
• RFC及標準化
• Linux
• 術語
作者:Tim Parker
• 訪問R F C文檔
• RFC 文檔分類
T C P / I P協議的大部分信息包含在請求註解( R F C )文檔中。R F C文檔中定義了協議的各個方
R F C文檔中還包含許多無用的信息(大部分是與特定系統相關或過時的信息),同時也包含
許多有用的細節。令人驚奇的是, R F C文檔中還包含許多有趣的俗語,如: (RFC 968)“黎明
前的黑暗”,“A R PAW O C K Y”(RFC 527)及“T E L N E T隨機丟失屬性”(RFC 748)。
本附錄中列出了許多重要且有趣的R F C文檔供讀者查閱,其中包括訪問這些R F C文檔的
建議。但是附錄中列出的R F C文檔並不全面,過時的R F C文檔未在其中列出。
A.1 訪問RFC文檔
可以通過多種方式獲取R F C文檔,其中最簡單的方式是獲取電子文檔。用戶可以根據需
求獲取其電子拷貝。雖然有時格式爲P o s t S c r i p t,但大部分R F C文檔以A S C I I碼形式存儲。需
A.1.1 通過Web獲取RFC文檔
互聯網上有多個站點提供R F C文檔。尋找這些站點的最簡單方法是通過搜索引擎以R F C
爲關鍵字搜索。大多數站點以文檔序號順序列出所有R F C文檔,也有少數站點提供基於內容
的索引。用戶可以通過訪問站點: h t t p : / / w w w. n i s t . g o v / i g e s / r f c L i s t / R F C - L S T 1 . h t m l獲取R F C官
A.1.2 通過FTP獲取RFC文檔
用戶可以使用F T P從網絡信息中心( N I C )或其他F T P站點獲取R F C文檔。使用F T P訪問N I C
站點: N I C . D D N . M I L,用戶名爲g u e s t,口令爲a n o n y m o u s。然後使用F T P的g e t命令獲取R F C
<RFC> RFC 527.txt
將RFC 527替換爲用戶所需的R F C文檔即可。
A.1.3 通過Email獲取RFC文檔
用戶還可以通過電子郵件獲取R F C文檔。N I C及N F S N E T網絡服務中心提供對此類請求的
響應,返回請求的R F C文檔。服務讀取電子郵件中的關鍵字,提取所要請求的R F C文檔及發
送方郵件地址,然後向請求方發送相應的R F C文檔。
用戶向N I C請求R F C文檔時,向N I C發送包含R F C主題詞的消息,並將郵件發送到service @
n i c . d d n . m i l。如果用戶希望通過N I C郵件系統獲得更詳細的信息,可向N I C發送含h e l p的消息。
用戶從N F S N E T網絡服務中心獲取R F C文檔時向中心發送消息的頭兩行格式如下:
R E Q U E S T: R F C
TO P I C : 5 2 7
第一行指明用戶需要R F C文檔;第二行指明R F C文檔號。發送郵件地址爲info-server @
s h . c s . n e t。如果用戶需要更詳細的信息,主題詞中包含h e l p。
A.2 RFC文檔分類
以下列出的R F C文檔佔所有R F C文檔的大部分,這些文檔或提供協議的細節或講述協議
的用法,或者論述T C P / I P的特定主題。未包含在其中的R F C文檔或已被取代或它與T C P / I P無
關。以下的分類是本書作者的個人觀點。如果用戶在下述R F C文檔中未找到所需的R F C文檔,
可查閱整個R F C文檔。
A.2.1 常規信息
R F C 1 3 4 0 分配端口(“Assigned Numbers,”)Reynolds, J.K.; Postel, J.B.; 1992
R F C 1 3 6 0 IAB 官方協議標準(“IAB Official Protocol Standards,”)Postel, J.B.;
1 9 9 2
R F C 1 2 0 8 網絡術語表(“Glossary of Networking Te r m s ,”)Jacobsen, O.J.; Ly n c h ,
D.C.; 1991
R F C 11 8 0 T C P / I P指南(“TCP/IP Tu t o r i a l ,”) S o c o l o f s k y, J.J.; Kale, C.J.; 1991
R F C 11 7 8 爲用戶計算機命名(“Choosing a Name For Your Computer,”)Libes, D.;
1 9 9 0
R F C 11 7 5 用戶參考從何處開始,網絡信息參考書(“FYI on Where to Start: A
Bibliography of Internetworking Information,”)Bowers, K.L.; LaQuey,
T.L.; Reynolds, J.K.4 Reubicek, K.; Stah1, M.K.; Yuan, A; 1990
R F C 11 7 3 主機和網絡管理的責任:互聯網管理摘要(“Responsibilities of Host
and Network Managers: A Summary of the ‘Oral Tr a d i t i o n’ of the
I n t e r n e t ,”)vanBokkelen, J.; 1990
R F C 11 6 6 互聯網計數(“Internet Numbers,”)Kirkpatrick, S.; Stah1, M.K.; Recker,
M.; 1990
