Southampton City Art Gallery 1

Hey guys. I'm back again. I mentioned that I would like to make some changes to this Wechat Official Account(公衆號). Now I'm going to do something, but I can't promise that I'll update regularly.(但不能保證經常更文。) I'll try, for sure.

What I'm going to do is to add some British culture to our English learning. I think Art Galleries are great places for us to get to know about this country. 

I'm not an expert (專家),but I like art. For me, that matters. (這就足夠了。)I'm just trying to show you the art works (藝術品), and then I'll let you decide what you see and how you feel about them.

Our first stop is Southampton City Art Gallery (南安普頓城市美術館). Let's start.

                                                      Woman, Tree and Snake

                                                                       By Eileen Cooper (b. 1953)

What's your first impression of this painting? What does it remind you of? (你對這幅畫的第一印象是什麼?它讓你聯想到了什麼?)

Yeah! You're right about Adam and Eve (亞當和夏娃), the Garden of Eden(伊甸園), the tree of knowledge of good and evil(智慧樹), the evil serpent (邪惡的毒蛇). 

But if you look closer (如果仔細看看), you may find  something is different. The woman in the painting is a tree herself (畫中的女性本身也是一棵樹).

Ring any bells?(有想到什麼嗎?)If you do, I will be so thrilled! If you know about Greek mythology(希臘神話), you must know the story about Apollo and Daphne(太陽神阿波羅和河神之女達芙妮).




Why do I feel so excited about this story? Because my favourite sculpture(雕塑作品) is about this story, Giovanni Paolo Panini's (帕尼尼)Apollo and Daphne(《阿波羅和達芙妮》).

Yet,Woman, Tree and Snake is actually not about this story.  The woman and the tree together imply life, love and greatness. (女性和樹交融的形象代表了生命、愛和偉大。)The man's role, as a son or as a lover, changes with time.(男性的形象,半個成年人,即代表了兒子,也代表了愛人,他的角色隨時間的改變而改變。)

However, don't get frustrated for not understanding the painter's meaning. (不要因爲沒有看懂畫家的深意而受挫。)The painter does say, "Lots of people's lives are thrown together in my pictures, but there is also a strong sense of separateness."(“在我的作品中,很多形象被交織在一起,但又存在強烈的分離感。”)What's most important is that you enjoy the works and you feel conneted with them.(最最重要的是你在看作品的時候,心情是愉悅的,而且和畫作有連接感。)

That's all for the first art work. I hope you enjoy it. I feel it's really interesting.

The tag(畫作說明標籤) will be of great help for you to know the painting better.



此外,通過藝術,可以瞭解非常多的西方歷史和文化。我也是因爲從2018年逛美術館開始,對希臘羅馬神話產生了興趣。之前在國內還在網上聽了中國傳媒大學教授的相關課程。非常有意思。而且,經過我不斷“薰陶”,我5歲的小侄女現在已經知道很多希臘神話裏的人物和故事。比如,她知道倫敦Piccadilly Circus(皮卡迪利廣場)十字路口的雕像並不是丘比特,雖然他也有一對翅膀。他是丘比特的弟弟安忒洛斯。他的翅膀是蝴蝶翅膀,丘比特的是天鵝翅膀。



Bye for now! 

還沒有人評論,想成為第一個評論的人麼? 請在上方評論欄輸入並且點擊發布.