原创 早晨起不來怎麼樣?這款鬧鐘破!

Mornings are tough. Even if you've ordered a call to get you out of bed, it can be tempting to hit that snooze button on

原创 讀書人的表情包

It's easy to turn a good day into a great day, just add some tea, a comfy chair, and your favorite book. Soon you'll for

原创 微信社交禮儀

Don't suddenly add someone new to a private group chat. Ask other members for their consent first. 不要隨便拉人加入私人羣聊,要先考慮其他羣成

原创 漢語中的狗好像變化了

Dog-related words in Chinese generally have negative connotations. However, things have been changing in the past few re

原创 這位日本小哥在家裏宅了十年

Staying at home as often as most people have been over the past year or so is relatively new. But Japanese game develope

原创 正經高級料理分量爲什麼那麼少?

If you’ve ever gone to a restaurant and received a beautifully-plated, tiny portion of food, you may have been left asto

原创 新型治療老花眼藥水

Drugmaker Allergan is seeking federal approval for a new eye drop that treats presbyopia, the common age-related vision

原创 孤獨的歷史

A History of Loneliness 2021-04-23 617詞 六級/考研 人文 Because loneliness is now considered a public health issue – and even

原创 千禧一代也開始步入初老了

Now that most Millennials are over thirty or rapidly approaching, adulthood is no longer "adulting lol" and is officiall

原创 實景有點像截圖

From Blade Runner to GTA V, part of what makes blockbuster movies and video games so immersive is the incredible visuals

原创 狗頭專利大戰

TikTok owner ByteDance has opened a new front in its rivalry with social media giant Tencent Holdings: trying to secure

原创 五一節你有帶爸媽出去玩嗎?

Most young and middle-aged Chinese are willing to travel with their parents during the upcoming five-day Labor Day holid

原创 旅遊拍照要避開這些雷

Picturesque beaches and infinity pools don’t come cheap. So when we travel, we want to milk every bit of attention we ca

原创 新青年就業參考

China's Generation Z and millennials are keen on taking up new and unconventional occupations that match their hobbies a

原创 這位俄羅斯人終於可以下班了

A 27-year-old Russian man who has been imploring viewers to vote him out of a Chinese boy band reality show for months,