
       最近想做機器人平臺上的kinect fusion,在網上找了各種ROS下面kinfu相關的資料,大多殘缺不全,唯一給了我靈感的這個網址:,本以爲自己找到了完美的解決方案,結果我卻奇蹟般地發現pcl17中kinfu相關的代碼已經不存在。無奈,既然不能用ros下pcl17相關的代碼,那我們就使用並改寫中的代碼吧,既然pcl已經開源了kinfu的相關代碼,那麼把它移到ros下也不會是一件非常困難的事。

       在開始之前,向大家介紹一下我的軟件平臺,我的PC機上的OS版本爲Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bit,ROS的版本爲groovy。雖然沒在其他平臺上測試,不過理論上不會有太大差別。




創建ros_kinfu package


cd ~/catkin_ws/src
catkin_create_pkg kinfu


cd kinfu

kinfu0.0.0The kinfu packagehaoTODOcatkinroscpppclstd_msgssensor_msgstfimage_transportdynamic_reconfiguremessage_runtimeroscpppclstd_msgssensor_msgstfimage_transportdynamic_reconfigureroscpp


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)

find_package(catkin REQUIRED
    COMPONENTS message_generation roscpp std_srvs std_msgs sensor_msgs dynamic_reconfigure tf image_transport)


find_package(Eigen REQUIRED)

find_package(VTK REQUIRED)

#find_package(PCL REQUIRED)

set(PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS "/usr/local/include/pcl-1.7")
set(PCL_LIBRARY_DIRS "/usr/local/lib")



#add dynamic reconfigure api
#include_directories(include cfg/cpp)

#### Cuda 

    message(" * CUDA ${CUDA_VERSION} was found")
    message(" * CUDA is not found")
    message(FATAL_ERROR "Not all CUDA libraries are found")

   CATKIN_DEPENDS message_runtime std_msgs sensor_msgs dynamic_reconfigure

add_executable(kinfuLS src/kinfuLS_app.cpp src/evaluation.cpp)
#add_dependencies(kinfuLS ${PROJECT_NAME}_gencfg)

#target_link_libraries(kinfuLS boost_system boost_signals)
target_link_libraries(kinfuLS ${catkin_LIBRARIES})

target_link_libraries(kinfuLS ${CUDA_LIBRARIES})
#target_link_libraries(kinfuLS ${PCL_LIBRARY_DIRS})

target_link_libraries(kinfuLS pcl_gpu_kinfu_large_scale pcl_common pcl_io pcl_visualization pcl_octree pcl_gpu_containers vtkCommon vtkFiltering OpenNI vtkRendering)

cd src







#include "color_handler.h"
#include "evaluation.h"


#include "sensor_msgs/fill_image.h"


#ifdef HAVE_OPENCV  
typedef pcl::ScopeTime ScopeTimeT;


using namespace sensor_msgs;
using namespace message_filters;

using namespace std;
using namespace pcl;
using namespace Eigen;

using namespace pcl::gpu::kinfuLS;

using pcl::gpu::DeviceArray;
using pcl::gpu::DeviceArray2D;
using pcl::gpu::PtrStepSz;

namespace pc = pcl::console;

namespace pcl
namespace gpu
namespace kinfuLS
void paint3DView (const KinfuTracker::View& rgb24, KinfuTracker::View& view, float colors_weight = 0.5f);
void mergePointNormal (const DeviceArray& cloud, const DeviceArray& normals, DeviceArray& output);


vector getPcdFilesInDir(const string& directory)
    namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
    fs::path dir(directory);

    std::cout << "path: " << directory << std::endl;
    if (directory.empty() || !fs::exists(dir) || !fs::is_directory(dir))
        PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (pcl::IOException, "No valid PCD directory given!\n");

    vector result;
    fs::directory_iterator pos(dir);
    fs::directory_iterator end;

    for(; pos != end ; ++pos)
        if (fs::is_regular_file(pos->status()) )
            if (fs::extension(*pos) == ".pcd")
                result.push_back (pos->path ().string ());
                result.push_back (pos->path ());
                cout << "added: " << result.back() << endl;

    return result;


struct SampledScopeTime : public StopWatch
    enum { EACH = 33 };
    SampledScopeTime(int& time_ms) : time_ms_(time_ms) {}
        static int i_ = 0;
        static boost::posix_time::ptime starttime_ = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
        time_ms_ += getTime ();
        if (i_ % EACH == 0 && i_)
            boost::posix_time::ptime endtime_ = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
            cout << "Average frame time = " << time_ms_ / EACH << "ms ( " << 1000.f * EACH / time_ms_ << "fps )"
                 << "( real: " << 1000.f * EACH / (endtime_-starttime_).total_milliseconds() << "fps )"  << endl;
            time_ms_ = 0;
            starttime_ = endtime_;
    int& time_ms_;


setViewerPose (visualization::PCLVisualizer& viewer, const Eigen::Affine3f& viewer_pose)
    Eigen::Vector3f pos_vector = viewer_pose * Eigen::Vector3f (0, 0, 0);
    Eigen::Vector3f look_at_vector = viewer_pose.rotation () * Eigen::Vector3f (0, 0, 1) + pos_vector;
    Eigen::Vector3f up_vector = viewer_pose.rotation () * Eigen::Vector3f (0, -1, 0);
    viewer.setCameraPosition (pos_vector[0], pos_vector[1], pos_vector[2],
            look_at_vector[0], look_at_vector[1], look_at_vector[2],
            up_vector[0], up_vector[1], up_vector[2]);


getViewerPose (visualization::PCLVisualizer& viewer)
    Eigen::Affine3f pose = viewer.getViewerPose();
    Eigen::Matrix3f rotation = pose.linear();

    Matrix3f axis_reorder;
    axis_reorder << 0,  0,  1,
            -1,  0,  0,
            0, -1,  0;

    rotation = rotation * axis_reorder;
    pose.linear() = rotation;
    return pose;


template void
writeCloudFile (int format, const CloudT& cloud);

writePolygonMeshFile (int format, const pcl::PolygonMesh& mesh);


typename PointCloud::Ptr merge(const PointCloud& points, const PointCloud& colors)
    typename PointCloud::Ptr merged_ptr(new PointCloud());

    pcl::copyPointCloud (points, *merged_ptr);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < colors.size (); ++i)
        merged_ptr->points[i].rgba = colors.points[i].rgba;

    return merged_ptr;


boost::shared_ptr convertToMesh(const DeviceArray& triangles)
    if (triangles.empty())
        return boost::shared_ptr();

    pcl::PointCloud cloud;
    cloud.width  = (int)triangles.size();
    cloud.height = 1;;

    boost::shared_ptr mesh_ptr( new pcl::PolygonMesh() );
    pcl::toPCLPointCloud2(cloud, mesh_ptr->cloud);

    mesh_ptr->polygons.resize (triangles.size() / 3);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < mesh_ptr->polygons.size (); ++i)
        pcl::Vertices v;
        mesh_ptr->polygons[i] = v;
    return mesh_ptr;


