
自1985年微軟發佈Windows 1.0以來它就不斷吸引着世界的注意力,並且在之後成功地改變了世界.


Windows 1.0

Windows packaging through the ages

Windows 2 (286 and 386 versions)

Windows packaging through the ages

Windows packaging through the ages

Windows 3.0

Windows packaging through the ages

Windows 3.1

Windows packaging through the ages

Windows packaging through the ages

Windows 3.1 for Workgroups

Windows packaging through the ages

Windows 95

Windows packaging through the ages

Windows NT

Windows packaging through the ages

Windows 98

Windows packaging through the ages

Windows 2000

Windows packaging through the ages

Windows Me

Windows packaging through the ages

Windows XP

Windows packaging through the ages

Windows packaging through the ages

Windows Vista

Windows packaging through the ages

Windows 7

Windows packaging through the ages

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