R F C 11 2 7 主機需求R F C的前途(“ Perspective on the Host Requirements
R F C s ,”)Braden, R.T.; 1989
R F C 11 2 3 互聯網主機需求—應用和支持(“Requirements for Internet Hosts—
Application and Support,”)Braden, R.T.; ed; 1989
R F C 11 2 2 互聯網主機需求—通信層次(“Requirements for Internet Hosts —
Communication Layers,”) Braden, R.T.; ed; 1989
R F C 111 8 互聯網旅行者指南(“Hitchhiker's Guide to the Internet,”)Krol, E.;
1 9 8 9
R F C 1 0 11 官方網際協議(“O fficial Internet Protocol,”)Reynolds, J.R.; Postel,
J.B.; 1987
R F C 1 0 0 9 互聯網網關需求(“Requirements for Internet Gateways,”)Braden, R.T. ;
Postel, J.B.; 1987
R F C 9 8 0 協議文檔順序信息(“Protocol Document Order Information,”) J a c o b s e n ,
O.J.; Postel, J.B.; 1986
R F C 1 0 7 2 長延遲路徑T C P擴充(“TCP Extensions for Long-Delay Paths, ”)
Jacobson, V.; Braden, R.T.; 1988
R F C 8 9 6 TCP/IP 網絡擁塞控制(“Congestion Control in IP/TCP Internetworks,”)
Nagle, J.; 1984
R F C 8 7 9 T C P最大段長度及相關主題(“TCP Maximum Segment Size and Related
To p i c s ,”)Postel, J.B.; 1983
R F C 8 1 3 TCP 窗口和確認策略(“Window and Acknowledgment Strategy in
T C P,”)Clark, D.D.; 1982
R F C 7 9 3 傳輸控制協議(“Transmission Control Protocol,”)Postel, J.B.; 1981
R F C 7 6 8 用戶數據報協議(“User Datagram Protocol,”)Postel, J.B.; 1980
A.2.3 IP 和ICMP
R F C 1 2 1 9 子網號分配(“On the Assignment of Subnet Numbers,”) Tsuchiya, P. F. ;
1 9 9 1
R F C 111 2 I P多點播送的主機擴充(“Host Extensions for IP Multicasting, ”)
Deering, S.E.; 1989
R F C 1 0 8 8 在NetBIOS 網絡上傳輸I P數據報的標準(“Standard for the Tr a n s m i s s i o n
of IP Datagrams over NetBIOS Networks,”)McLaughlin, L.J.; 1989
R F C 9 5 0 子網劃分過程互聯網標準(“Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure,”)
Mogul, J.C.; Postel, J.B.; 1985
R F C 9 3 2 子網編址計劃(“Subnetwork Addressing Schema,”)Clark, D.D.; 1985
R F C 9 2 2 在子網上廣播互聯網數據報(“Broadcasting Internet Datagrams in the
附錄A RFC及標準化使用4 5 9
Presence of Subnets,”)Mogul, J.C.; 1984
R F C 9 1 9 互聯網數據報廣播(“Broadcasting Internet Datagrams,”)Mogul, J.C.;
1 9 8 4
R F C 8 8 6 消息頭插入的建議標準(“Proposed Standard for Message Header
M u n g i n g ,”)Rose, M.T.; 1983
R F C 8 1 5 I P數據報從組標準(“IP Datagram Reassembly Algorithms, ”) C l a r k ,
D.D.; 1982
R F C 8 1 4 名字、地址、端口和路由(“Name, Addresses, Ports, and Routes, ”)
Clark, D.D.; 1982
R F C 7 9 2 網際控制消息協議(“Internet Control Message Protocol,”)Postel, J.B.;
1 9 8 1
R F C 7 9 1 網際協議(“Internet Protocol,”)Postel, J.B.; 1981
R F C 7 8 1 網際協議時戳屬性規範(“Specification of the Internet Protocol (IP)
Timestamp Option,”)Su, Z.; 1981
A.2.4 底層
R F C 1 2 3 6 I P到X.121 地址映射(“IP to X.121 Address Mapping for DDN IP to