struct CurrentFrameCloudView
    CurrentFrameCloudView() : cloud_device_ (480, 640), cloud_viewer_ ("Frame Cloud Viewer")
        cloud_ptr_ = PointCloud::Ptr (new PointCloud);

        cloud_viewer_.setBackgroundColor (0, 0, 0.15);
        cloud_viewer_.setPointCloudRenderingProperties (visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 1);
        cloud_viewer_.addCoordinateSystem (1.0, "global");
        cloud_viewer_.initCameraParameters ();
        cloud_viewer_.setPosition (0, 500);
        cloud_viewer_.setSize (640, 480);
        cloud_viewer_.setCameraClipDistances (0.01, 10.01);

    show (const KinfuTracker& kinfu)
        kinfu.getLastFrameCloud (cloud_device_);

        int c; (cloud_ptr_->points, c);
        cloud_ptr_->width = cloud_device_.cols ();
        cloud_ptr_->height = cloud_device_.rows ();
        cloud_ptr_->is_dense = false;

        cloud_viewer_.removeAllPointClouds ();
        cloud_viewer_.spinOnce ();

    setViewerPose (const Eigen::Affine3f& viewer_pose) {
        ::setViewerPose (cloud_viewer_, viewer_pose);

    PointCloud::Ptr cloud_ptr_;
    DeviceArray2D cloud_device_;
    visualization::PCLVisualizer cloud_viewer_;


struct ImageView
    ImageView() : paint_image_ (false), accumulate_views_ (false)
        viewerScene_.setWindowTitle ("View3D from ray tracing");
        viewerScene_.setPosition (0, 0);
        //viewerDepth_.setWindowTitle ("Kinect Depth stream");
        //viewerDepth_.setPosition (640, 0);
        //viewerColor_.setWindowTitle ("Kinect RGB stream");

    showScene (KinfuTracker& kinfu, const PtrStepSz& rgb24, bool registration, Eigen::Affine3f* pose_ptr = 0)
        if (pose_ptr)
            raycaster_ptr_->run ( kinfu.volume (), *pose_ptr, kinfu.getCyclicalBufferStructure () ); //says in cmake it does not know it
            kinfu.getImage (view_device_);

        if (paint_image_ && registration && !pose_ptr)
            colors_device_.upload (, rgb24.step, rgb24.rows, rgb24.cols);
            paint3DView (colors_device_, view_device_);

        int cols; (view_host_, cols);
        viewerScene_.showRGBImage (reinterpret_cast (&view_host_[0]), view_device_.cols (), view_device_.rows ());

        //viewerColor_.showRGBImage ((unsigned char*)&, rgb24.cols, rgb24.rows);
        if (accumulate_views_)
            views_.push_back (cv::Mat ());
            cv::cvtColor (cv::Mat (480, 640, CV_8UC3, (void*)&view_host_[0]), views_.back (), CV_RGB2GRAY);
            //cv::copy(cv::Mat(480, 640, CV_8UC3, (void*)&view_host_[0]), views_.back());

    showDepth (const PtrStepSz& depth)
        viewerDepth_.showShortImage (, depth.cols, depth.rows, 0, 5000, true);

    showGeneratedDepth (KinfuTracker& kinfu, const Eigen::Affine3f& pose)
        raycaster_ptr_->run(kinfu.volume(), pose, kinfu.getCyclicalBufferStructure ());

        int c;
        vector data;, c);

        viewerDepth_.showShortImage (&data[0], generated_depth_.cols(), generated_depth_.rows(), 0, 5000, true);

        paint_image_ = !paint_image_;
        cout << "Paint image: " << (paint_image_ ? "On   (requires registration mode)" : "Off") << endl;

    bool paint_image_;
    bool accumulate_views_;

    visualization::ImageViewer viewerScene_; //view the raycasted model
    //visualization::ImageViewer viewerDepth_; //view the current depth map
    //visualization::ImageViewer viewerColor_;

    KinfuTracker::View view_device_;
    KinfuTracker::View colors_device_;
    vector view_host_;

    RayCaster::Ptr raycaster_ptr_;

    KinfuTracker::DepthMap generated_depth_;

    vector views_;

// View the volume as 3D points
struct SceneCloudView
    enum { GPU_Connected6 = 0, CPU_Connected6 = 1, CPU_Connected26 = 2 };

    SceneCloudView() : extraction_mode_ (GPU_Connected6), compute_normals_ (false), valid_combined_ (false), cube_added_(false), cloud_viewer_ ("Scene Cloud Viewer")
        cloud_ptr_ = PointCloud::Ptr (new PointCloud);
        normals_ptr_ = PointCloud::Ptr (new PointCloud);
        combined_ptr_ = PointCloud::Ptr (new PointCloud);
        point_colors_ptr_ = PointCloud::Ptr (new PointCloud);

        cloud_viewer_.setBackgroundColor (0, 0, 0);
        cloud_viewer_.addCoordinateSystem (1.0, "global");
        cloud_viewer_.initCameraParameters ();
        cloud_viewer_.setPosition (0, 500);
        cloud_viewer_.setSize (640, 480);
        cloud_viewer_.setCameraClipDistances (0.01, 10.01);

        cloud_viewer_.addText ("H: print help", 2, 15, 20, 34, 135, 246);
        cloud_viewer_.addText ("ICP State: ", 450, 55, 20, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, "icp");
        cloud_viewer_.addText ("Press 'S' to save the current world", 450, 35, 10, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, "icp_save");
        cloud_viewer_.addText ("Press 'R' to reset the system", 450, 15, 10, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, "icp_reset");

    inline void
    drawCamera (Eigen::Affine3f& pose, const string& name, double r, double g, double b)
        double focal = 575;
        double height = 480;
        double width = 640;

        // create a 5-point visual for each camera
        pcl::PointXYZ p1, p2, p3, p4, p5;
        p1.x=0; p1.y=0; p1.z=0;
        double angleX = RAD2DEG (2.0 * atan (width / (2.0*focal)));
        double angleY = RAD2DEG (2.0 * atan (height / (2.0*focal)));
        double dist = 0.75;
        double minX, minY, maxX, maxY;
        maxX = dist*tan (atan (width / (2.0*focal)));
        minX = -maxX;
        maxY = dist*tan (atan (height / (2.0*focal)));
        minY = -maxY;
        p2.x=minX; p2.y=minY; p2.z=dist;
        p3.x=maxX; p3.y=minY; p3.z=dist;
        p4.x=maxX; p4.y=maxY; p4.z=dist;
        p5.x=minX; p5.y=maxY; p5.z=dist;
        p1=pcl::transformPoint (p1, pose);
        p2=pcl::transformPoint (p2, pose);
        p3=pcl::transformPoint (p3, pose);
        p4=pcl::transformPoint (p4, pose);
        p5=pcl::transformPoint (p5, pose);
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss.str ("");
        ss << name << "_line1";
        cloud_viewer_.addLine (p1, p2, r, g, b, ss.str ());
        ss.str ("");
        ss << name << "_line2";
        cloud_viewer_.addLine (p1, p3, r, g, b, ss.str ());
        ss.str ("");
        ss << name << "_line3";
        cloud_viewer_.addLine (p1, p4, r, g, b, ss.str ());
        ss.str ("");
        ss << name << "_line4";
        cloud_viewer_.addLine (p1, p5, r, g, b, ss.str ());
        ss.str ("");
        ss << name << "_line5";
        cloud_viewer_.addLine (p2, p5, r, g, b, ss.str ());
        ss.str ("");
        ss << name << "_line6";
        cloud_viewer_.addLine (p5, p4, r, g, b, ss.str ());
        ss.str ("");
        ss << name << "_line7";
        cloud_viewer_.addLine (p4, p3, r, g, b, ss.str ());
        ss.str ("");
        ss << name << "_line8";
        cloud_viewer_.addLine (p3, p2, r, g, b, ss.str ());

