
float4 TexCoords(VertexInput v)
    float4 texcoord;
    texcoord.xy = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.uv0, _MainTex); // Always source from uv0
    texcoord.zw = TRANSFORM_TEX(((_UVSec == 0) ? v.uv0 : v.uv1), _DetailAlbedoMap);
    return texcoord;
v2f_meta vert_meta (VertexInput v)
    v2f_meta o;
    o.pos = UnityMetaVertexPosition(v.vertex, v.uv1.xy, v.uv2.xy, unity_LightmapST, unity_DynamicLightmapST);
    o.uv = TexCoords(v);
    o.vizUV = 0;
    o.lightCoord = 0;
    if (unity_VisualizationMode == EDITORVIZ_TEXTURE)
        o.vizUV = UnityMetaVizUV(unity_EditorViz_UVIndex, v.uv0.xy, v.uv1.xy, v.uv2.xy, unity_EditorViz_Texture_ST);
    else if (unity_VisualizationMode == EDITORVIZ_SHOWLIGHTMASK)
        o.vizUV = v.uv1.xy * unity_LightmapST.xy + unity_LightmapST.zw;
        o.lightCoord = mul(unity_EditorViz_WorldToLight, mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(v.vertex.xyz, 1)));
    return o;
float4 frag_meta (v2f_meta i) : SV_Target
    // we're interested in diffuse & specular colors,
    // and surface roughness to produce final albedo.
    FragmentCommonData data = UNITY_SETUP_BRDF_INPUT (i.uv);

    UnityMetaInput o;

    o.Albedo = data.diffColor;
    o.VizUV = i.vizUV;
    o.LightCoord = i.lightCoord;
    o.Albedo = UnityLightmappingAlbedo (data.diffColor, data.specColor, data.smoothness);
    o.SpecularColor = data.specColor;
    o.Emission = Emission(i.uv.xy);

    return UnityMetaFragment(o);


    #define UNITY_SETUP_BRDF_INPUT SpecularSetup

inline FragmentCommonData SpecularSetup (float4 i_tex) //i_tex
    half4 specGloss = SpecularGloss(i_tex.xy);
    half3 specColor = specGloss.rgb;
    half smoothness = specGloss.a;

    half oneMinusReflectivity;
    half3 diffColor = EnergyConservationBetweenDiffuseAndSpecular (Albedo(i_tex), specColor, /*out*/ oneMinusReflectivity);

    FragmentCommonData o = (FragmentCommonData)0;
    o.diffColor = diffColor;
    o.specColor = specColor;
    o.oneMinusReflectivity = oneMinusReflectivity;
    o.smoothness = smoothness;
    return o;
half4 SpecularGloss(float2 uv)
    half4 sg;
        sg.rgb = tex2D(_SpecGlossMap, uv).rgb;
        sg.a = tex2D(_MainTex, uv).a;
        sg = tex2D(_SpecGlossMap, uv);
    sg.a *= _GlossMapScale;
    sg.rgb = _SpecColor.rgb;
        sg.a = tex2D(_MainTex, uv).a * _GlossMapScale;
        sg.a = _Glossiness;
    return sg;
half3 Albedo(float4 texcoords)
    half3 albedo = _Color.rgb * tex2D (_MainTex, texcoords.xy).rgb;
    #if (SHADER_TARGET < 30)
        // SM20: instruction count limitation
        // SM20: no detail mask
        half mask = 1;
        half mask = DetailMask(texcoords.xy);
    half3 detailAlbedo = tex2D (_DetailAlbedoMap, texcoords.zw).rgb;
    #if _DETAIL_MULX2
        albedo *= LerpWhiteTo (detailAlbedo * unity_ColorSpaceDouble.rgb, mask);
    #elif _DETAIL_MUL
        albedo *= LerpWhiteTo (detailAlbedo, mask);
    #elif _DETAIL_ADD
        albedo += detailAlbedo * mask;
    #elif _DETAIL_LERP
        albedo = lerp (albedo, detailAlbedo, mask);
    return albedo;

half SpecularStrength(half3 specular)
    #if (SHADER_TARGET < 30)
        // SM2.0: instruction count limitation
        // SM2.0: simplified SpecularStrength
        return specular.r; // Red channel - because most metals are either monocrhome or with redish/yellowish tint
        return max (max (specular.r, specular.g), specular.b);

// Diffuse/Spec Energy conservation
inline half3 EnergyConservationBetweenDiffuseAndSpecular (half3 albedo, half3 specColor, out half oneMinusReflectivity)
    oneMinusReflectivity = 1 - SpecularStrength(specColor);
        return albedo;
        return albedo * oneMinusReflectivity;
        return albedo * (half3(1,1,1) - specColor);

half4 UnityMetaFragment (UnityMetaInput IN)
    half4 res = 0;
    if (unity_MetaFragmentControl.x)
        res = half4(IN.Albedo,1);

        // d3d9 shader compiler doesn't like NaNs and infinity.
        unity_OneOverOutputBoost = saturate(unity_OneOverOutputBoost);

        // Apply Albedo Boost from LightmapSettings.
        res.rgb = clamp(pow(res.rgb, unity_OneOverOutputBoost), 0, unity_MaxOutputValue);
    if (unity_MetaFragmentControl.y)
        half3 emission;
        if (unity_UseLinearSpace)
            emission = IN.Emission;
            emission = GammaToLinearSpace(IN.Emission);

        res = half4(emission, 1.0);
    if ( unity_VisualizationMode == EDITORVIZ_PBR_VALIDATION_ALBEDO)
        res = UnityMeta_pbrAlbedo(IN);
    else if (unity_VisualizationMode == EDITORVIZ_PBR_VALIDATION_METALSPECULAR)
        res = UnityMeta_pbrMetalspec(IN);
    else if (unity_VisualizationMode == EDITORVIZ_TEXTURE)
        res = tex2D(unity_EditorViz_Texture, IN.VizUV);

        if (unity_EditorViz_Decode_HDR.x > 0)
            res = half4(DecodeHDR(res, unity_EditorViz_Decode_HDR), 1);

        if (unity_EditorViz_ConvertToLinearSpace)
            res.rgb = LinearToGammaSpace(res.rgb);

        res *= unity_EditorViz_ColorMul;
        res += unity_EditorViz_ColorAdd;
    else if (unity_VisualizationMode == EDITORVIZ_SHOWLIGHTMASK)
        float result = dot(unity_EditorViz_ChannelSelect, tex2D(unity_EditorViz_Texture, IN.VizUV).rgba);
        if (result == 0)

        float atten = 1;
        if (unity_EditorViz_LightType == 0)
            // directional:  no attenuation
        else if (unity_EditorViz_LightType == 1)
            // point
            atten = tex2D(unity_EditorViz_LightTexture, dot(IN.LightCoord.xyz, IN.LightCoord.xyz).xx).r;
        else if (unity_EditorViz_LightType == 2)
            // spot
            atten = tex2D(unity_EditorViz_LightTexture, dot(IN.LightCoord.xyz, IN.LightCoord.xyz).xx).r;
            float cookie = tex2D(unity_EditorViz_LightTextureB, IN.LightCoord.xy / IN.LightCoord.w + 0.5).w;
            atten *= (IN.LightCoord.z > 0) * cookie;
        clip(atten - 0.001f);

        res = float4(unity_EditorViz_Color.xyz * result, unity_EditorViz_Color.w);
    return res;


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