X.121 Address Mapping for DDN,”)Morales, L.F. J r.; 1991
R F C 1 2 2 0 網橋點到點協議擴展(“Point-to-Point Protocol Extensions for Bridging,”) B a k e r,
F., ed.; 1991
R F C 1 2 0 9 通過S M D S服務傳輸I P數據報(“Transmission of IP Datagrams over the
SMDS Service),; Piscitello, D.M.; Lawrence, J.; 1991
R F C 1 2 0 1 通過ARCNET 傳輸IP 報文(“Transmitting IP Tr a ffic over ARCNET
N e t w o r k s ,”)Provan, D.; 1991
R F C 11 8 8 在F D D I網絡上傳輸I P數據報的建議標準(“Proposed Standard for the
Transmission of IP Datagrams over FDDI Networks,”)Katz, D.; 1990
R F C 11 7 2 點到點協議初始配置選項(“Point-to-Point Protocol Initial Configuration
O p t i o n s ,”)Perkins, D.; Hobby, R.; 1990
R F C 11 7 1 點到點協議在點到點鏈路上傳輸多協議數據報(“Point-to-Point Protocol
for the Transmission of Multi-Protocol Datagrams over Point-to-Point
Links,): Perkins, D.; 1990
R F C 11 4 9 在Avian 載波上傳送I P數據報標準(“Standard for the Transmission of IP
Datagrams on Avian Carriers,”) Waitzman, D.; 1990 (April 1 release!)
R F C 1 0 5 5 在串行線路上傳輸I P數據報的建議(“Nonstandard for Transmission of
IP Datagrams over Serial Lines: SLIP,”) R o m k e y, J.L.; 1988
R F C 1 0 4 4 網絡系統多通道互聯網協議(“Internet Protocol on Network System's
HYPERchannel: Protocol Specification,”)Hardwick, K.; Lekashman, J.;
1 9 8 8
R F C 1 0 4 2 在IEEE 802 網絡上傳輸I P報文的標準(“Standard for the Tr a n s m i s s i o n
of IP Datagrams over IEEE 802 Networks,”)Postel, J.B.; Reynolds, J.K.;
1 9 8 8
R F C 1 0 2 7 使用ARP 實現透明子網網關(“Using ARP to Implement Tr a n s p a r e n t
Subnet Gateways,”)Carl-Mitchell, S.; Quarterman, J.S.; 1987
R F C 9 0 3 反向地址解析協議(“Reverse Address Resolution Protocol,”) F i n l a y s o n ,
R.; Mann, T.; Mogul, J.C.; Theimer, M.; 1984
R F C 8 9 5 在實驗以太網絡傳輸I P數據報的標準(“Standard for the Transmission of
IP Datagrams over Experimental Ethernet Networks,”)Postel, J.B.; 1984
R F C 8 9 4 在以太網傳輸I P數據報的標準(“Standard for the Transmission of IP
datagrams over Ethernet Networks,”)Hornig, C.; 1984
R F C 8 9 3 跟蹤封裝(“Trailer Encapsulations,”) L e ff l e r, S.; Karels, M.J.; 1984
R F C 8 7 7 在公用數據網傳輸I P數據報的標準(“Standard for the Transmission of
IP Datagrams over Public Data Networks,”)Korb, J.T.; 1983
A.2.5 Bootstrapping
R F C 1 0 8 4 B O O T P廠商信息擴充(“BOOTP Vendor Information Extensions,”)
Reynolds, J.K.; 1988
R F C 9 5 1 Bootstrap 協議(“Bootstrap Protocol,”)Croft, W.J.; Gilmore, J.; 1985
R F C 9 0 6 使用TFTP 裝載Bootstrap ( “Bootstrap Loading Using TFTP, ”)
Finlayson, R.; 1984
A.2.6 域名系統
R F C 1 0 3 5 域名—實現和規範(“Domain Names-Implementation and Specification.)
