Unity UI拖拽功能實現——帶有彈簧效果



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;

public class DragComponent : MonoBehaviour, IBeginDragHandler, IDragHandler, IEndDragHandler
    public enum MovementType
        Elastic, //目前支持這一種,帶有彈簧效果的拖拽

    public RectTransform m_ViewRect; //序列化拖拽的gameobject
    public RectTransform m_Content; //序列化拖拽的區域

    private bool m_isDragging = false; //標記是否在拖拽了
    private Vector2 m_PointerStartLocalCursor = Vector2.zero; //開始拖拽的鼠標點位置
    protected Vector2 m_ContentStartPosition = Vector2.zero; //開始拖拽的內容區的中心點位置
    private RectTransform viewRect
            return m_ViewRect;
    private Bounds m_ContentBounds;
    private Bounds m_ViewBounds;
    private Vector2 m_Velocity;
    private Vector2 m_PrevPosition = Vector2.zero;
    private Bounds m_PrevContentBounds;
    private Bounds m_PrevViewBounds;
    public Vector2 velocity { get { return m_Velocity; } set { m_Velocity = value; } } //速度
    private bool m_Inertia = false; //是否有有慣性
    private float m_Elasticity = 0.1f; // Only used for MovementType.Elastic //彈簧的彈性
    private readonly Vector3[] m_Corners = new Vector3[4]; 
    private bool m_Horizontal = true;
    private bool m_Vertical = true;
    private MovementType m_MovementType = MovementType.Elastic; //默認爲彈簧

    public void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
        m_isDragging = true;
        m_PointerStartLocalCursor = Vector2.zero;
        RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(viewRect, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out m_PointerStartLocalCursor);
        m_ContentStartPosition = m_Content.anchoredPosition;

    public void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
        m_isDragging = false;

    public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
        Vector2 localCursor;
        RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(viewRect, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out localCursor);

        var pointerDelta = localCursor - m_PointerStartLocalCursor;
        Vector2 position = m_ContentStartPosition + pointerDelta;

        Vector2 offset = CalculateOffset(position - m_Content.anchoredPosition);
        position += offset;
        if (m_MovementType == MovementType.Elastic)
            if (offset.x != 0)
                position.x = position.x - RubberDelta(offset.x, m_ViewBounds.size.x);  //如果有彈簧效果,則運行其能拉出邊界,然後在LateUpdate中進行拉回操作
            if (offset.y != 0)
                position.y = position.y - RubberDelta(offset.y, m_ViewBounds.size.y);
    private static float RubberDelta(float overStretching, float viewSize)
        return (1 - (1 / ((Mathf.Abs(overStretching) * 0.55f / viewSize) + 1))) * viewSize * Mathf.Sign(overStretching);

    public void LateUpdate()
        float deltaTime = Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
        Vector2 offset = CalculateOffset(Vector2.zero); //是否有拉出邊界

        if (!m_isDragging && (offset != Vector2.zero || m_Velocity != Vector2.zero)) //如果不在拖拽,並且(拉出邊界或者速度不爲0則進入if)
            Vector2 position = m_Content.anchoredPosition;
            for (int axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++)
                // Apply spring physics if movement is elastic and content has an offset from the view.
                if (m_MovementType == MovementType.Elastic && offset[axis] != 0) //超出邊界了,則進行拉回
                    float speed = m_Velocity[axis];
                    position[axis] = Mathf.SmoothDamp(m_Content.anchoredPosition[axis], m_Content.anchoredPosition[axis] + offset[axis], ref speed, m_Elasticity, Mathf.Infinity, deltaTime);
                    if (Mathf.Abs(speed) < 1)
                        speed = 0; //如果拉回了,那麼speed變爲0
                    m_Velocity[axis] = speed;
                    m_Velocity[axis] = 0;

            if (m_MovementType == MovementType.Clamped) //這裏不走,默認爲彈簧效果
                offset = CalculateOffset(position - m_Content.anchoredPosition);
                position += offset;
            SetContentAnchoredPosition(position); //設置內容區的位置

