原创 Notes: Week 23, 2023

https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/future https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/sync/critical-section-ob

原创 Placement new for a union of derived classes to populate vtable pointer

So i am using a union of, say 10 node types, some of them are derived from a common parent. The node itself doesn't stor

原创 The member method constness in Entity Component System

You have an entity, it has many components, each component is allocated from its own pool, the entitiy holds a handle or

原创 UE5 Nanite 的反諷在於應驗了Jonathan Blow關於文明崩塌的擔憂

Jonathan Blow一次在莫斯科的演講,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSRHeXYDLko 題爲Preventing the Collapse of Civilization,他的point就是科技

原创 別給計算機科學學生教面向對象編程


原创 RPG game: the lost Roman Army

A.PreparationMy goal is to create this world that is flexible enough to make the players feel they are in control of the

原创 編程習俗和設計模式

03-31-2016, 6th edition 04-10-2013, 5th edition 09-21-2012, 4th edition 08-28-2012, 3rd edition 05-19-2012, 2nd edition

原创 BlackJack Strategy

GAME SPEC: 2-deck, 104 cards total. Bellagio has 2-deck and 6-deck games.  based on hard 17, dealer has to draw cards if

原创 A Geeky Game Idea

2012.8.31   4th Edition 2012.8.28   3rd Edition2011.4.28   2nd Edition2011.3.10   created  縈繞在腦子已久的geek遊戲想法。興趣纔是好的老師,要

原创 發火箭和做遊戲有什麼共通點?

“We actually hire a lot of our best software engineers out of the gaming industry.”                                    -

原创 當年爲啥離開EA


原创 摘要評註The Cathedral & The Bazaar

2013年暑期買到這本書,距離其第一版已經有14年之久,而最早發佈在互聯網上的文章更是早在1997年。在我閱讀的時候,很多事蹟已經沉積爲歷史,很多預言已經成爲現實。而這本書的意義卻絲毫沒有因此淡化,反而更加支持了書裏的立論。 《大教堂與集

原创 聊聊平臺型遊戲

網絡無所不在,新一代玩家對遊戲的基礎三觀已經定位在了多人遊戲。作爲一個遊戲公司,通過一款一款創作發行的模式在經濟維度上並非如意算盤,Riot Games十幾年前就意識到了這一點,公司建立之初就定位在了不斷改良已發佈的遊戲,而不是週而復始地開

原创 Ogre-next with Visual Studio 2019, SDL Memset, CL.exe error

Follw the instructions from: https://ogrecave.github.io/ogre-next/api/2.1/_setting_up_ogre_windows.html Btw, the screens

原创 中國能不能製作AAA遊戲?

一句話的答案:當前工業製作能力不過關。 (插一句,這個鍋不能甩給資本,花大錢去海外收購工作室失敗的例子Red 5 Studio(《火瀑》(FIREFALL), Runic Games(《火炬之光》)屢見不鮮。2020年的今天,付費內容