    inline void
    removeCamera (const string& name)
        cloud_viewer_.removeShape (name);
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss.str ("");
        ss << name << "_line1";
        cloud_viewer_.removeShape (ss.str ());
        ss.str ("");
        ss << name << "_line2";
        cloud_viewer_.removeShape (ss.str ());
        ss.str ("");
        ss << name << "_line3";
        cloud_viewer_.removeShape (ss.str ());
        ss.str ("");
        ss << name << "_line4";
        cloud_viewer_.removeShape (ss.str ());
        ss.str ("");
        ss << name << "_line5";
        cloud_viewer_.removeShape (ss.str ());
        ss.str ("");
        ss << name << "_line6";
        cloud_viewer_.removeShape (ss.str ());
        ss.str ("");
        ss << name << "_line7";
        cloud_viewer_.removeShape (ss.str ());
        ss.str ("");
        ss << name << "_line8";
        cloud_viewer_.removeShape (ss.str ());

    displayICPState (KinfuTracker& kinfu, bool was_lost_)
        string name = "last_good_track";
        string name_estimate = "last_good_estimate";
        if (was_lost_ && !kinfu.icpIsLost ()) //execute only when ICP just recovered (i.e. was_lost_ == true && icpIsLost == false)
            cloud_viewer_.updateText ("ICP State: OK", 450, 55, 20, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, "icp");
            cloud_viewer_.updateText ("Press 'S' to save the current world", 450, 35, 10, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, "icp_save");
            cloud_viewer_.updateText ("Press 'R' to reset the system", 450, 15, 10, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, "icp_reset");
        else if (!was_lost_ && kinfu.icpIsLost()) //execute only when we just lost ourselves (i.e. was_lost_ = false && icpIsLost == true)
            // draw position of the last good track
            Eigen::Affine3f last_pose = kinfu.getCameraPose();
            drawCamera(last_pose, name, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

            cloud_viewer_.updateText ("ICP State: LOST", 450, 55, 20, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, "icp");
            cloud_viewer_.updateText ("Press 'S' to save the current world", 450, 35, 10, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, "icp_save");
            cloud_viewer_.updateText ("Press 'R' to reset the system", 450, 15, 10, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, "icp_reset");

        if( kinfu.icpIsLost() )
            // draw current camera estimate
            Eigen::Affine3f last_pose_estimate = kinfu.getLastEstimatedPose();
            drawCamera(last_pose_estimate, name_estimate, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

        //       cout << "current estimated pose: " << kinfu.getLastEstimatedPose().translation() << std::endl << kinfu.getLastEstimatedPose().linear() << std::endl;

    show (KinfuTracker& kinfu, bool integrate_colors)
        viewer_pose_ = kinfu.getCameraPose();

        ScopeTimeT time ("PointCloud Extraction");
        cout << "\nGetting cloud... " << flush;

        valid_combined_ = false;

        if (extraction_mode_ != GPU_Connected6)     // So use CPU
            kinfu.volume().fetchCloudHost (*cloud_ptr_, extraction_mode_ == CPU_Connected26);
            DeviceArray extracted = kinfu.volume().fetchCloud (cloud_buffer_device_);

            if (compute_normals_)
                kinfu.volume().fetchNormals (extracted, normals_device_);
                pcl::gpu::kinfuLS::mergePointNormal (extracted, normals_device_, combined_device_);
                combined_ptr_->width = (int)combined_ptr_->points.size ();
                combined_ptr_->height = 1;

                valid_combined_ = true;
                cloud_ptr_->width = (int)cloud_ptr_->points.size ();
                cloud_ptr_->height = 1;

            if (integrate_colors)
                kinfu.colorVolume().fetchColors(extracted, point_colors_device_);
                point_colors_ptr_->width = (int)point_colors_ptr_->points.size ();
                point_colors_ptr_->height = 1;
        size_t points_size = valid_combined_ ? combined_ptr_->points.size () : cloud_ptr_->points.size ();
        cout << "Done.  Cloud size: " << points_size / 1000 << "K" << endl;

        cloud_viewer_.removeAllPointClouds ();
        if (valid_combined_)
            visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBHack rgb(combined_ptr_, point_colors_ptr_);
            cloud_viewer_.addPointCloud (combined_ptr_, rgb, "Cloud");
            cloud_viewer_.addPointCloudNormals(combined_ptr_, 50);
            visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBHack rgb(cloud_ptr_, point_colors_ptr_);
            cloud_viewer_.addPointCloud (cloud_ptr_, rgb);

    toggleCube(const Eigen::Vector3f& size)
        if (cube_added_)
            cloud_viewer_.addCube(size*0.5, Eigen::Quaternionf::Identity(), size(0), size(1), size(2));

        cube_added_ = !cube_added_;

    toggleExtractionMode ()
        extraction_mode_ = (extraction_mode_ + 1) % 3;
        switch (extraction_mode_)
        case 0: cout << "Cloud extraction mode: GPU, Connected-6" << endl; break;
        case 1: cout << "Cloud extraction mode: CPU, Connected-6    (requires a lot of memory)" << endl; break;
        case 2: cout << "Cloud extraction mode: CPU, Connected-26   (requires a lot of memory)" << endl; break;

    toggleNormals ()
        compute_normals_ = !compute_normals_;
        cout << "Compute normals: " << (compute_normals_ ? "On" : "Off") << endl;

    clearClouds (bool print_message = false)
        cloud_viewer_.removeAllPointClouds ();
        cloud_ptr_->points.clear ();
        normals_ptr_->points.clear ();
        if (print_message)
            cout << "Clouds/Meshes were cleared" << endl;

    showMesh(KinfuTracker& kinfu, bool /*integrate_colors*/)
        ScopeTimeT time ("Mesh Extraction");
        cout << "\nGetting mesh... " << flush;

        if (!marching_cubes_)
            marching_cubes_ = MarchingCubes::Ptr( new MarchingCubes() );

