Ubuntu 12.04安裝Adobe Reader

原本從Adobe 官方網站下載了 Adobe Reader, 是個rpm包,先用agt-get 裝了rpm(sudo apt-get install rpm),

一安裝(rpm -ivh AdobeReader_chs-8.1.7-1.i486.rpm)出來一大堆依賴,

一查,有很多依賴的軟件都還沒安裝(for d in 'rpm -qpR AdobeReader_chs-8.1.7-1.i486.rpm'; do whereis $d; done;)


原文鏈接: http://www.techheadz.co.uk/222.html#.U06t2R--aBs

Install Adobe Reader in Ubuntu 12.04. sudo apt-get install acroread

To install Abode Reader in Ubuntu 12.04 enter the following commands in the terminal. You will be prompted to enter your password.
sudo apt-add-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install acroread
When you are installing Adobe Reader you will be asked if you would like to make this your default PDF reader. I opted for yes, as I find find Adobe Reader more comfortable to use than the other Linux alternatives. 


Once you have installed Adobe Reader via the terminal, to launch it open your dock and type acroread, click on the Adobe Reader icon and launch the application. 


Once you have launched the Adobe Reader, the icon will appear in your dock. Remember to Lock to Launcher if you would like a permanent link to it later on.

The current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader is version 9, which is sufficient for opening all PDF's in Ubuntu. 


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