
 10-29-09 奧巴馬到機場接回阿富汗陣亡美國人遺體 (Obama Witnesses Return of War Dead) 美國總統奧巴馬連夜前往美國德拉瓦州的軍事基地,接回在阿富汗陣亡和遇難的18位美國人的遺體。 奧巴馬總統在午夜過後抵達多佛空軍基地,在那裏停留了大約三個半小時,最後於星期四破曉返回白宮。奧巴馬總統在空軍基地的小禮堂會見了死者家屬。 18位美國人中有8位是在阿富汗南部的戰鬥中陣亡的,還有七名軍人和三名毒品執法人員死於軍用直升機墜毀事件。一架空軍運輸機載回了他們的遺體。 至少55名美國人今年十月份在阿富汗喪生。這是自2001年美國進入阿富汗攻打塔利班組織以來美軍死傷人數最多的一個月。 U.S. President Barack Obama made an overnight trip to a military base in (the northeastern state of) Delaware to witness the return of the bodies of 18 Americans killed this week in Afghanistan. Mr. Obama arrived at Dover Air Force Base just after midnight, staying about three and a half hours. He returned to the White House in the pre-dawn hours Thursday. While at the base, the president met privately with the families of the fallen at a base chapel. An Air Force cargo plane transported the bodies of eight U.S. soldiers killed in a series of bomb attacks in southern Afghanistan, plus seven other soldiers and three Drug Enforcement Administration agents killed in the crash of a military helicopter. At least 55 U.S. personnel have been killed in Afghanistan during October, making it the deadliest month for U.S. forces there since the invasion that toppled Afghanistan's Taliban in late 2001. top‧ple / ˈtɒp ə l $ ˈtɑː- / verb 1 [ intransitive and transitive ] to become unsteady and then fall over, or to make something do this topple over A stack of plates swayed, and began to topple over. 2 [ transitive ] to take power away from a leader or government, especially by force [= overthrow ] : This scandal could topple the government. 美國經濟一年多來首次出現增長 (US Economy Grows for First Time in More Than a Year) 在長達一年多的經濟下滑之後,美國經濟在7、8、9月首次出現增長。美國商務部星期四發佈的報告顯示,美國國內生產總值在今年第三季度達到3.5%的年增長率。奧巴馬總統稱這份報告是個“受歡迎的消息”,但是說美國還有“很長的路要走”。 奧巴馬在對商業界的講話中談到,能否創造就業機會,保證家庭有能力支付消費是衡量經濟健康的一個重要標準。許多經濟學家預測美國的失業率將繼續上升,將於明年某個時候超過10%。 The U.S. economy began growing again in July, August and September, after more than a year of decline.A report from the Commerce Department Thursday says the U.S. gross domestic product grew at an annual pace of 3.5 percent in the third quarter. The GDP totals up all the goods and services produced in a nation, and is the broadest measure of economic health. President Barack Obama called the report "welcome news" but said the nation has "a long way to go." Mr. Obama told a business audience that a key measure of economic health is whether the nation is creating jobs and making it possible for families to pay their bills. Many economists predict that U.S. unemployment will continue rising and exceed 10 percent sometime next year.

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