
title: cmake-gtest單元測試
categories: CMake
tags: [cmake, gtest, 單元測試]
date: 2020-02-17 10:38:43
comments: false



  • 官方
    • GitHub:
  • clion 官方 gtest-config -
  • Google Test(gtest)使用 -

集成 gtest

  • CLion下的gtest測試 -

這裏使用的 clion 編輯器


  1. 在項目中添加一個 子模塊 引入 gtest.

  2. CMakeLists.txt 中加入 gtest. 附: 測試代碼

    # 測試 gtest 的代碼
    #set(mainCpp main.cpp)
    set(mainCpp GTest/main.cpp) # gtest 入口文件
    set(SOURCE_FILES ${mainCpp} ${SRC_OtherTest} ${SRC_ExternTest} ${AlgorithmTest} ${SRC_GTest})
    ############# googletest module begin #############
    set(gtName gtest) # gtest 庫名
    add_subdirectory(googletest) # gtest 目錄
            ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/googletest # gtest 頭文件目錄
    ############# googletest module end #############
    add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SOURCE_FILES})
    target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${gtName}) # 鏈接 gtest
  3. done.

    • 測試所有用例. 直接 build and run.

      // ----------- build -----------
      "D:\CLion 2019.3.3\bin\cmake\win\bin\cmake.exe" --build E:\ws_cpp\CppLab\cmake-build-debug --target CppLab -- -j 6
      [  3%] Built target gtest
      [100%] Built target CppLab
      Build finished
      // ----------- run -----------
      [==========] Running 3 tests from 1 test suite.
      [----------] Global test environment set-up.
      [----------] 3 tests from TestCase
      [ RUN      ] TestCase.test1
      ---- test1 hello world
      [       OK ] TestCase.test1 (0 ms)
      [ RUN      ] TestCase.test2
      ---- test2 hello world
      [       OK ] TestCase.test2 (1 ms)
      [ RUN      ] TestCase.test3
      ---- test3 hello world
      [       OK ] TestCase.test3 (2 ms)
      [----------] 3 tests from TestCase (15 ms total)
      [----------] Global test environment tear-down
      [==========] 3 tests from 1 test suite ran. (31 ms total)
      [  PASSED  ] 3 tests.
      Process finished with exit code 0
    • 測試單個用例, 直接在 用例 上 右鍵 -> Run


  1. 添加一個類 GTestDemo 繼承 ::testing::Test, 這個 GTestDemo 就是一個 test suite.

    // ----------- demotest.cpp -----------
    #include <iostream>
    #include "gtest/gtest.h"
    class GTestDemo : public ::testing::Test {
    int mNum1 = 123; // 測試框架訪問不到
    int mNum2 = 456;
        GTestDemo() : Test() {
            std::cout << "------ constructor" << std::endl;
        ~GTestDemo() {
            std::cout << "--- deconstructor" << std::endl;
        virtual void SetUp() {
            std::cout << "--- SetUp" << std::endl;
        virtual void TearDown() {
            std::cout << "--- TearDown" << std::endl;
    TEST_F(GTestDemo, tc_example_01) {
        std::cout << "tc_example_01: " << mNum2 << std::endl;
    TEST_F(GTestDemo, tc_example_02) {
        std::cout << "tc_example_02" << std::endl;
  2. done. 只測試這個類的 測試用例

    E:\ws_cpp\CppLab\cmake-build-debug\CppLab.exe --gtest_color=no
    Running 2 tests from 1 test suite.------ constructor
    --- SetUp
    tc_example_01: 456
    --- TearDown
    --- deconstructor
    ------ constructor
    --- SetUp
    --- TearDown
    --- deconstructor
    2 tests from 1 test suite ran. (0 ms total)Process finished with exit code 0

clion 添加 單元測試 配置

  • 官方 gtest-config -


  1. 添加一個測試配置. 使用 suite/test 模式, suite 留空代表測試所有 test suite

    • program arguments : 這裏可以加入 可選參數, 指定測試某些用例
  2. 跑一下.

    哪個 過了/沒過 一目瞭然.