        DeviceArray triangles_device = marching_cubes_->run(kinfu.volume(), triangles_buffer_device_);
        mesh_ptr_ = convertToMesh(triangles_device);

        cloud_viewer_.removeAllPointClouds ();
        if (mesh_ptr_)

        cout << "Done.  Triangles number: " << triangles_device.size() / MarchingCubes::POINTS_PER_TRIANGLE / 1000 << "K" << endl;

    int extraction_mode_;
    bool compute_normals_;
    bool valid_combined_;
    bool cube_added_;

    Eigen::Affine3f viewer_pose_;

    visualization::PCLVisualizer cloud_viewer_;

    PointCloud::Ptr cloud_ptr_;
    PointCloud::Ptr normals_ptr_;

    DeviceArray cloud_buffer_device_;
    DeviceArray normals_device_;

    PointCloud::Ptr combined_ptr_;
    DeviceArray combined_device_;

    DeviceArray point_colors_device_;
    PointCloud::Ptr point_colors_ptr_;

    MarchingCubes::Ptr marching_cubes_;
    DeviceArray triangles_buffer_device_;

    boost::shared_ptr mesh_ptr_;




struct KinFuLSApp
    enum { PCD_BIN = 1, PCD_ASCII = 2, PLY = 3, MESH_PLY = 7, MESH_VTK = 8 };

   //KinFuLSApp(pcl::Grabber& source, float vsz, float shiftDistance, int snapshotRate) : exit_ (false), scan_ (false), scan_mesh_(false), scan_volume_ (false), independent_camera_ (false),
   //    registration_ (false), integrate_colors_ (false), pcd_source_ (false), focal_length_(-1.f), capture_ (source), was_lost_(false), time_ms_ (0)
   KinFuLSApp(float vsz, float shiftDistance, int snapshotRate) : exit_ (false), scan_ (false), scan_mesh_(false), scan_volume_ (false), independent_camera_ (false),
      registration_ (false), integrate_colors_ (false), pcd_source_ (false), focal_length_(-1.f), was_lost_(false), time_ms_ (0)
        //Init Kinfu Tracker
        Eigen::Vector3f volume_size = Vector3f::Constant (vsz/*meters*/);

        PCL_WARN ("--- CURRENT SETTINGS ---\n");
        PCL_INFO ("Volume size is set to %.2f meters\n", vsz);
        PCL_INFO ("Volume will shift when the camera target point is farther than %.2f meters from the volume center\n", shiftDistance);
        PCL_INFO ("The target point is located at [0, 0, %.2f] in camera coordinates\n", 0.6*vsz);
        PCL_WARN ("------------------------\n");

        // warning message if shifting distance is abnormally big compared to volume size
        if(shiftDistance > 2.5 * vsz)
            PCL_WARN ("WARNING Shifting distance (%.2f) is very large compared to the volume size (%.2f).\nYou can modify it using --shifting_distance.\n", shiftDistance, vsz);

        kinfu_ = new pcl::gpu::kinfuLS::KinfuTracker(volume_size, shiftDistance);

        Eigen::Matrix3f R = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity ();   // * AngleAxisf( pcl::deg2rad(-30.f), Vector3f::UnitX());
        Eigen::Vector3f t = volume_size * 0.5f - Vector3f (0, 0, volume_size (2) / 2 * 1.2f);

        Eigen::Affine3f pose = Eigen::Translation3f (t) * Eigen::AngleAxisf (R);

        kinfu_->setInitialCameraPose (pose);
        kinfu_->volume().setTsdfTruncDist (0.030f/*meters*/);
        kinfu_->setIcpCorespFilteringParams (0.1f/*meters*/, sin ( pcl::deg2rad(20.f) ));

        //Init KinFuLSApp
        tsdf_cloud_ptr_ = pcl::PointCloud::Ptr (new pcl::PointCloud);
        image_view_.raycaster_ptr_ = RayCaster::Ptr( new RayCaster(kinfu_->rows (), kinfu_->cols ()) );

        scene_cloud_view_.cloud_viewer_.registerKeyboardCallback (keyboard_callback, (void*)this);
        image_view_.viewerScene_.registerKeyboardCallback (keyboard_callback, (void*)this);
        //image_view_.viewerDepth_.registerKeyboardCallback (keyboard_callback, (void*)this);

        frame_counter_ = 0;
        enable_texture_extraction_ = false;

        //~ float fx, fy, cx, cy;
        //~ boost::shared_ptr d = ((pcl::OpenNIGrabber)source).getDevice ();
        //~ kinfu_->getDepthIntrinsics (fx, fy, cx, cy);

        float height = 480.0f;
        float width = 640.0f;
        screenshot_manager_.setCameraIntrinsics (pcl::device::kinfuLS::FOCAL_LENGTH, height, width);
        snapshot_rate_ = snapshotRate;

        Eigen::Matrix3f Rid = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity ();   // * AngleAxisf( pcl::deg2rad(-30.f), Vector3f::UnitX());
        Eigen::Vector3f T = Vector3f (0, 0, -volume_size(0)*1.5f);
        delta_lost_pose_ = Eigen::Translation3f (T) * Eigen::AngleAxisf (Rid);


        if (evaluation_ptr_)

    initCurrentFrameView ()
        current_frame_cloud_view_ = boost::shared_ptr(new CurrentFrameCloudView ());
        current_frame_cloud_view_->cloud_viewer_.registerKeyboardCallback (keyboard_callback, (void*)this);
        current_frame_cloud_view_->setViewerPose (kinfu_->getCameraPose ());

   /* void
    initRegistration ()
        registration_ = capture_.providesCallback ();
        cout << "Registration mode: " << (registration_ ? "On" : "Off (not supported by source)") << endl;

            const int max_color_integration_weight = 2;
            integrate_colors_ = true;
        cout << "Color integration: " << (integrate_colors_ ? "On" : "Off ( requires registration mode )") << endl;

        independent_camera_ = !independent_camera_;
        cout << "Camera mode: " << (independent_camera_ ?  "Independent" : "Bound to Kinect pose") << endl;

    toggleEvaluationMode(const string& eval_folder, const string& match_file = string())
        evaluation_ptr_ = Evaluation::Ptr( new Evaluation(eval_folder) );
        if (!match_file.empty())

        kinfu_->setDepthIntrinsics (evaluation_ptr_->fx, evaluation_ptr_->fy, evaluation_ptr_->cx, evaluation_ptr_->cy);
        image_view_.raycaster_ptr_ = RayCaster::Ptr( new RayCaster(kinfu_->rows (), kinfu_->cols (), evaluation_ptr_->fx, evaluation_ptr_->fy, evaluation_ptr_->cx, evaluation_ptr_->cy) );

    /*void execute(const PtrStepSz& depth, const PtrStepSz& rgb24, bool has_data)
        bool has_image = false;

        was_lost_ = kinfu_->icpIsLost();

        if (has_data)
            depth_device_.upload (, depth.step, depth.rows, depth.cols);
            if (integrate_colors_)
                image_view_.colors_device_.upload (, rgb24.step, rgb24.rows, rgb24.cols);

                SampledScopeTime fps(time_ms_);