Mockapetris, P. V.; 1987
R F C 1 0 3 4 域名—概念和工具(“Domain Names—Concepts and Facilities, ”)
Mockapetris, P. V.; 1987
R F C 1 0 3 3 域名管理員操作指南(“Domain Administrators Operations Guide,”)
L o t t o r, M.; 1987
R F C 1 0 3 2 域名管理員指南(“Domain Admiistrators Guide,”)Stah1, M.K.; 1987
R F C 11 0 1 網絡名稱D N S編碼及其他編碼(“DNS Encoding of Network Names and
Other Ty p e s ,”)Mockapetris, P. V.; 1989
R F C 9 7 4 郵件路由和域名系統(“Mail Routing and the Domain System, ”)
Partridge, C.; 1986
R F C 9 2 0 域需求(“Domain Requirements,”)Postel, J.B.; Reynolds, J.K.; 1984
R F C 7 9 9 互聯網域名(“Internet Name Domains,”)Mills, D.L.; 1981
A.2.7 文件傳輸和文件訪問
R F C 1 0 9 4 NFS :網絡文件系統協議規範(“NFS: Network File System Protocol
S p e c i f i c a t i o n ,”)Sun; 1989
附錄A RFC及標準化使用4 6 1
R F C 1 0 6 8 不引人注目的文件傳輸協議(BFTP) ( “Background File T r a n s f e r
Program (BFTP),”)DeSchon, A.L.; Braden, R.T.; 1988
R F C 9 5 9 文件傳輸協議(“File Transfer Protocol,”)Postel, J.B.; Reynolds, J.K.;
1 9 8 5
R F C 9 4 9 F T P惟一的名字存儲命令(“FTP Unique-Named Store Command,”)
P a d l i p s k y, M.A.; 1985
R F C 7 8 3 TFTP 協議(“TFTP Protocol (Revision 2),”)Sollins, K.R.; 1981
R F C 7 7 5 面向目錄的FTP 命令(“Directory-Oriented FTP Commands,”) M a n k i n s ,
D.; Franklin, D.; Owen, A.D.; 1980
A.2.8 郵件
R F C 1 3 4 1 M I M E (多用途互聯網郵件擴充)指定和描述互聯網消息體的格式的機制
(“MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Mechanisms for
Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message
B o d i e s ,”)Borenstein, N.; Freed, N.; 1992
R F C 11 4 3 TELNET 補充選項協商Q方法(“Q Method of Implementing Te l n e t
Option Negotiation. Bernstein, D.J.; 1990
R F C 1 0 9 0 X . 2 5上的S M T P (“SMTP on X.25,”)Ullmann, R.; 1989
R F C 1 0 5 6 PCMAIL 個人電腦上的分佈式郵件系統(“PCMAIL: A Distributed Mail
System for Personal Computers,”)Lambert, M.L.; 1988
R F C 9 7 4 郵件路由和域名系統(“Mail Routing and the Domain System, ”)
Partridge, C.; 1986
R F C 8 2 2 A R PA 互聯網文本消息格式的標準(“Standard for the Format of ARPA
Internet Text Messages,”) C r o c k e r, D.; 1982
R F C 8 2 1 簡單郵件傳輸協議(“Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,”)Postel, J.B.; 1982
A.2.9 路由協議
R F C 1 2 6 7 邊界網關協議3 ( B G P - 3 ) (“A Border Gateway Protocol 3 (BGP-3),”)
Lougheed, K.; Rekhter, Y.; 1991
R F C 1 2 4 7 OSPF 版本2 (“OSPF Version 2,”) M o y, J.; 1991
R F C 1 2 2 2 N S F N E T路由體系結構擴充(“ Advancing the NSFNET Routing
A r c h i t e c t u r e ,”)Braun, H.W.; Rekhter, Y. 1991
R F C 11 9 5 使用OSI IS-IS 在T C P / I P和雙環境中進行路由選擇(“Use of OSI IS-IS
for Routing in TCP/IP and Dual Environments,”)Callon, R.W.; 1990
R F C 11 6 4 邊界網關協議在互聯網中的應用(“Application of the Border Gateway
Protocol in the Internet,”)Honig, J.C.; Katz, D.; Mathis, M.; Rekhter, Y. ;
Yu, J.Y.; 1990
R F C 11 6 3 邊界網關協議(“Border Gateway Protocol (BGP),”)Lougheed, K.;
