什麼是量化表(Quantization Tables )

Quantization Tables

  • In JPEG, each F[u,v] is divided by a constant q(u,v).

  • Table of q(u,v) is called quantization table.

    16  11  10  16  24   40   51   61   
    12  12  14  19  26   58   60   55   
    14  13  16  24  40   57   69   56   
    14  17  22  29  51   87   80   62   
    18  22  37  56  68   109  103  77   
    24  35  55  64  81   104  113  92   
    49  64  78  87  103  121  120  101  
    72  92  95  98  112  100  103  99   

  • Eye is most sensitive to low frequencies (upper left corner), less sensitive to high frequencies (lower right corner)

  • Standard defines 2 default quantization tables, one for luminance (above), one for chrominance.

  • Q: How would changing the numbers affect the picture (e.g., if I doubled them all)?

    Quality factor in most implementations is the scaling factor for default quantization tables.

  • Custom quantization tables can be put in image/scan header.

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