                //run kinfu algorithm
                if (integrate_colors_)
                    has_image = (*kinfu_) (depth_device_, image_view_.colors_device_);
                    has_image = (*kinfu_) (depth_device_);

            image_view_.showDepth (depth_);
            //image_view_.showGeneratedDepth(kinfu_, kinfu_->getCameraPose());

        if (scan_ || (!was_lost_ && kinfu_->icpIsLost ()) ) //if scan mode is OR and ICP just lost itself => show current volume as point cloud
            scan_ = false;
            // (*kinfu_, integrate_colors_); // this triggers out of memory errors, so I comment it out for now (Raph)

            if (scan_volume_)
                cout << "Downloading TSDF volume from device ... " << flush;
                // kinfu_->volume().downloadTsdfAndWeighs (tsdf_volume_.volumeWriteable (), tsdf_volume_.weightsWriteable ());
                kinfu_->volume ().downloadTsdfAndWeightsLocal ();
                // tsdf_volume_.setHeader (Eigen::Vector3i (pcl::device::kinfuLS::VOLUME_X, pcl::device::kinfuLS::VOLUME_Y, pcl::device::kinfuLS::VOLUME_Z), kinfu_->volume().getSize ());
                kinfu_->volume ().setHeader (Eigen::Vector3i (pcl::device::kinfuLS::VOLUME_X, pcl::device::kinfuLS::VOLUME_Y, pcl::device::kinfuLS::VOLUME_Z), kinfu_->volume().getSize ());
                // cout << "done [" << tsdf_volume_.size () << " voxels]" << endl << endl;
                cout << "done [" << kinfu_->volume ().size () << " voxels]" << endl << endl;

                cout << "Converting volume to TSDF cloud ... " << flush;
                // tsdf_volume_.convertToTsdfCloud (tsdf_cloud_ptr_);
                kinfu_->volume ().convertToTsdfCloud (tsdf_cloud_ptr_);
                // cout << "done [" << tsdf_cloud_ptr_->size () << " points]" << endl << endl;
                cout << "done [" << kinfu_->volume ().size () << " points]" << endl << endl;
                cout << "[!] tsdf volume download is disabled" << endl << endl;

        if (scan_mesh_)
            scan_mesh_ = false;
            scene_cloud_view_.showMesh(*kinfu_, integrate_colors_);

        if (has_image)
            Eigen::Affine3f viewer_pose = getViewerPose(scene_cloud_view_.cloud_viewer_);
            image_view_.showScene (*kinfu_, rgb24, registration_, independent_camera_ ? &viewer_pose : 0);

        if (current_frame_cloud_view_)
            current_frame_cloud_view_->show (*kinfu_);

        // if ICP is lost, we show the world from a farther view point
            setViewerPose (scene_cloud_view_.cloud_viewer_, kinfu_->getCameraPose () * delta_lost_pose_);
            if (!independent_camera_)
                setViewerPose (scene_cloud_view_.cloud_viewer_, kinfu_->getCameraPose ());

        if (enable_texture_extraction_ && !kinfu_->icpIsLost ()) {
            if ( (frame_counter_  % snapshot_rate_) == 0 )   // Should be defined as a parameter. Done.
                screenshot_manager_.saveImage (kinfu_->getCameraPose (), rgb24);

        // display ICP state
        scene_cloud_view_.displayICPState (*kinfu_, was_lost_);


    void source_cb1(const boost::shared_ptr& depth_wrapper)
            boost::mutex::scoped_try_lock lock(data_ready_mutex_);
            if (exit_ || !lock)

            depth_.cols = depth_wrapper->getWidth();
            depth_.rows = depth_wrapper->getHeight();
            depth_.step = depth_.cols * depth_.elemSize();

            source_depth_data_.resize(depth_.cols * depth_.rows);
            depth_wrapper->fillDepthImageRaw(depth_.cols, depth_.rows, &source_depth_data_[0]);
   = &source_depth_data_[0];

    void source_cb2(const boost::shared_ptr& image_wrapper, const boost::shared_ptr& depth_wrapper, float)
            boost::mutex::scoped_try_lock lock(data_ready_mutex_);

            if (exit_ || !lock)

            depth_.cols = depth_wrapper->getWidth();
            depth_.rows = depth_wrapper->getHeight();
            depth_.step = depth_.cols * depth_.elemSize();

            source_depth_data_.resize(depth_.cols * depth_.rows);
            depth_wrapper->fillDepthImageRaw(depth_.cols, depth_.rows, &source_depth_data_[0]);
   = &source_depth_data_[0];

            rgb24_.cols = image_wrapper->getWidth();
            rgb24_.rows = image_wrapper->getHeight();
            rgb24_.step = rgb24_.cols * rgb24_.elemSize();

            source_image_data_.resize(rgb24_.cols * rgb24_.rows);
            image_wrapper->fillRGB(rgb24_.cols, rgb24_.rows, (unsigned char*)&source_image_data_[0]);
   = &source_image_data_[0];


    void source_cb3(const pcl::PointCloud::ConstPtr & DC3)
            //std::cout << "Giving colors1\n";
            boost::mutex::scoped_try_lock lock(data_ready_mutex_);
            std::cout << lock << std::endl;
            if (exit_ || !lock)
            //std::cout << "Giving colors2\n";
            int width  = DC3->width;
            int height = DC3->height;
            depth_.cols = width;
            depth_.rows = height;
            depth_.step = depth_.cols * depth_.elemSize();
            source_depth_data_.resize(depth_.cols * depth_.rows);

            rgb24_.cols = width;
            rgb24_.rows = height;
            rgb24_.step = rgb24_.cols * rgb24_.elemSize();
            source_image_data_.resize(rgb24_.cols * rgb24_.rows);

            unsigned char *rgb    = (unsigned char *)  &source_image_data_[0];
            unsigned short *depth = (unsigned short *) &source_depth_data_[0];

            //std::cout << "Giving colors3\n";
            for (int i=0; iat(i);
                rgb[3*i +0] = pt.r;
                rgb[3*i +1] = pt.g;
                rgb[3*i +2] = pt.b;
                depth[i]    = pt.z/0.001;
            //std::cout << "Giving colors4\n";
   = &source_image_data_[0];
   = &source_depth_data_[0];

    startMainLoop (bool triggered_capture)
        using namespace openni_wrapper;
        typedef boost::shared_ptr DepthImagePtr;
        typedef boost::shared_ptr      ImagePtr;

        boost::function func1 = boost::bind (&KinFuLSApp::source_cb2, this, _1, _2, _3);
        boost::function func2 = boost::bind (&KinFuLSApp::source_cb1, this, _1);
        boost::function::ConstPtr&) > func3 = boost::bind (&KinFuLSApp::source_cb3, this, _1);

        bool need_colors = integrate_colors_ || registration_ || enable_texture_extraction_;

        if ( pcd_source_ && !capture_.providesCallback::ConstPtr&)>() ) {
            std::cout << "grabber doesn't provide pcl::PointCloud callback !\n";

        boost::signals2::connection c = pcd_source_? capture_.registerCallback (func3) : need_colors ? capture_.registerCallback (func1) : capture_.registerCallback (func2);

            boost::unique_lock lock(data_ready_mutex_);

            if (!triggered_capture)
                capture_.start ();

            while (!exit_ && !scene_cloud_view_.cloud_viewer_.wasStopped () && !image_view_.viewerScene_.wasStopped () && !this->kinfu_->isFinished ())
                if (triggered_capture)
                    capture_.start(); // Triggers new frame

                bool has_data = data_ready_cond_.timed_wait (lock, boost::posix_time::millisec(100));

                try { this->execute (depth_, rgb24_, has_data); }
                catch (const std::bad_alloc& ) { cout << "Bad alloc" << endl; break; }
                catch (const std::exception& ) { cout << "Exception" << endl; break; }

                scene_cloud_view_.cloud_viewer_.spinOnce (3);
                //~ cout << "In main loop" << endl;
            exit_ = true;
            boost::this_thread::sleep (boost::posix_time::millisec (100));

            if (!triggered_capture)
                capture_.stop (); // Stop stream

    writeCloud (int format) const
        const SceneCloudView& view = scene_cloud_view_;

        if (!view.cloud_ptr_->points.empty ())
            if(view.point_colors_ptr_->points.empty()) // no colors
                if (view.valid_combined_)
                    writeCloudFile (format, view.combined_ptr_);
                    writeCloudFile (format, view.cloud_ptr_);
                if (view.valid_combined_)
                    writeCloudFile (format, merge(*view.combined_ptr_, *view.point_colors_ptr_));
                    writeCloudFile (format, merge(*view.cloud_ptr_, *view.point_colors_ptr_));

    writeMesh(int format) const
        if (scene_cloud_view_.mesh_ptr_)
            writePolygonMeshFile(format, *scene_cloud_view_.mesh_ptr_);

    printHelp ()
        cout << endl;
        cout << "KinFu app hotkeys" << endl;
        cout << "=================" << endl;
        cout << "    H    : print this help" << endl;
        cout << "   Esc   : exit" << endl;
        cout << "    T    : take cloud" << endl;
        cout << "    A    : take mesh" << endl;
        cout << "    M    : toggle cloud exctraction mode" << endl;
        cout << "    N    : toggle normals exctraction" << endl;
        cout << "    I    : toggle independent camera mode" << endl;
        cout << "    B    : toggle volume bounds" << endl;
        cout << "    *    : toggle scene view painting ( requires registration mode )" << endl;
        cout << "    C    : clear clouds" << endl;
        cout << "   1,2,3 : save cloud to PCD(binary), PCD(ASCII), PLY(ASCII)" << endl;
        cout << "    7,8  : save mesh to PLY, VTK" << endl;
        cout << "   X, V  : TSDF volume utility" << endl;
        cout << "   L, l  : On the next shift, KinFu will extract the whole current cube, extract the world and stop" << endl;
        cout << "   S, s  : On the next shift, KinFu will extract the world and stop" << endl;
        cout << endl;

    //callback function, called with every new depth topic message
    void execute(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& depth, const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& cameraInfo,
                 const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& rgb = sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr())
        bool has_image = false;

        was_lost_ = kinfu_->icpIsLost();

        unsigned pixelCount = rgb->height * rgb->width;
        pcl::gpu::kinfuLS::PixelRGB * pixelRgbs = new pcl::gpu::kinfuLS::PixelRGB[pixelCount];
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++)
            //the encoding given in the image is "bgr8"
            pixelRgbs[i].b = rgb->data[i * 3];
            pixelRgbs[i].g = rgb->data[i * 3 + 1];
            pixelRgbs[i].r = rgb->data[i * 3 + 2];
        pcl::gpu::PtrStepSz rgb24(rgb->height, rgb->width, pixelRgbs, rgb->step);

        //if (has_data)
        depth_device_.upload (&(depth->data[0]), depth->step, depth->height, depth->width);
        if (integrate_colors_){
            image_view_.colors_device_.upload (, rgb24.step, rgb24.rows, rgb24.cols);

            SampledScopeTime fps(time_ms_);

            //run kinfu algorithm
            if (integrate_colors_)
                has_image = (*kinfu_) (depth_device_, image_view_.colors_device_);
                has_image = (*kinfu_) (depth_device_);

        //viewerDepth_.showShortImage (&(depth->data[0]), depth->width, depth->height, 0, 5000, true);
        //image_view_.showDepth (depth_);
        //image_view_.showGeneratedDepth(kinfu_, kinfu_->getCameraPose());


        if (scan_ || (!was_lost_ && kinfu_->icpIsLost ()) ) //if scan mode is OR and ICP just lost itself => show current volume as point cloud
            scan_ = false;
            // (*kinfu_, integrate_colors_); // this triggers out of memory errors, so I comment it out for now (Raph)

            if (scan_volume_)
                cout << "Downloading TSDF volume from device ... " << flush;
                // kinfu_->volume().downloadTsdfAndWeighs (tsdf_volume_.volumeWriteable (), tsdf_volume_.weightsWriteable ());
                kinfu_->volume ().downloadTsdfAndWeightsLocal ();
                // tsdf_volume_.setHeader (Eigen::Vector3i (pcl::device::kinfuLS::VOLUME_X, pcl::device::kinfuLS::VOLUME_Y, pcl::device::kinfuLS::VOLUME_Z), kinfu_->volume().getSize ());
                kinfu_->volume ().setHeader (Eigen::Vector3i (pcl::device::kinfuLS::VOLUME_X, pcl::device::kinfuLS::VOLUME_Y, pcl::device::kinfuLS::VOLUME_Z), kinfu_->volume().getSize ());
                // cout << "done [" << tsdf_volume_.size () << " voxels]" << endl << endl;
                cout << "done [" << kinfu_->volume ().size () << " voxels]" << endl << endl;

                cout << "Converting volume to TSDF cloud ... " << flush;
                // tsdf_volume_.convertToTsdfCloud (tsdf_cloud_ptr_);
                kinfu_->volume ().convertToTsdfCloud (tsdf_cloud_ptr_);
                // cout << "done [" << tsdf_cloud_ptr_->size () << " points]" << endl << endl;
                cout << "done [" << kinfu_->volume ().size () << " points]" << endl << endl;
                cout << "[!] tsdf volume download is disabled" << endl << endl;

        if (scan_mesh_)
            scan_mesh_ = false;
            scene_cloud_view_.showMesh(*kinfu_, integrate_colors_);

        if (has_image)
            Eigen::Affine3f viewer_pose = getViewerPose(scene_cloud_view_.cloud_viewer_);
            image_view_.showScene (*kinfu_, rgb24, registration_, independent_camera_ ? &viewer_pose : 0);

        if (current_frame_cloud_view_)
            current_frame_cloud_view_->show (*kinfu_);

        // if ICP is lost, we show the world from a farther view point
            setViewerPose (scene_cloud_view_.cloud_viewer_, kinfu_->getCameraPose () * delta_lost_pose_);
            if (!independent_camera_)
                setViewerPose (scene_cloud_view_.cloud_viewer_, kinfu_->getCameraPose ());

        if (enable_texture_extraction_ && !kinfu_->icpIsLost ()) {
            if ( (frame_counter_  % snapshot_rate_) == 0 )   // Should be defined as a parameter. Done.
                screenshot_manager_.saveImage (kinfu_->getCameraPose (), rgb24);

        // display ICP state
        scene_cloud_view_.displayICPState (*kinfu_, was_lost_);

    bool exit_;
    bool scan_;
    bool scan_mesh_;
    bool scan_volume_;

    bool independent_camera_;
    int frame_counter_;
    bool enable_texture_extraction_;
    pcl::kinfuLS::ScreenshotManager screenshot_manager_;
    int snapshot_rate_;

    bool registration_;
    bool integrate_colors_;
    bool pcd_source_;
    float focal_length_;

    //pcl::Grabber& capture_;
    KinfuTracker *kinfu_;

    SceneCloudView scene_cloud_view_;
    ImageView image_view_;
    boost::shared_ptr current_frame_cloud_view_;

    KinfuTracker::DepthMap depth_device_;

    pcl::PointCloud::Ptr tsdf_cloud_ptr_;

    Evaluation::Ptr evaluation_ptr_;

    boost::mutex data_ready_mutex_;
    boost::condition_variable data_ready_cond_;

    std::vector source_image_data_;
    std::vector source_depth_data_;
    PtrStepSz depth_;
    PtrStepSz rgb24_;

    Eigen::Affine3f delta_lost_pose_;

    bool was_lost_;

    int time_ms_;

    static void
    keyboard_callback (const visualization::KeyboardEvent &e, void *cookie)
        KinFuLSApp* app = reinterpret_cast (cookie);

        int key = e.getKeyCode ();

        if (e.keyUp ())
            switch (key)
            case 27: app->exit_ = true; break;
            case (int)'t': case (int)'T': app->scan_ = true; break;
            case (int)'a': case (int)'A': app->scan_mesh_ = true; break;
            case (int)'h': case (int)'H': app->printHelp (); break;
            case (int)'m': case (int)'M': app->scene_cloud_view_.toggleExtractionMode (); break;
            case (int)'n': case (int)'N': app->scene_cloud_view_.toggleNormals (); break;
            case (int)'c': case (int)'C': app->scene_cloud_view_.clearClouds (true); break;
            case (int)'i': case (int)'I': app->toggleIndependentCamera (); break;
            case (int)'b': case (int)'B': app->scene_cloud_view_.toggleCube(app->kinfu_->volume().getSize()); break;
            case (int)'l': case (int)'L': app->kinfu_->performLastScan (); break;
            case (int)'s': case (int)'S': app->kinfu_->extractAndSaveWorld (); break;
            case (int)'r': case (int)'R': app->kinfu_->reset(); app->scene_cloud_view_.clearClouds(); break;
            case (int)'7': case (int)'8': app->writeMesh (key - (int)'0'); break;
            case (int)'1': case (int)'2': case (int)'3': app->writeCloud (key - (int)'0'); break;
            case '*': app->image_view_.toggleImagePaint (); break;

            case (int)'p': case (int)'P': app->kinfu_->setDisableICP(); break;

            case (int)'x': case (int)'X':
                app->scan_volume_ = !app->scan_volume_;
                cout << endl << "Volume scan: " << (app->scan_volume_ ? "enabled" : "disabled") << endl << endl;
            case (int)'v': case (int)'V':
                cout << "Saving TSDF volume to tsdf_volume.dat ... " << flush;
                // app-> ("tsdf_volume.dat", true);
                app->kinfu_->volume ().save ("tsdf_volume.dat", true);
                // cout << "done [" << app->tsdf_volume_.size () << " voxels]" << endl;
                cout << "done [" << app->kinfu_->volume ().size () << " voxels]" << endl;
                cout << "Saving TSDF volume cloud to tsdf_cloud.pcd ... " << flush;
                pcl::io::savePCDFile ("tsdf_cloud.pcd", *app->tsdf_cloud_ptr_, true);
                cout << "done [" << app->tsdf_cloud_ptr_->size () << " points]" << endl;


template void
writeCloudFile (int format, const CloudPtr& cloud_prt)
    if (format == KinFuLSApp::PCD_BIN)
        cout << "Saving point cloud to 'cloud_bin.pcd' (binary)... " << flush;
        pcl::io::savePCDFile ("cloud_bin.pcd", *cloud_prt, true);
    else if (format == KinFuLSApp::PCD_ASCII)
        cout << "Saving point cloud to 'cloud.pcd' (ASCII)... " << flush;
        pcl::io::savePCDFile ("cloud.pcd", *cloud_prt, false);
    else   /* if (format == KinFuLSApp::PLY) */
        cout << "Saving point cloud to 'cloud.ply' (ASCII)... " << flush;
        pcl::io::savePLYFileASCII ("cloud.ply", *cloud_prt);

    cout << "Done" << endl;


writePolygonMeshFile (int format, const pcl::PolygonMesh& mesh)
    if (format == KinFuLSApp::MESH_PLY)
        cout << "Saving mesh to to 'mesh.ply'... " << flush;
        pcl::io::savePLYFile("mesh.ply", mesh);
    else /* if (format == KinFuLSApp::MESH_VTK) */
        cout << "Saving mesh to to 'mesh.vtk'... " << flush;
        pcl::io::saveVTKFile("mesh.vtk", mesh);
    cout << "Done" << endl;


print_cli_help ()
    cout << "\nKinFu parameters:" << endl;
    cout << "    --help, -h                          : print this message" << endl;
    cout << "    --registration, -r                  : try to enable registration (source needs to support this)" << endl;
    cout << "    --current-cloud, -cc                : show current frame cloud" << endl;
    cout << "    --save-views, -sv                   : accumulate scene view and save in the end ( Requires OpenCV. Will cause 'bad_alloc' after some time )" << endl;
    cout << "    --registration, -r                  : enable registration mode" << endl;
    cout << "    --integrate-colors, -ic             : enable color integration mode (allows to get cloud with colors)" << endl;
    cout << "    --extract-textures, -et             : extract RGB PNG images to KinFuSnapshots folder." << endl;
    cout << "    --volume_size , -vs      : define integration volume size" << endl;
    cout << "    --shifting_distance , -sd : define shifting threshold (distance target-point / cube center)" << endl;
    cout << "    --snapshot_rate , -sr     : Extract RGB textures every . Default: 45  " << endl;
    cout << endl << "";
    cout << "Valid depth data sources:" << endl;
    cout << "    -dev  (default), -oni , -pcd " << endl;
    cout << endl << "";
    cout << " For RGBD benchmark (Requires OpenCV):" << endl;
    cout << "    -eval  [-match_file ]" << endl << endl;

    return 0;

