


中國大雪造成嚴重雪災 (Heavy Snow Storms Wreak Havoc in China)



Heavy snowfalls in northern China are wreaking havoc this week, causing a school roof to cave in(塌陷) and kill three students as well as stranding thousands of travelers. China's official Xinhua news agency says two girls and a boy were killed Wednesday when the ceiling of an elementary school cafeteria in Hebei province collapsed. At least 28 other people were injured.

Government officials have closed all elementary schools in nearby counties in Hebei to conduct building safety checks. On Thursday, heavy snowfall in the Chinese capital caused the cancellation of more than 60 flights at Beijing Capital Airport and delayed more than 100 others. Forecasters say the snow is likely to continue over the next two days in northern and northeastern China.

wreak / riːk / verb

1 wreak havoc/mayhem/destruction (on something) to cause a lot of damage or problems :

These policies have wreaked havoc on the British economy.

2 wreak revenge/vengeance (on somebody) formal to do something unpleasant to someone to punish them for something they have done to you :

He promised to wreak vengeance on those who had betrayed him.

 havoc / ˈhævək / noun [ uncountable ]

a situation in which there is a lot of damage or a lack of order, especially so that it is difficult for something to continue in the normal way [= chaos ]

cause/create havoc

A strike will cause havoc for commuters.

policies that would wreak havoc on the country’s economy

Rain has continued to play havoc with sporting events.

cafeteria / ˌkæfəˈtɪəriə, ˌkæfɪˈtɪəriə $ -ˈtɪr- / noun [ countable ]

a restaurant, often in a factory, college etc, where you choose from foods that have already been cooked and carry your own food to a table [= canteen British English ] :

the school cafeteria


人權團體:中國經營非法監獄 (Rights Group: China Running Illegal Prisons)




Human Rights Watch is accusing China of abducting and detaining citizens in illegal jails, to prevent them from bringing complaints to the central government.

In its report, the New York-based rights group says most people detained are rural residents who come to Beijing seeking redress(要求賠償) for abuses ranging from illegal land grabs and corruption to police torture. The group says the detainees are held in illegal centers or "black jails" for days or months, and are subject to physical and psychological abuse. Human Rights Watch is calling on China to shut down the detention centers.

But Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang denied Thursday that black jails even exist. He questioned the group's motives for issuing what he called the "so-called report."

abduct / əbˈdʌkt, æb- / verb [ transitive ]

to take someone away by force [= kidnap ] :

The diplomat was abducted on his way to the airport.

detain / ˈteɪn / verb [ transitive ]

1 to officially prevent someone from leaving a place :

Two suspects have been detained by the police for questioning .

She was detained in hospital with a suspected broken leg.

2 [ usually passive ] formal to stop someone from leaving as soon as they expected [= delay ] :

He was detained in Washington on urgent business.

redress 2 / ˈdres $ ˈriːdres / noun [ uncountable ] formal

money that someone pays you because they have caused you harm or damaged your property [= compensation ] :

The only hope of redress is in a lawsuit.

detention / ˈtenʃ ə n / noun

1 [ uncountable ] the state of being kept in prison

in detention

Willis was held in detention for five years.

2 [ uncountable and countable ] a punishment in which children who have behaved badly are forced to stay at school for a short time after the others have gone home

in detention

She was always getting put in detention .






奧巴馬星期六亞洲講話中不會提及西藏問題 (Obama Won't Mention Tibet in Saturday Asia Speech)



A senior aide to U.S. President Barack Obama says the president will not mention Tibet in his speech on Asia policy in Tokyo Saturday. The aide, Ben Rhodes (national security advisor for strategic communications), says Mr. Obama will stress the U.S. commitment to the rights and freedoms that Washington believes all people should have. The human rights situation in Tibet has long been a concern for Washington.

But some rights activists say Mr. