



衡量尺度 Weight of indicator according to different roll
ENG(Junior) Main(Middle) Leader(Middle, Senior)



  • 對於開發人員,質量以“交付測試後發現的嚴重 bug 數量除以此需求工作量” 來評估;
  • 對於測試人員,質量以“交付客戶後發現的嚴重 bug 數量除以此需求工作量”來評估
20% 25% 30%



  •  用“故事點”、“理想工作日”等評估
30% 20% 10%



  •  對於開發人員,質量以“交付測試後發現的嚴重需求bug 數量除以此需求工作量”來評估;
  •  對於測試人員,質量以“交付客戶後發現的嚴重需求 bug 數量除以此需求工作量”來評估。
20% 20% 20%


  • 主動幫助團隊的其他成員,共同對交付的產出質量負責(定性評價)。
  •  越是資深的工程師越應該把“幫助團隊”的權重放的越高。明確結對編程的對象
10% 20% 30%


  • 質量提高速度
  • 工作量增加速度
  • 團隊成員的成長速度(Leader)
20% 15% 10%



績效考覈年度,季度來做正式的評估,同時要求項目Leader,工程師Leader,最好每天的工作中都要基於這些指標發 現問題和風險。


Confluence and JIRA,還是很強大的

JIRA 是記錄任務管理,我們在做JIRA的使用時,有明確區分哪些是項目票,哪些是運維票,哪些是小案件票,包括工時的管理,還有大家最煩人的Trouble, 到了考覈的時候,全都從系統中拉出來看看,一目瞭然,當然這個數據的整理我還是花了些小功夫的,下面會介紹到。

Confluence: 知識及項目內容的管理,會議管理,反饋內容,等等等,只要你想記,都在上面。你整理的知識在哪裏?你分享的內容在哪裏?你分享了哪些人員,哪些人員跟ieni回饋了,想過怎麼樣,全都清清楚楚。好吧,一句話,嘴說的不行的,URL~~~~~~~


階段 序號 步驟 內容 責任部門/人 截止完成時間
1 制定201×年年度
擬訂績效考覈方案 人事行政部 12/24/2012
2 公司高層審批 公司高層對考覈方案進行最終審覈 ××××
3 考覈方案下發 下發201×年度績效考覈方案及表格 人事行政部
4 填寫《員工績效考覈評估表》 根據年初確認的《員工工作目標規劃》按照填表說明進行填寫 被考評人填寫 12/31/2012
5 考覈數據收集、彙總及實施 部門內部考覈評分,須經二級主管確認 部門各級主管 1/10/2013
考覈成績彙總 人事行政部 1/14/2013
6 結果審覈 對最終考覈結果進行審覈確認 公司管理層+HR 1/18/2013
第三階段   考覈完成 7 績效反饋 與員工溝通績效結果,並向被考覈者提供改進績效的方法 各部門負責人 1/25/2013
各部門負責人與員工溝通,根據公司發展需要,制定下一年度的半年工作規劃及發展計劃。 各部門負責人
各部門負責人收集部門員工的下一年度的半年發展計劃,雙方均簽字確認後,一併提交人事行政部備案 各部門負責人+HR

《員工工作目標規劃》: 就是對下一個階段要實施的內容進行個人目標設定





基於原始數據表,用幾個公式,就形成了以上的表格,每個人階段的工作內容 以量化的形式清晰體現,多少時間放在項目(半年總共參與過6個項目),多少時間放在小案件(對應了45個小案件),多少時間放在日常運維,以上內容在做回談的參考數據。


績效面談的時候,會基於上此做的目標設定來進行一一比對,面談當時的內容,也做了一個Conflunce表格來進行記錄,Team 成員多了以後,寫評語也是個事啊,當時談話內容就要記錄 



至於後來,績效考覈用了一套非常強大的Repoc系統,分成了6個級別, 11個能力提升方向,又專又強大,好吧,我們開始吧 

首先就是Performance Evaluation (績效考覈)

其次是給出崗位工作要求 (根據不同級別,工作要求不同)

Expected Role

One grade below (低一職級) Current grade (當前職級) Next grade (高一職級)
Generalist/ Management 
  • Create and execute action plans according to the mission of one's organization

  • Manage a small organization

  • Coach team members
  • Uncover issues in one's supervising organization and promote problem solving