//void execute(const PtrStepSz& depth, const PtrStepSz& rgb24, bool has_data)


main (int argc, char* argv[])
    ros::init(argc, argv, "kinfuLS");
    ros::NodeHandle nh("~");

    if (pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "--help") || pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "-h"))
        return print_cli_help ();

    int device = 0;
    pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-gpu", device);
    pcl::gpu::setDevice (device);
    pcl::gpu::printShortCudaDeviceInfo (device);

    //  if (checkIfPreFermiGPU(device))
    //    return cout << endl << "Kinfu is supported only for Fermi and Kepler arhitectures. It is not even compiled for pre-Fermi by default. Exiting..." << endl, 1;

    //boost::shared_ptr capture;
    //bool triggered_capture = false;
    //bool pcd_input = false;

    //std::string eval_folder, match_file, openni_device, oni_file, pcd_dir;
        if (pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-dev", openni_device) > 0)
            capture.reset (new pcl::OpenNIGrabber (openni_device));
        else if (pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-oni", oni_file) > 0)
            triggered_capture = true;
            bool repeat = false; // Only run ONI file once
            capture.reset (new pcl::ONIGrabber (oni_file, repeat, !triggered_capture));
        else if (pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-pcd", pcd_dir) > 0)
            float fps_pcd = 15.0f;
            pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-pcd_fps", fps_pcd);

            vector pcd_files = getPcdFilesInDir(pcd_dir);
            // Sort the read files by name
            sort (pcd_files.begin (), pcd_files.end ());
            capture.reset (new pcl::PCDGrabber (pcd_files, fps_pcd, false));
            triggered_capture = true;
            pcd_input = true;
        else if (pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-eval", eval_folder) > 0)
            //init data source latter
            pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-match_file", match_file);
            capture.reset(new pcl::OpenNIGrabber());

            //capture.reset( new pcl::ONIGrabber("d:/onis/20111013-224932.oni", true, true) );
            //capture.reset( new pcl::ONIGrabber("d:/onis/reg20111229-180846.oni, true, true) );
            //capture.reset( new pcl::ONIGrabber("/media/Main/onis/20111013-224932.oni", true, true) );
            //capture.reset( new pcl::ONIGrabber("d:/onis/20111013-224551.oni", true, true) );
            //capture.reset( new pcl::ONIGrabber("d:/onis/20111013-224719.oni", true, true) );
    catch (const pcl::PCLException&) { return cout << "Can't open depth source" << endl, -1; }*/

    float volume_size = pcl::device::kinfuLS::VOLUME_SIZE;
    pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "--volume_size", volume_size);
    pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-vs", volume_size);

    float shift_distance = pcl::device::kinfuLS::DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;
    pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "--shifting_distance", shift_distance);
    pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-sd", shift_distance);

    int snapshot_rate = pcl::device::kinfuLS::SNAPSHOT_RATE; // defined in device.h
    pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "--snapshot_rate", snapshot_rate);
    pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-sr", snapshot_rate);

    //KinFuLSApp app (*capture, volume_size, shift_distance, snapshot_rate);
    KinFuLSApp app (volume_size, shift_distance, snapshot_rate);

    /*if (pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-eval", eval_folder) > 0)
        app.toggleEvaluationMode(eval_folder, match_file);*/

    if (pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "--current-cloud") || pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "-cc"))
        app.initCurrentFrameView ();

    if (pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "--save-views") || pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "-sv"))
        app.image_view_.accumulate_views_ = true;  //will cause bad alloc after some time

   /* if (pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "--registration") || pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "-r"))  {
        if (pcd_input) {
            app.pcd_source_   = true;
            app.registration_ = true; // since pcd provides registered rgbd
        } else {

    if (pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "--integrate-colors") || pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "-ic"))

    if (pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "--extract-textures") || pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "-et"))
        app.enable_texture_extraction_ = true;

    // executing
    /*if (triggered_capture)
        std::cout << "Capture mode: triggered\n";
        std::cout << "Capture mode: stream\n";*/

    // set verbosity level

    //try { app.startMainLoop (triggered_capture); }
    //catch (const pcl::PCLException& /*e*/) { cout << "PCLException" << endl; }
    //catch (const std::bad_alloc& /*e*/) { cout << "Bad alloc" << endl; }
    //catch (const std::exception& /*e*/) { cout << "Exception" << endl; }

    // message_filters instead of image_transport because of synchronization over w-lan
    typedef sync_policies::ApproximateTime DRGBSync;

    message_filters::Synchronizer* texture_sync;
    TimeSynchronizer* depth_only_sync;

    message_filters::Subscriber* rgb_sub;
    message_filters::Subscriber* depth_sub;
    message_filters::Subscriber* info_sub;

    if (app.enable_texture_extraction_)
        depth_sub = new message_filters::Subscriber(nh, "/camera/depth/image_raw", 2);
        info_sub  = new message_filters::Subscriber(nh, "/camera/depth/camera_info", 2);
        rgb_sub   = new message_filters::Subscriber(nh, "/camera/rgb/image_color", 2);

        //the depth and the rgb cameras are not hardware synchronized
        //hence the depth and rgb images normally do not have the EXACT timestamp
        //so use approximate time policy for synchronization
        texture_sync = new message_filters::Synchronizer(DRGBSync(500), *depth_sub, *info_sub, *rgb_sub);
        texture_sync->registerCallback(boost::bind(&KinFuLSApp::execute, &app, _1, _2, _3));
        ROS_INFO("Running KinFu with texture extraction");
        depth_sub = new message_filters::Subscriber(nh, "/camera/depth/image_raw", 1);
        info_sub  = new message_filters::Subscriber(nh, "/camera/depth/camera_info", 1);

        depth_only_sync = new TimeSynchronizer(*depth_sub, *info_sub, 500);
        depth_only_sync -> registerCallback(boost::bind(&KinFuLSApp::execute, &app, _1, _2, ImageConstPtr()));
        ROS_INFO("Running KinFu without texture extraction");

    ros::Rate loop_rate(40);
    //int count=0;
    while (nh.ok())
            app.kinfu_->performLastScan ();

    //~ #ifdef HAVE_OPENCV
    //~ for (size_t t = 0; t < app.image_view_.views_.size (); ++t)
    //~ {
    //~ if (t == 0)
    //~ {
    //~ cout << "Saving depth map of first view." << endl;
    //~ cv::imwrite ("./depthmap_1stview.png", app.image_view_.views_[0]);
    //~ cout << "Saving sequence of (" << app.image_view_.views_.size () << ") views." << endl;
    //~ }
    //~ char buf[4096];
    //~ sprintf (buf, "./%06d.png", (int)t);
    //~ cv::imwrite (buf, app.image_view_.views_[t]);
    //~ printf ("writing: %s\n", buf);
    //~ }
    //~ #endif
    std::cout << "pcl_kinfu_largeScale exiting...\n";
    return 0;

編譯ros_kinfu package

cd ~/catkin_ws

運行ROS下kinect fusion程序

roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch

rosrun kinfu kinfuLS -et


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