原创 Interval (樹狀數組)

Interval 時間限制:2000 ms  |  內存限制:65535 KB 難度:4 描述 There are n(1 <= n <= 100000) intervals [ai, bi] and m(1 <= m <= 10

原创 兔子的煩惱(二) nyoj (規律)

兔子的煩惱(二) 時間限制:1000 ms  |  內存限制:65535 KB 難度:3 描述 在一座山上有n個山洞(每個洞從0~n-1分別編號),這山上有一隻兔子躲在山洞裏,有一隻狼,從編號爲0的山洞開始入洞,每隔m-1個洞,

原创 Chinese Girls' Amusement (大數除法,大數減法)

Chinese Girls' Amusement Time limit      2000 ms                Memory limit         65536 kB You must have heard tha

原创 Estrella's Travel (最短路spfa)

Estrella's Travel Time Limit : 1000 MS     Memory Limit : 65536 KB 題目描述 Estrella喜歡旅行,她準備去自己心儀的城市看風景。她精心選擇了一條線路,準備自駕遊

原创 Hard to Play ZOJ 3712

Hard to Play Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB MightyHorse is playing a music game called osu!. Aft

原创 Java Beans ZOJ 3714

Java Beans Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB There are N little kids sitting in a circle, each of th

原创 Wireless Network (並查集)

Ubiquitous Religions Time limit    10000 ms          Memory limit    65536 kB There are so many different religions

原创 近似迴文詞

近似迴文詞 Time limit   1000 ms            Memory limit    131072 kB 輸入一行文本,輸出最長近似迴文詞連續子串。所謂近似迴文詞是指滿足以下條件的字符串: 1. S以字母開頭,字

原创 Friends ZOJ 3710

Friends Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB Alice lives in the country where people like to make frien

原创 Dinner

Dinner Time limit   1000 ms            Memory limit   32768 kB Little A is one member of ACM team. He had just won t

原创 Friends number (數論,打表)

Friends number Time limit     1000 ms             Memory limit       131072 kB Paula and Tai are couple. There are man

原创 Density of Power Network ZOJ 3708

Density of Power Network Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB The vast power system is the most complic

原创 NEW RDSP MODE I (找規律)

NEW RDSP MODE I Time limit    1000 ms               Memory limit        131072 kB Little A has became fascinated with

原创 SPY (map容器)

SPY Time limit   1000 ms                    Memory limit         131072 kB The National Intelligence Council of X Nati

原创 You are my brother (並查集之變形——查找步數)

You are my brother Time limit  1000 ms             Memory limit      131072 kB Little A gets to know a new friend, L