  • Manage one or more small to medium-sized organizations

  • Develop team members strategically
  • Set mission and create action plans for one's supervising organization

  • Lead one's supervising organization to complete and achieve the strategies and mission

  • Commit to development of one's supervising organization and employees

  • Build and promote relationships with other businesses

  • Manage medium-sized or complex organizations
Individual Contributor 
  • Possess a high level of skills in one's area of expertise

  • Complete assigned operations and tasks
  • Possess high levels of expertise and skills in one's area of expertise

  • Maintain high quality in one's supervising organization
  • Represent the company in one's area of expertise and possess deep knowledge and experience, as well as extremely high level of skills

  • Create new methods and ideas in one's area of expertise


1) Always Improve, Always Advance (1)時時改善,時時精進)
There are only two kinds of people in the world: Best Effort people are satisfied with the status quo; when they fail, they console themselves by saying "I did my best." Get Things Done people are absolutely committed to reaching their goals. With enough determination and effort -- by being a Get Things Done person -- you can achieve anything.


1. Encourage Challenges (培養自我挑戰的文化)

One grade below (低一職級) Current grade (當前職級) Next grade (高一職級)
Continuously challenge oneself in new and expanding areas

Continue to challenge oneself in new and expanding areas. Foster a culture of encouraging challenges within the organization

Same definition as Current Grade*


*If the competency definition for Next grade or One grade below is the same as the Current grade, please rate this competency with the expected role level taken into consideration (please refer to Expected Role section above).

2. Improve (改進)

One grade below (低一職級) Current grade (當前職級) Next grade (高一職級)
Same definition as Current Grade*

Constantly create approaches and systems that challenge the status quo and enhance the organization

Bring new and innovative approaches and systems to one's organization


*If the competency definition for Next grade or One grade below is the same as the Current grade, please rate this competency with the expected role level taken into consideration (please refer to Expected Role section above).

3. Get Things Done (目標必達)

One grade below (低一職級) Current grade (當前職級) Next grade (高一職級)
Same definition as Current Grade*

Consistently demonstrate a positive attitude and seek to exceed expectations and "Get Things Done"

Demonstrate leadership and seek to exceed expectations. Foster a "Get Things Done" culture within one's supervising organization


*If the competency definition for Next grade or One grade below is the same as the Current grade, please rate this competency with the expected role level taken into consideration (please refer to Expected Role section above).

2) Passionately Professional

2) Passionately Professional (2)貫徹專業精神)
Rakuten is an organization composed of true professionals. Real professionals in any field - whether in sports, the arts, science, business or anything else - only reach the top because they have the self-discipline to develop and improve themselves continuously. Only by consistently working many times harder than our competitors can we consistently win.

(樂天集團是一家由真正的專業人士組成的公司。在任何領域內的專業人士 - 無論是在體育、藝術、科學、商業領域,還是在其他任何領域 - 之所以能做到最好,是因爲真正的專業人士能夠堅持自我約束以發展和持續改善。只有持續的比我們的競爭對手付出更多的努力,我們才能始終保持領先的狀態。(樂天是一家重視專業意識的公司。樂天人爲了勝利,要比別人多100倍的思考,自我管理,不斷成長。))

4. Sense of Ownership (擁有主人翁精神)

One grade below (低一職級) Current grade (當前職級) Next grade (高一職級)
Same definition as Current Grade*

Perform with a sense of ownership to maximize the output

Perform one's responsibilities with a sense of ownership to maximize the output. Foster this sense of ownership to each member in supervising organization


*If the competency definition for Next grade or One grade below is the same as the Current grade, please rate this competency with the expected role level taken into consideration (please refer to Expected Role section above).

5. Team Building (團隊建設)

One grade below (低一職級) Current grade (當前職級) Next grade (高一職級)
Contribute to the growth and success of one's organization by motivating and communicating how one's team mission/goal aligns with organization's mission in a diverse environment

Lead growth and success of one's organization by motivating and communicating how one's team mission/goal aligns with organization's mission in a diverse environment

Implement supervising organization's mission and strategies aligned with Rakuten Group policy. Develop and lead a diverse organization focusing on team work to achieve the mission


*If the competency definition for Next grade or One grade below is the same as the Current grade, please rate this competency with the expected role level taken into consideration (please refer to Expected Role section above).