R e k h t e r, Y.; 1990
R F C 1 0 7 4 基於SPF 的NSFNET 骨幹網內部網關協議(“NSFNET Backbone SPFbased
Interior Gateway Protocol,”) R e k h t e r, J.; 1988
R F C 1 0 5 8 路由信息協議(“Routing Information Protocol,”)Hedrick, C.L.; 1988
R F C 9 0 4 外部網關協議正規標準(“Exterior Gateway Protocol Formal Specification,”)
Mills, D.L.; 1984
R F C 8 2 7 外部網關協議(EGP) (“Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP),”) R o s e n ,
E.C.; 1982
R F C 8 2 3 D A R PA 互聯網網關(“D A R PA Internet Gateway, ”)Hinden, R.M.;
S h e l t z e r, A.; 1982
R F C 11 3 6 管理域和路由選擇域:互聯網路由選擇的一個模型(“A d m i n i s t r a t i v e
Domains and Routing Domains: A Model for Routing in the
I n t e r n e t ,”)Hares, S.; Katz, D.; 1989
R F C 9 11 伯克利UNIX 4.2 系統下的E G P網關(“EGP Gateway under Berkeley
UNIX 4.2,”)Kirton, P.; 1984
R F C 8 8 8 STUB 外部網關協議(“STUB Exterior Gateway Protocol,”) S e a m o n s o n ,
L.; Rosen, E.C.; 1984
A.2.10 路由性能和策略
R F C 1 2 5 4 網關擁塞控制(“Gateway Congestion Control Survey,”)Mankin, A.;
Ramakrishnan, K.K., eds.; 1991
R F C 1 2 4 6 O S P F協議使用經驗(“Experience with the OSPF Protocol,”) M o y, J.,
ed.; 1991
R F C 1 2 4 5 O S P F協議分析(“OSPF Protocol Analysis,”) M o y, J.; ed; 1991
R F C 11 2 5 內部管理域路由選擇政策要求( “Policy Requirements for Inter-
Administrative Domain Routing,”)Estrin, D.; 1989
R F C 11 2 4 網絡互連政策問題(“Policy Issues in Interconnecting Networks,”)
L e i n e r, B,M.; 1989
R F C 11 0 4 基於政策的路由選擇模型(“Models of Policy-Based Routing,”) B r a u n ,
H . W.; 1989
R F C 11 0 2 互聯網路由選擇協議政策(“Policy Routing in Internet Protocols, ”)
Clark, D.D.; 1989
A.2.11 終端訪問
R F C 1 2 0 5 “5250 Telnet Interface,”Chmielewski, P.; 1991
R F C 11 9 8 X Window 系統上的F Y I (“FYI on the X Window System,”) S c h e i f l e r,
R . W.; 1991
R F C 11 8 4 Telnet 行式選項(“Telnet Linemode Option,”)Borman, D.A., ed.; 1990
R F C 1 0 9 1 Telnet 終端類型屬性(“Telnet Te r m i n a l - Type Option,”) VanBokkelen, J.;
1 9 8 9
附錄A RFC及標準化使用4 6 3
R F C 1 0 8 0 Telnet 遠程流量控制屬性(“Telnet Remote Flow Control Option, ”)
Hedrick, C.L.; 1988
R F C 1 0 7 9 Telnet 終端速度屬性(“Telnet Terminal Speed Option,”)Hedrick, C.L.;
1 9 8 8
R F C 1 0 7 3 Telnet 窗口尺寸屬性(“Telnet Window Size Option,”) Waitzman, D.;
1 9 8 8
R F C 1 0 5 3 Telnet X.3 PAD 屬性(“Telnet X.3 PAD Option,”) L e v y, S; Jacobson, T. ;
1 9 8 8
R F C 1 0 4 3 Telnet 數據項終端屬性: DODIIS 的實現(“Telnet Data Entry Te r m i n a l
Option: DODIIS Implementation,”) Yasuda, A.; Thompson, T.; 1988
R F C 1 0 4 1 Telnet 3270 體制屬性(“Telnet 3270 Regime Option,”) R e k h t e r, Y.; 1988
R F C 1 0 1 3 X Window 系統協議版本11 (“X Window System Protocol, Ve r s i o n
11:Alpha Update,”) S c h e i f l e r, R.W.; 1987
R F C 9 4 6 Telnet 終端位置計數屬性(“ Telnet Terminal Location Number
O p t i o n ,”)Nedved, R.; 1985
