
原創 王瓊輸出的力量 王瓊工作室 輸出的力量 


1. 有不同意見(不要吵架)











To: (Mananger) David Long, (Indian Colleagues) Suhil, Sunil Gupta, (Chinese Colleagues) Chen Bing

From: Joanna Wang

Subject: Updates of our project and key info needed from our Indian team


I am writing to update the status of our project and to request key information from our Indian team.

As Mr. David Long has been urging us to speed up the project, we have been working around clock to make sure of an on-time delivery. David has instructed us about the serious current status which may lead to a possible delay if without cooperation closely between our teams.



Now, we need more key information from our Indian Team, especially from Suhil and Sunil. Your input to the project is crucial to help us make it before the deadline. Therefore, we wonder if we could suggest that key information be sent to us before this Friday (June 8) so that we can catch up this weekend to see whether next Monday is possible for a tele-conference as a follow-up.

We have forwarded this message to David so that the management team can also track the progress of our project. All your expertiseis our great resource to rely on and with it, we are confident the problem will be solved soon.


2. 申請升職加薪




3. 裁員信


4. 更高段位

文體學家Scrum說過:“Vigorous writing is concise——有力的寫作都是簡潔的。” 我們可以把郵件寫作延伸到微信(Twitter),精簡到用140個詞表達清晰而準確的意思。

我曾希望微信有類似gmail郵件的指導,做一個結構化模板:Hi Stella, 明天下午4:00會議。目的:1)彙總訪談結果並交流洞見;2)分配任務到人及時間節點;期待詳聊。



5. 花絮彩蛋



Dear John,

It's been ages we haven't touched base with each other since you visited me in XX and we took a tour to XX.I hope everything is well around you, with your lovely wife and daughter. 

I am writing to ask for a favor. In the past 3 years' grave impact of the Pandemic, and I have been engaged in thinking and implementing how to save our company from going broke. I have composed a lot of case studies in Chinese and English on how our clients have been applying the thinking tools to produce great ideas. I now have an English pamphlet with 30 case stories in about 22570 wordsand the HQ of XX company is interested in sharing them with other distributors in other countries for marketing purposes. I wonder, before I submit my work, if you could help me proof read as an English native speaker. If it is ok, I will pay for the editor's fee.

I am looking forward to hearing from you and if possible, yourquoted price.

Best regards,

Joanna Wang



Wonderful to hear from you!!!

Please send some example text my way so I can get a sense for the level of editing needed. that will help me get a sense for the best way to move forward.

Looking forward to interactingon this!

I remain, etcetera,




Hi John,

Indeed, it's wonderful that we reconnected.

Please find the attached file for a glimpse ofmy little book: the cover page and one case story for proofreading. 

The purpose of the editing is to remove grammar, syntax andcollocation errors (the glaring mistakes), etc. to make the content readable. 

The entire text has 22,970 words and if possible, the delivery time is in one or two weeks. 

Hoping to work with you on this and more upcoming projects that I have been doing.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


So the text here seems to only need light editing.

Having said that, there's so many things I want to tell you about my editing/technical rhetoric company since we spoke last! For example, I've got 30 people working for me and my own next available consulting time slot is in September!

When do you need this edited by?  

Depending on the time frame....I could do this myself; I'd probably do it in short spurts over the course of about 15 days , aftermy normal consulting, and I'd do it pro bono because or 1) your company's situation and 2) my fortune for being in the right place at the right time with the right skills (i.e., the current success of my firm). 

If it is a rush, then I can recommend the "level 3" service of my firm (this would be one of ~25 native English speaking, PhD level (biology) editors that do 'offline' editing for my firm. I think (but am not sure) that the current rate is 0.4 RMB/word for 7 day editing; it would be less for you because I would drop the cut that the firm usually takes. I don't do much except the 'level 1' editing, so (embarrassingly) I am not fully up to date on the rates etc.  There are also 1 day and 3 day options for level 3 editing if its a severe rush.  

Let me know what you think of these options, and we can plan more.


P.S. I can do pro bono work because I am shy (but proud) to say that my current hourly rate for consulting is 2200 rmb/hour....


緊接着,看在我是他老師和朋友的份上願意爲我免單。開始我還不理解“pro bono”的意思,(因爲我的公司叫de Bono)而“bono”就是慈善、善意,“pro bono”是爲了善意而做的慈善活動。







Thank you for your reply.

So far for the editing, I can select five stories (the same length as the sample text) for editing at your working pace, but better before early June and the rate is fine, either you do it or other colleagues can proofread. 

As for the pro bono work, I am not very clear what it means. Do you want be ourconsultant on course delivery or as the language editor? I may need to talk to our HQ first but I'd be grateful if you could send me your c.v. for further cooperation.

A quick note, are you still in China or back to the States? Do you have WeChatso that we'll catch up easier and faster? You can search my account: XX.

If this works for you, I will send the deck in a day or two.

Best regards,


pro bono means "work completed for free". I don't want to add a burden to a struggling firm!

If "before June' is the deadline, then I'll do it myself. seems like an interesting read!

Please send the files my way and I'll get work.

I have been working remotely from the UK and the USA since the plague started.  I still have an office at the National Institute of Biological Sciences in Beijing, where I am the "Director of Scientific Literature", but I've not been back to China since I left for a CNY trip in January of 2020. 

I updated my phone and computer and Email is best for me.

My best,


他向我解釋了“pro bono”是免費和慈善的意思,告訴我交付日期,然後介紹了他的工作,最後堅持用郵件和我交流,也就是沒有答應我用微信聯繫的要求。這也是我們可以借鑑的委婉拒絕的方法。


Hi John,

Thank you so much foryour generosity of pro bono! Please find the attached 5 stories for editing and it's perfect to return to me in early June. If any questions arise, just let me know.

Wow! It's wonderful to see you have made such a hit with business blossoming especially in difficult times. Many congratulations! I hope to learn more about your successful stories to enlighten and encourage me. 

With tons of my gratitude.

Best regards,


Here you go! hope this is helpful.

Hope we can go back and forth as needed with drafts, etc.

My best,



Dear John,

Thank you so much for your careful and candid editing on my writing andI've benefited so much from your generosity to help me out. 

The precise wording, the strictannotation, and the natural collocation, all enlighten me to see the huge difference of the before-and-after version.

My thanks are really beyond words!

Thank you and best regards,



6. 小結

郵件寫作的高級段位實際上是爲人的藝術以及與人溝通的高級段位。雖然you “交換”;但如何能夠“獲取”——“要得到”,還是要看“給予”——“怎麼給”。這是基本原理,就像銷售一樣,能把東西賣出去,還能把錢收回來。高段位的寫作是把信息或情況給出去,還能把支持的行動要回來。我們需要打造的能力是:態度友善誠懇、方法曲直相間,正直有擔當,同時又顧及對方的體面和尊嚴,共同把事情辦成,把問題解決。



王瓊工作室 輸出的力量



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