帶信息的 assert


往後面加上 << "xxx" 即可

ASSERT_TRUE(false) << "--- err: wolegequ"; // 將中斷執行
EXPECT_TRUE(false) << "--- err: wolegequ"; // 不中斷執行, 會報用例測試失敗


參數: --gtest_filter=*.*, 匹配符合條件的用例.

  1. 測試用例

    TEST(TestCase, test3) {
        std::cout << "---- test3 hello world" << std::endl;
        EXPECT_EQ(3, add(1, 2));
  2. 指定測試

    $ .\CppLab.exe --gtest_filter=TestCase.test3 # 只測試 TestCase.test3 這個用例
    Active code page: 65001
    Note: Google Test filter = TestCase.test3
    [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test suite.
    [----------] Global test environment set-up.
    [----------] 1 test from TestCase
    [ RUN      ] TestCase.test3
    ---- test3 hello world
    [       OK ] TestCase.test3 (0 ms)
    [----------] 1 test from TestCase (10 ms total)
    [----------] Global test environment tear-down
    [==========] 1 test from 1 test suite ran. (44 ms total)
    [  PASSED  ] 1 test.


可以在可執行程序後面加入一些參數. 例如:

$ .\CppLab.exe --gtest_filter=CBaseTest.test_* # 只測試匹配 CBaseTest.test_* 的用例, CBaseTest 一個test suit
Note: Google Test filter = CBaseTest.test_*
[==========] Running 11 tests from 1 test suite. # 匹配到 11 個需要測試的用例
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 11 tests from CBaseTest
[ RUN      ] CBaseTest.test_string # 測試用例
--- destPath: aaa/vvv/
[       OK ] CBaseTest.test_string (14 ms) # 結果


[----------] 11 tests from CBaseTest (186 ms total)
[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 11 tests from 1 test suite ran. (220 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 11 tests.


This program contains tests written using Google Test. You can use the
following command line flags to control its behavior:

Test Selection:
      List the names of all tests instead of running them. The name of
      TEST(Foo, Bar) is "Foo.Bar".
      Run only the tests whose name matches one of the positive patterns but
      none of the negative patterns. '?' matches any single character; '*'
      matches any substring; ':' separates two patterns.
      Run all disabled tests too.

Test Execution:
      Run the tests repeatedly; use a negative count to repeat forever.
      Randomize tests' orders on every iteration.
      Random number seed to use for shuffling test orders (between 1 and
      99999, or 0 to use a seed based on the current time).

Test Output:
      Enable/disable colored output. The default is auto.
      Don't print the elapsed time of each test.
      Generate a JSON or XML report in the given directory or with the given
      file name. FILE_PATH defaults to test_detail.xml.

Assertion Behavior:
      Turn assertion failures into debugger break-points.
      Turn assertion failures into C++ exceptions for use by an external
      test framework.
      Do not report exceptions as test failures. Instead, allow them
      to crash the program or throw a pop-up (on Windows).

Except for --gtest_list_tests, you can alternatively set the corresponding
environment variable of a flag (all letters in upper-case). For example, to
disable colored text output, you can either specify --gtest_color=no or set
the GTEST_COLOR environment variable to no.

For more information, please read the Google Test documentation at If you find a bug in Google Test
(not one in your own code or tests), please report it to
Process finished with exit code 0


// ----------- add.h -----------
#ifndef TESTADD2_ADD_H
#define TESTADD2_ADD_H

int add(int n1,int n2);

#endif //TESTADD2_ADD_H

// ----------- add.cpp -----------
#include "add.h"

int add(int n1, int n2) {
    return n1 + n2;

// ----------- main.cpp -----------
#include <iostream>
#include "add/add.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // 引入 gtest

TEST(TestCase, test1) {
    std::cout << "---- test1 hello world" << std::endl;
    ASSERT_EQ(12, add(4, 8));

TEST(TestCase, test2) {
    std::cout << "---- test2 hello world" << std::endl;
    EXPECT_EQ(5, add(2, 3));

TEST(TestCase, test3) {
    std::cout << "---- test3 hello world" << std::endl;
    EXPECT_EQ(3, add(1, 2));

GTEST_API_ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();

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