R F C 9 3 3 輸出標記Telnet 屬性(“Output Marking Telnet Option,”)Silverman, S.;
1 9 8 5
R F C 8 8 5 Telnet 紀錄結束屬性(“Telnet End of Record Option,”)Postel, J.B.;
1 9 8 3
R F C 8 6 1 Telnet 擴展屬性:列表屬性(“Telnet Extended Options: List Option,”)
Postel, J.B.; Reynolds, J.K.; 1983
R F C 8 6 0 Telnet 時間標記屬性(“Telnet Timing Mark Option, ”)Postel, J.B.;
Reynolds, J.K.; 1983
R F C 8 5 9 Telnet 狀態屬性(“Telnet Status Option,”)Postel, J.B.; Reynolds, J.R.;
1 9 8 3
R F C 8 5 8 Telnet 壓縮傳輸屬性(“Telnet Suppress Go Ahead Option,”)Postel, J.B.;
Reynolds, J.K.; 1983
R F C 8 5 7 Telnet 應答屬性(“Telnet Echo Option,”)Postel, J.B.; Reynolds, J.R.;
1 9 8 3
R F C 8 5 6 Telnet 二進制傳輸(“Telnet Binary T r a n s m i s s i o n ,”)Postel, J.B.;
Reynolds, J.K.; 1983
R F C 8 5 5 Telnet 屬性規範(“Telnet Option Specifications, ”)Postel, J.B.;
Reynolds, J.K.; 1983
R F C 8 5 4 Telnet 協議規範(“Telnet Protocol Specification, ”)Postel, J.B.;
Reynolds, J.K.; 1983
R F C 7 7 9 Telnet 發送位置屬性(“Telnet Send-Location Option,”)Killian, E.; 1981
R F C 7 4 9 Telnet SUPDUP 輸出屬性(“ Telnet SUPDUP-Output Option),:
G r e e n b e rg, B.; 1978
R F C 7 3 6 Telnet SUPDUP 屬性(“Telnet SUPDUP Option,”)Crispin, M.R.; 1977
R F C 7 3 2 Telnet 數據項終端屬性(“Telnet Data Entry Terminal Option,”) D a y,
J.D.; 1977
R F C 7 2 7 Telnet 登錄屬性(“Telnet Logout Option,”)Crispin, M.R.; 1977
R F C 7 2 6 遠程控制傳輸和迴應Telnet 屬性(“Remote-Controlled Transmission and
Echoing Telnet Option,”)Postel, J.B.; Crocker, D.; 1977
R F C 6 9 8 Telnet 擴充A S C I I屬性(“Telnet Extended ASCII Option,”)Mock, T. ;
1 9 7 5
A.2.12 其他應用
R F C 11 9 6 Finger 用戶信息協議(“Finger User Information Protocol,”) Zimmerman.
D . P.; 1990
R F C 11 7 9 行式打印機守護進程協議(“ Line Printer Daemon Protocol, ” )
McLaughlin, L.; 1990
R F C 11 2 9 互聯網時間同步:網絡時間協議(“Internet Time Synchronization: The
Network Time Protocol,”)Mills, D.L.; 1989
R F C 111 9 第二版網絡時間協議規範和補充(“Network Time Protocol (Version 2)
Specification and Implementation,”)Mills, D.L.; 1989
R F C 1 0 5 7 RPC 遠程過程調用協議規範(“RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol
Specification: Version 2 ”)Sun Microsystems, Inc.; 1988
R F C 1 0 1 4 XDR 外部數據表示標準(“XDR: External Data Representation
S t a n d a r d ,”)Sun Microsystems, Inc.; 1987
R F C 9 5 4 “N I C N A M E / W H O I S ,”Harrenstien, K.; Stah1, M.K.; Feinler, E.J.; 1985
R F C 8 6 8 時間協議(“Time Protocol,”)Postel, J.B.; Harrenstien, K.; 1983
R F C 8 6 7 日期協議(“Daytime Protocol,”)Postel, J.B.; 1983
R F C 8 6 6 活躍用戶(“Active Users,”)Postel, J.B.; 1983
R F C 8 G S 日期引用協議(“Quote of the Day Protocol,”)Postel, J.B.; 1983
R F C 8 G 4 字符產生其協議(“Character Generator Protocol,”)Postel, J.B.; 1983
R F C 8 6 3 丟棄協議(“Discard Protocol,”)Postel, J.B.; 1983
R F C 8 6 2 應答協議(“Echo Protocol,”)Postel, J.B.; 1983
A.2.13 網絡管理
