs to happen for you to fix that habit immediately.

10. Never eat alone.

A great book and an even better motto to live by.

Make use of your lunches and dinners by sharing in conversation with people you can connect with, collaborate with, and learn from.

11. Dress for success.

It’s cliché but true — you have more confidence when you feel good about the way you’re presenting yourself.

Make it a habit to portray your best self.

12. Meditate and reflect.

In tandem with the journaling habit, you need to make time to reflect.

You can’t always be in “go go go” mode.

Without reflection, you will not be able to properly integrate the lessons you’ve been learning along the way.

13. Teach others.

Even before you feel like you’re an “expert,” take the knowledge you’ve acquired and pass it along.

Not only is it good for humanity, but you will learn whatever it is you’re teaching even more deeply when you have to explain it to someone else.

14. Play.

When was the last time you went to the beach? When was the last time you did something crazy, like parasailing?

When was the last time you wrote a song on your ukulele?Take care of that inner child of yours and make time to play.

15. Eat healthy.

What you eat is a habit.

You’re going to set a habit and then repeat that habit daily for a very, very long time.

Make that habit take care of you, not drag you down.

16. Check in with people of different ages.

Make sure you keep in touch with those both older and younger than you.

They provide a much-needed perspective.

17. See art.

Nobody gets inspired sitting at a desk all day.

Go to museums.

Go watch movies.

Go listen to live music.

Go watch a mime on the street, or an a cappella trio in the train station.

Go out and get inspired!

18. Wake up when you say you’re going to wake up.

When you set that alarm the night before, you’re promising yourself you’re going to get up at that time.

Keep that promise.

19. Read your chief aim aloud.

Stealing from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill here: Write down whatever it is you want to build for yourself in life.

Then every morning and every night, read that aloud.

Out loud.

Hear it in your voice and in your heart.

Welcome it into the world.

Thanks for reading! 😃


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