6. HR Development (人力資源開發)

One grade below (低一職級) Current grade (當前職級) Next grade (高一職級)
Inspire team members through coaching and acting as a role model

Develop others by giving proper feedbacks in a timely manner to strengthen supervising organization as a whole

Contribute to HR development by identifying each member's abilities and providing challenges to strengthen the capability of supervising organization

(通過鑑別組織內部每位員工的工作能力、提供挑戰激發和提高所在組織的能力, 爲人力資源開發做出貢獻。)

*If the competency definition for Next grade or One grade below is the same as the Current grade, please rate this competency with the expected role level taken into consideration (please refer to Expected Role section above).

3) Hypothesize -> Practice ->Validate ->Shikumika (Systemize)

3) Hypothesize -> Practice -> Validate -> Shikumika (Systemize) (3)假設 -> 執行 -> 驗證 -> 制度化)
Rather than mere "imitation or learning", we must approach work with hypothesis, and lead it to Shikumika (systemizing) through validation and practice.


7. Problem Solving (解決問題)

One grade below (低一職級) Current grade (當前職級) Next grade (高一職級)
Same definition as Current Grade*

Uncover the issues which affect one's organization, hypothesize and set action plans, validate these steps and lead the solution

Determine improvements to be aligned with the organization's mission and strategies. Hypothesize, establish direction, set action plans, validate them and lead the solution


*If the competency definition for Next grade or One grade below is the same as the Current grade, please rate this competency with the expected role level taken into consideration (please refer to Expected Role section above).

8. Involve Others (溝通與協調)

One grade below (低一職級) Current grade (當前職級) Next grade (高一職級)
Communicate effectively with the leaders of one's organization

Communicate effectively with the leaders outside of one's organization

Communicate effectively with the leaders outside of one's organization, Rakuten Group executive officers and those with conflicting interests


*If the competency definition for Next grade or One grade below is the same as the Current grade, please rate this competency with the expected role level taken into consideration (please refer to Expected Role section above).

9. Shikumika (Systemize) (制度化/體系化)

One grade below (低一職級) Current grade (當前職級) Next grade (高一職級)
Contribute to improving the efficiency of one's organization by systemizing and sharing efforts that affect the entire organization

Contribute to improving the efficiency of one's organization by systemizing and sharing efforts that affect the company and organization

Same definition as Current Grade*


*If the competency definition for Next grade or One grade below is the same as the Current grade, please rate this competency with the expected role level taken into consideration (please refer to Expected Role section above).

4) Maximize Customer Satisfaction

4) Maximize Customer Satisfaction (4)追求最高的客戶滿意度)
Rakuten is first and foremost a service company. We're proud to serve our customers and we ceaselessly seek to improve their experience.


10. Increase Customer Value (提升客戶價值)

One grade below (低一職級) Current grade (當前職級) Next grade (高一職級)
Understand the customer's expectations, and serve the customers in the best way

Improve customer value of one's organization's by anticipating customer value and empowering customers, providing new valuable services

Same definition as Current Grade*


*If the competency definition for Next grade or One grade below is the same as the Current grade, please rate this competency with the expected role level taken into consideration (please refer to Expected Role section above).

5) Speed!! Speed!! Speed!!

5) Speed!! Speed!! Speed!! (5)快!快!快!)
Accomplish in one month what it takes other companies a year to do, because we can only win by being many times faster than our competitors.


11. Quick and Accurate Decision Making (迅速準確的決策)

One grade below (低一職級) Current grade (當前職級) Next grade (高一職級)
Accomplish work while quickly reacting to and reinterpreting changes in situations or directions

Make accurate decisions rapidly on highly uncertain events that impact one's team and overall organization, while redirecting and leading the team

Same definition as Current Grade*


*If the competency definition for Next grade or One grade below is the same as the Current grade, please rate this competency with the expected role level taken into consideration (please refer to Expected Role section above).

最後就是Goal Setting Comments for Competencies (勝任力考覈目標設定)









提前蒐集個人的量化數據及軟性反饋(上一階段目標設定,工作內容數據,Team Leader反饋)






哈哈, 我覺得我有點像HR了 

還沒有人評論,想成為第一個評論的人麼? 請在上方評論欄輸入並且點擊發布.