R F C 1 2 7 1 遠程網絡監視管理信息基(“Remote Network Monitoring Management
Information Base,”) Wa l d b u s s e r, S.; 1991
R F C 1 2 5 3 OSPE 版本2 :管理信息基(“OSPE Version 2: Management Information
B a s e ,”) B a k e r, P.; Coltun, R.; 1991
R F C 1 2 4 3 Appletalk 管理信息基(“Appletalk Management Information Base,”) 1 9 9 1
R F C 1 2 3 9 將試驗M I B轉換爲標準信息基(“Reassignment of Experimental MIBs to
Standard MIBs,”)Reynolds, J.K.; 1991
R F C 1 2 3 8 CLNS MIB與無連接的網絡協議(ISO 8473)和端系統到中介系統( I S O
附錄A RFC及標準化使用4 6 5
9542) (“CLNS MIB for Use with Connectionless Network Protocol (ISO
8473) and End System to Intermediate System (ISO 9542),”)Satz, G.;
R F C 1 2 3 3 定義符合D S 3接口類型的管理對象(“Definitions of Managed Objects for
the DS3 Interface Ty p e ,”)Cox, T.A.; Tesink, K., eds.; 1991
R F C 1 2 3 2 定義符合D S 1接口類型的管理對象“ (Definitions of Managed Objects for
the DS1 Interface Ty p e ,”) B a k e r, F.; Kolb, C.P.eds.; 1991
R F C 1 2 3 1 IEEE 802.5 令牌環MIB (“IEEE 802.5 Token Ring MIB,”) M c C l o g h r i e ,
K.; Fox, R.; Decker, E.; 1991
R F C 1 2 3 0 IEEE 802.4 令牌總線M I B (“IEEE 802.4 Token Bus MIB,”) M c C l o g h r i e ,
K.; Fox R.; 1991
R F C 1 2 2 9 普通接口M I B擴充(“Extensions to the Generic-interface MIB, ”)
McCloghrie, K., ed.; 1991
R F C 1 2 2 8 SNMP-DPI: 簡單網絡管理協議分佈式程序接口(“SNMP-DPI: Simple
Network Management Protocol Distributed Program
I n t e r f a c e ,”) C a r p e n t e r, G.; Wijnen, B.; 1991
R F C 1 2 2 7 SNMP MUX 協議和MIB (“SNMP MUX Protocol and MIB,”) R o s e ,
M . T.; 1991
R F C 1 2 2 4 管理同步警報產生技術(“Techniques for Managing Asynchronously
Generated Alerts,”) S t e i n b e rg, L.; 1991
R F C 1 2 1 5 使用S N M P定義陷阱的協定(“Convention for Defining Traps for Use
with the SNMP,”)Rose, M.T., ed.; 1991
R F C 1 2 1 4 O S I互聯網管理: 管理信息基(“OSI Internet Management: Management
Information Base,”)LaBarre, L. ed.; 1991
R F C 1 2 1 3 基於T C P / I P的互聯網絡管理信息基:MIB-II (“Management Information
Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-Based Internets: MiBI
I ,”)McCloghrie, K.; Rose, M.T., eds.; 1991
R F C 1 2 1 2 簡明M I B定義(“Concise MIB Definitions,”)Rose, M.T.; McCloghrie,
K., eds.; 1991
R F C 11 8 7 使用S N M P回收塊表(“Bulk Table Retrieval with the SNMP,”) R o s e ,
M . T.; McCloghrie, K.; Davin, J.R.; 1990
R F C 11 5 7 簡單網絡管理協議( S N M P ) (“Simple Network Management Protocol
( S N M P ) ,”)Case, J.D.; Fedor, M.; Schoffstall, M.L.; Davin, C.; 1990
R F C 11 5 6 基於TCP/IP 互聯網絡管理的管理信息庫(“Management Information
Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-Based Internets, ” )
McGloghrie, K.; Rose, M.T.; 1990
R F C 11 5 5 基於T C P / I P互聯網絡管理信息的結構和標識( “ Structure and
Identification of Management Information for TCP/IP-Based Internets,”)
Rose, M.T.; McCloghrie, K.; 1990
R F C 11 4 7 網絡管理工具目錄上的F Y I:用於監視和調試T C P / I P互聯網絡的工具及