        if (m_isDragging && m_Inertia) //這裏不走,這裏沒有慣性
            Vector3 newVelocity = (m_Content.anchoredPosition - m_PrevPosition) / deltaTime;
            m_Velocity = Vector3.Lerp(m_Velocity, newVelocity, deltaTime * 10);

        if (m_ViewBounds != m_PrevViewBounds || m_ContentBounds != m_PrevContentBounds || m_Content.anchoredPosition != m_PrevPosition)
            UpdatePrevData(); //更新pre的值

    protected void UpdatePrevData()
        if (m_Content == null)
            m_PrevPosition = Vector2.zero;
            m_PrevPosition = m_Content.anchoredPosition;
        m_PrevViewBounds = m_ViewBounds;
        m_PrevContentBounds = m_ContentBounds;

    protected virtual void SetContentAnchoredPosition(Vector2 position)
        if (!m_Horizontal)
            position.x = m_Content.anchoredPosition.x;
        if (!m_Vertical)
            position.y = m_Content.anchoredPosition.y;

        if (position != m_Content.anchoredPosition)
            m_Content.anchoredPosition = position;
    private Vector2 CalculateOffset(Vector2 delta)
        return InternalCalculateOffset(ref m_ViewBounds, ref m_ContentBounds, m_Horizontal, m_Vertical, m_MovementType, ref delta);
    private Vector2 InternalCalculateOffset(ref Bounds viewBounds, ref Bounds contentBounds, bool horizontal, bool vertical, MovementType movementType, ref Vector2 delta)
        Vector2 offset = Vector2.zero;
        if (movementType == MovementType.Unrestricted)
            return offset;

        Vector2 min = contentBounds.min;
        Vector2 max = contentBounds.max;

        if (horizontal)
            min.x += delta.x;
            max.x += delta.x;

            if (min.x > viewBounds.min.x)
                offset.x = viewBounds.min.x - min.x;
            else if (max.x < viewBounds.max.x)
                offset.x = viewBounds.max.x - max.x;

        if (vertical)
            min.y += delta.y;
            max.y += delta.y;
            if (max.y < viewBounds.max.y)
                offset.y = viewBounds.max.y - max.y;
            else if (min.y > viewBounds.min.y)
                offset.y = viewBounds.min.y - min.y;

        return offset;

    private void UpdateBounds()
        m_ViewBounds = new Bounds(viewRect.rect.center, viewRect.rect.size);
        m_ContentBounds = GetBounds();
        Vector3 contentSize = m_ContentBounds.size;
        Vector3 contentPos = m_ContentBounds.center;
        var contentPivot = m_Content.pivot;
        AdjustBounds(ref m_ViewBounds, ref contentPivot, ref contentSize, ref contentPos);
        m_ContentBounds.size = contentSize;
        m_ContentBounds.center = contentPos;

    private Bounds GetBounds()
        if (m_Content == null)
            return new Bounds();
        var viewWorldToLocalMatrix = viewRect.worldToLocalMatrix;
        return InternalGetBounds(m_Corners, ref viewWorldToLocalMatrix);
    private Bounds InternalGetBounds(Vector3[] corners, ref Matrix4x4 viewWorldToLocalMatrix)
        var vMin = new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
        var vMax = new Vector3(float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue);

        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
            Vector3 v = viewWorldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(corners[j]);
            vMin = Vector3.Min(v, vMin);
            vMax = Vector3.Max(v, vMax);

        var bounds = new Bounds(vMin, Vector3.zero);
        return bounds;
    private void AdjustBounds(ref Bounds viewBounds, ref Vector2 contentPivot, ref Vector3 contentSize, ref Vector3 contentPos)
        Vector3 excess = viewBounds.size - contentSize;
        if (excess.x > 0)
            contentPos.x -= excess.x * (contentPivot.x - 0.5f);
            contentSize.x = viewBounds.size.x;
        if (excess.y > 0)
            contentPos.y -= excess.y * (contentPivot.y - 0.5f);
            contentSize.y = viewBounds.size.y;




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