




 *	request_threaded_irq - allocate an interrupt line
 *	@irq: Interrupt line to allocate//分配的中斷號
 *	@handler: Function to be called when the IRQ occurs.//中斷處理函數
 *		  Primary handler for threaded interrupts
 *		  If NULL and thread_fn != NULL the default
 *		  primary handler is installed
 *	@thread_fn: Function called from the irq handler thread
 *		    If NULL, no irq thread is created
 *      	//中斷線程處理函數,如果爲空則不創建中斷線程
 *	@irqflags: Interrupt type flags//中斷類型標誌
 *	@devname: An ascii name for the claiming device//設備的名稱
 *	@dev_id: A cookie passed back to the handler function//傳遞給中斷處理函數的參數
 *	This call allocates interrupt resources and enables the
 *	interrupt line and IRQ handling. From the point this
 *	call is made your handler function may be invoked. Since
 *	your handler function must clear any interrupt the board
 *	raises, you must take care both to initialise your hardware
 *	and to set up the interrupt handler in the right order.
 *	If you want to set up a threaded irq handler for your device
 *	then you need to supply @handler and @thread_fn. @handler is
 *	still called in hard interrupt context and has to check
 *	whether the interrupt originates from the device. If yes it
 *	needs to disable the interrupt on the device and return
 *	IRQ_WAKE_THREAD which will wake up the handler thread and run
 *	@thread_fn. This split handler design is necessary to support
 *	shared interrupts.
 *  如果您想爲您的設備設置一個線程的irq處理程序,那麼您需要提供@handler和
 *  @thread_fn。@handler仍然在硬中斷上下文中調用,必須檢查中斷是否來自設備。
 *  如果是,它需要禁用設備上的中斷並返回IRQ_WAKE_THREAD,它將喚醒處理程序
 *  線程並運行@thread_fn。這種分割處理程序設計對於支持共享中斷是必要的。
 *	Dev_id must be globally unique. Normally the address of the
 *	device data structure is used as the cookie. Since the handler
 *	receives this value it makes sense to use it.
 *	If your interrupt is shared you must pass a non NULL dev_id
 *	as this is required when freeing the interrupt.
 *  如果您的中斷是共享的,那麼您必須傳遞一個非空的dev_id,因爲在釋放中斷時
 *  需要傳遞一個非空的dev_id。
 *	Flags:
 *	IRQF_SHARED		    Interrupt is shared//共享中斷
 *	IRQF_TRIGGER_*		Specify active edge(s) or level//指定邊緣觸發或水平觸發
int request_threaded_irq(unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler,
			 irq_handler_t thread_fn, unsigned long irqflags,
			 const char *devname, void *dev_id)
	struct irqaction *action;
	struct irq_desc *desc;
	int retval;
		return -ENOTCONN;
	 * Sanity-check: shared interrupts must pass in a real dev-ID,
	 * otherwise we'll have trouble later trying to figure out
	 * which interrupt is which (messes up the interrupt freeing
	 * logic etc).
	 * Also IRQF_COND_SUSPEND only makes sense for shared interrupts and
	 * it cannot be set along with IRQF_NO_SUSPEND.
	if (((irqflags & IRQF_SHARED) && !dev_id) ||
	    (!(irqflags & IRQF_SHARED) && (irqflags & IRQF_COND_SUSPEND)) ||
	    ((irqflags & IRQF_NO_SUSPEND) && (irqflags & IRQF_COND_SUSPEND)))
		return -EINVAL;
	desc = irq_to_desc(irq);
	if (!desc)
		return -EINVAL;
	if (!irq_settings_can_request(desc) ||
		return -EINVAL;
	if (!handler) {
		if (!thread_fn)
			return -EINVAL;
		handler = irq_default_primary_handler;
	action = kzalloc(sizeof(struct irqaction), GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!action)
		return -ENOMEM;
	action->handler = handler;
	action->thread_fn = thread_fn;
	action->flags = irqflags;
	action->name = devname;
	action->dev_id = dev_id;
	retval = irq_chip_pm_get(&desc->irq_data);
	if (retval < 0) {
		return retval;
	retval = __setup_irq(irq, desc, action);//在__setup_irq中創建中斷線程處理函數
	if (retval) {
	if (!retval && (irqflags & IRQF_SHARED)) {
		 * It's a shared IRQ -- the driver ought to be prepared for it
		 * to happen immediately, so let's make sure....
		 * We disable the irq to make sure that a 'real' IRQ doesn't
		 * run in parallel with our fake.
		unsigned long flags;
		handler(irq, dev_id);
	return retval;