互聯設備(“FYI on a Network Management Tool Catalog: Tools for
Monitoring and Debugging TCP/IP Internets and Interconnected
D e v i c e s ,”)Stine, R.H.; ed.; 1990
R F C 1 0 8 9 以太網SNMP (“SNMP over Ethernet,”) S c h o ffstall, M.L.; Davin, C.;
F e d o r, M.; Case, J.D.; 1989
A.2.14 隧道
R F C 1 2 4 1 互聯網封裝協議規範(“Scheme for an Internet Encapsulation Protocol:
Version 1;”) 1 9 9 1
R F C 1 2 3 4 通過I P網絡傳輸I P X信息的隧道(“Tunneling IPX Tr a ffic Through IP
N e t w o r k s ,”)Provan, D.; 1991
R F C 1 0 8 8 在NetBIOS 上傳輸I P數據報的標準(“Standard for the Transmission of
IP Datagrams over NetBIOS Networks,”)McLaughlin, L.J.; 1989
R F C 1 0 0 2 在T C P / U C P傳輸端口建立NetBIOS 服務的協議標準:詳細規範(“P r o t o c o l
Standard for a NetBIOS Service on a TCP/UDP Transport: Detailed
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s ,”)NetBIOS Working Group; 1987
R F C 1 0 0 1 在T C P / U C P傳輸端口建立NetBIOS 服務的協議標準:概念和方法(“P r o t o c o l
Standard for a NetBIOS Service on a TCP/UDP Transport: Concepts and
M e t h o d s ,”)NetBIOS Working Group; 1987
A.2.15 OSI
R F C 1 2 4 0 在U D P頂層實現OSI 無連接傳輸服務(“OSI Connectionless Tr a n s p o r t
Services on Top of UDP: Version 1,”)Shue, C.; Haggerty, W.; Dobbins,
K.; 1991
R F C 1 2 3 7 互聯網OSI NSAP 分配指南(“Guidelines for OSI NSAP Allocation in
the Internet,”)Gollela, R.; Gardner, E.P.; Callon, R.W.; 1991
R F C 11 6 9 解釋GOSIP 角色(“Explaining the Role of GOSIP,”)Cerf, V.G.; Mills,
K.L.; 1990
A.2.16 安全
R F C 1 2 4 4 站點安全手冊(“Site Security Handbook”)
R F C 111 5 互聯網電子郵件私人增強— 算法、模型和標識( “ P r i v a c y
Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part III-Algorithms, Modes,
and Identifiers [Draft],”)Linn, J.; 1989
R F C 111 4 互聯網電子郵件私人增強—基於驗證的密鑰管理(“Privacy Enhancement
for Internet Electronic Mail: Part II Certificate-Based Key Management
[ D r a f t ] ,”)Kent, S.T.; Linn, J.; 1989
R F C 111 3 互聯網電子郵件私人增強— 報文加密和授權規程( “ P r i v a c y
附錄A RFC及標準化使用4 6 7
Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part I-Message Encipherment
and Authentication Procedures [Draft],”)Linn, J.; 1989
R F C 11 0 8 美國國防部對互聯網的安全選項(“Security Options for the Internet
P r o t o c o l ,”) 1 9 9 1
A.2.17 雜項
R F C 1 2 5 1 互聯網歷史: IAB, IESG and IRSG 成員傳記(“Who's Who in the
Internet: Biographies of IAB, IESG and IRSG Members,”)Malkin, G.S.;
1 9 9 1
R F C 1 2 0 7 問題及回答FYI: 有經驗的互聯網用戶問題解答(“FYI on Questions
and Answers: Answers to Commonly Asked ‘Experienced Internet
U s e r ' Q u e s t i o n s ,”)Malkin, G.S.; Marine, A.N.; Reynolds, J.K.; 1991
R F C 1 2 0 6 問題及回答F Y I :互聯網新手問題解答(“FYI on Questions and Answers:
Answers to Commonly Asked ‘New Internet User'Q u e s t i o n s ,”) M a l k i n ,
G.S.; Marine, A.N.; 1991



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