「r<-配置」Rprofile:R 全局設置

與文章 【r<-安裝|方案】Windows R安裝與配置 相關。

存儲在 ~/.Rprofile 中的內容是一個 R 腳本,它會在 R 啓動時自動運行,所以可以作爲全局的配置使用。

根據我的 R 使用經驗,結合 Y 叔和 Yihui 提供的一些便利函數,我構建了一個比較合適的 R 配置。推薦大家結合自己需求使用和自定義。


  1. 設置 UTF-8 編碼。
  2. 設置 R 提示用英文顯示,方便查看和搜索 R 代碼錯誤信息。
  3. 設置 CRAN 下載源爲同濟大學;Bioconductor 下載源爲清華大學。
  4. 設定自定義 R 包存儲路徑,這個非常有用,便於以後 R 版本涉及不影響 R 包。
  5. 設置 R 臨時文件目錄,這個在一些場景下也有用(比如快速查看臨時文件)。
  6. 設置載入 pacman 用來管理 R 包。
  7. 設置 VSCode r 插件需要進行的設置。
  8. 提供一些工具函數,目前主要來自 Y 叔的 rvcheck 包和 Yihui 的 xfun 包。

該腳本配置我會長期維護博客地址)。如果大家有問題或建議、增加新的工具函數,歡迎通過郵件或 https://github.com/ShixiangWang/MessageBoard/issues 進行反饋和交流。

#                  |R Global Setting|
# You can (un)comment any code you dislike.
#   Any Question, please email to
#       Shixiang Wang <[email protected]>
#   or file an issue to
#       <https://github.com/ShixiangWang/MessageBoard/issues>

# Global options ----------------------------------------------------------
options(encoding = "UTF-8") # Set file encoding
Sys.setenv("LANGUAGE" = "EN") # Set language of R message

# Package download mirrors ------------------------------------------------
## For Bioconductor packages
options(BioC_mirror = "https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/bioconductor")
## For CRAN packages
## Full list see mirrors on <https://cran.r-project.org/>
options("repos" = c(CRAN = "https://mirrors.tongji.edu.cn/CRAN/"))

# Set local custom R library path -----------------------------------------
.CUSTOM_LIB <- "~/Library/R" # Set your custom library location
# Please do not add '/' at the end !!!

if (!dir.exists(.CUSTOM_LIB)) {
  dir.create(.CUSTOM_LIB, recursive = TRUE)

.libPaths(c(.CUSTOM_LIB, .libPaths()))
message("Using library: ", .libPaths()[1])

# Set R temp directory ----------------------------------------------------
## Uncomment the following code if you want to set R temp directory
# .TMP = "~/Rtmp"
# if(dirname(tempdir()) != .TMP){
#   if(!dir.exists(.TMP)) dir.create(.TMP)
#   cat(paste0("TMPDIR = ", .TMP), file="~/.Renviron", sep = "\n")
# }
# message("Using temp directory: ", .TMP)

# Use pacman to manage R packages -----------------------------------------
# Reference: <https://www.jianshu.com/p/cb16ded75672>
if (!requireNamespace("pacman", quietly = TRUE)) {
  install.packages("pacman", dependencies = TRUE)


# VSCode plugin setting ---------------------------------------------------
# Only use when you code R with VSCode
# Reference: <https://github.com/REditorSupport/vscode-r-lsp>
if (!requireNamespace("languageserver", quietly = TRUE)) {

  if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
    file.path(Sys.getenv("HOMEDRIVE"), Sys.getenv("HOMEPATH"))
  } else {
  }, ".vscode-R", "init.R"

# Global utilities --------------------------------------------------------

## Try installing R packages again and again
## It may be useful when install GitHub R packages
.loop_install <- function(pkgs, force = FALSE) {
  ## If force=TRUE,
  ## force installation when packages already exist on local system.
      message("=> Try installing ", paste(pkgs, collapse = ", "))
      gh_pkg <- pkgs[grepl("/", pkgs)]
      ot_pkg <- setdiff(pkgs, gh_pkg)
      if (length(ot_pkg) > 0) {
        pacman::p_install(ot_pkg, character.only = TRUE, force = force)
      } else {
        if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) {
        remotes::install_github(gh_pkg, force = force)
    error = function(e) {
      .loop_install(pkgs, force)

## Utilities from rvcheck, xfun and other R package
## Thanks to the authors
if (!requireNamespace("rvcheck", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (!requireNamespace("xfun", quietly = TRUE)) {

## Load function from package
.get_fun <- rvcheck::get_fun_from_pkg
## Open any directory in any operating system
.open <- rvcheck::o
## Check whether packages were installed
.is_installed <- rvcheck::is.installed
## Check if on a R server
.is_rserver <- suppressMessages(.get_fun("rvcheck", "is.rserver"))
## Simpler function to download file
.download_file <- xfun::download_file
.upload_ftp <- xfun::upload_ftp
## Functions to obtain, remove, and change extensions in filenames
.fl_ext <- xfun::file_ext
.rm_ext <- xfun::sans_ext
.ch_ext <- xfun::with_ext
## Provide the "file" version of gsub(),
## i.e., they perform searching and replacement in files via gsub().
.gsub_file <- xfun::gsub_file
.gsub_files <- xfun::gsub_files
.gsub_dir <- xfun::gsub_dir
.gsub_ext <- xfun::gsub_ext
## Change the working directory, evaluate the expression,
## and restore the working directory
.move_run <- xfun::in_dir
## Install a source package from a directory
.install_dir <- xfun::install_dir
## Check OS
.is_linux <- xfun::is_linux
.is_windows <- xfun::is_windows
.is_macos <- xfun::is_macos
.is_unix <- xfun::is_unix
## Number to words, e.g. 1 to one, 10 to ten
.numbers_to_words <- xfun::numbers_to_words
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