int request_threaded_irq(unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler,
			             irq_handler_t thread_fn, unsigned long irqflags,
			             const char *devname, void *dev_id)

  handler:中斷處理函數指針,中斷髮生時最先執行的代碼,類似於頂半,最後會return IRQ_WAKE_THREAD來喚醒中斷線程thread_fn。
  thread_fn:thread_fn,是要在線程裏執行的handler,非常類似於底半。當handler return IRQ_WAKE_THREAD會喚醒中斷線程thread_fn。
  devname:設備名稱(註冊後會出現在cat /proc/interrupts)
  0 表示成功


static inline int __must_check  request_irq(unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler, 
                               unsigned long flags, const char *name, void *dev)
	return request_threaded_irq(irq, handler, NULL, flags, name, dev);

  從源碼中可以看出,request_irq其實是調用request_threaded_irq來實現的,只不過 irq_handler_t thread_fn=NULL,即不會創建中斷線程處理函數,用系統提供的默認函數處理。



int gpio_to_irq(unsigned int gpio)


typedef irqreturn_t (*irq_handler_t)(int, void *);
irqreturn_t irq_handler_t(int irq, void *dev_id);


enum irqreturn {
	IRQ_NONE		= (0 << 0),//只在共享中斷中使用,如果不是本中斷則返回這個值
	IRQ_HANDLED		= (1 << 0),//正確執行中斷處理函數返回這個值
	IRQ_WAKE_THREAD		= (1 << 1),//表示去喚醒中斷處理線程
typedef enum irqreturn irqreturn_t;


#define IRQF_TRIGGER_NONE	    0x00000000//不設置觸發邊沿
#define IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING	    0x00000001//設置觸發邊沿爲上升沿
#define IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING	0x00000002//設置觸發邊沿爲下降沿
#define IRQF_TRIGGER_HIGH   	0x00000004//設置觸發方式爲高電平
#define IRQF_TRIGGER_LOW	    0x00000008//設置觸發方式爲低電平
#define IRQF_TRIGGER_PROBE	    0x00000010
#define IRQF_SHARED	        	0x00000080//共享中斷
#define IRQF_ONESHOT		    0x00002000//在hardirq處理程序完成後,不會重新啓用中斷,保持irq線禁用,而是執行線程中斷處理,直到線程處理程序已經運行。

  補充:以上標誌只用於外部中斷,且可以組合使用,如:irq_flags = IRQF_TRIGGER_LOW | IRQF_ONESHOT;


cat /proc/interrupts




  在實際應用中,檢測耳機的插入一般是通過耳機插孔中機械變化導致一個gpio的電平的變化,在該gpio中斷裏進行耳機插入處理。但是耳機插入一般都有個抖動的過程,需要消抖處理。最簡單的辦法是在中斷髮生後,延時一段時間(例如200ms),然後再檢查GPIO狀態是否穩定來確定是否有效插入。如果用老的中斷方式,就需要借用workqueue等方式,你需要在頂半里激活一個delay 200ms的workqueue,然後在workqueue裏檢查。用線程化的處理方式,你僅僅需要在thread_fn裏sleep 200ms,然後在檢查即可。


const void *free_irq(unsigned int irq, void *dev_id)
//irq:要註銷的中斷號   dev_id:和註冊時寫的一樣就可以


void disable_irq_nosync(unsigned int irq)void disable_irq(unsigned int irq)



void enable_irq(unsigned int irq)


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