原创 《菜根談》204

宴樂、聲色、名位,三者不可過貪(Banquet music, sound, fame, this threethings can not be greedy)【原文】飲宴之樂多,不是個好人家;聲華之習勝,不是個好士子;名位之念重,不是個好臣

原创 《菜根談》203

喜憂安危,勿介於心(Happiness and safety, do not be in the heart)【原文】毋憂拂意,毋喜快心,毋恃久安,毋憚初難。(No worry, do not like fast heart, do not

原创 《菜根談》202

過儉者吝嗇,過讓者卑曲(frugal frugal stingy, let humble)【原文】儉,美德也,過則爲慳吝,爲鄙嗇,反傷雅道;讓,懿行也,過則爲足恭,爲曲謹,多出機心。(frugality, virtue, pass is s

原创 《菜根談》201

藏才隱智,任重致遠(Hidden talent hidden wisdom,The task is significantlead to lofty)【原文】鷹立如睡,虎行似病,正是他攫人噬人手段處。故君子要聰明不露,才華不逞,纔有肩鴻任鉅

原创 《菜根談》200

老當益壯,大器晚成(Old older, late omer)【原文】日既暮而猶煙霞絢爛,歲將晚而更橙桔芳馨,故末路晚年君子更宜精神百倍。(The 12th is both dusk and still smoke  rosy clouds

原创 《菜根談》199

處世要道,不即不離(The world wants to go through it, never even leave it)【原文】處世不宜與俗同,亦不宜與俗異;作事不宜令人厭,亦不宜令人喜。(Life should not be id

原创 《菜根談》198

虛圓立業,僨事失機(Make a career in vain,Pocket miss aircraft)【原文】建功立業者,多虛圓之士;僨事失機者,必執拗之人。(Successful achievements, more false ci

原创 《菜根談》197

戒高絕之行,忌褊急之衷(Stop the high line, avoid urgent compromise)【原文】山之高峻處無木,而溪谷迴環則草木叢生;水之湍急處無魚,而淵潭停蓄則魚鱉聚集。此高絕之行,褊急之衷。君子重有戒焉。(In

原创 《菜根談》196

讒言如雲蔽日,甘言如風侵肌(Slanderous talk like clouds in the sun, sweet words such as wind invasion muscle)【原文】讒夫毀士,如寸雲蔽日,不久自明;媚子阿人,

原创 《菜根談》195

忘恩報怨,刻薄之尤(Ingratitude and resentment, especially mean)【學究】受人之恩雖深不報,怨則淺亦報之;聞人之惡雖隱不疑,善則顯亦疑之。此刻之極,薄之尤也,宜切戒之。(Although the k

原创 《菜根談》194

好利者害顯而淺,好名者害隱而深(The good profit harm is obvious and shallow, the good famous harm is hidden and deep)【原文】好利者逸出道義之外,其害顯而淺

原创 《菜根談》193

寧爲小人所毀,勿爲君子所容(Would rather be destroyed by the villain than by the gentleman)【原文】寧爲小人所忌毀,毋爲小人所媚悅;寧爲君子所責備,毋爲君子所包容。(Would

原创 《菜根談》191

疾病易醫,魔障難除(Diseases are easy to treat doctors, and magic barriers are difficult to remove)【原文】縱慾之病可醫,而勢理之病難醫,事物之障可除,而義理之障

原创 《菜根談》192

金須百鍊,矢不輕發(Gold must be thoroughly tempered, the target is not light hair)【原文】磨礪當如百鍊之金,急就者非邃養;施爲宜似千鈞之弩,輕發者無宏功。(Steel ones

原创 《菜根談》190

勿仇小人,勿媚君子(Do not hate the villain, do not flatter the gentleman)【原文】休與小人仇讎,小人自有對頭;休向君子諂媚,君子原無私惠。(Hugh and the villain re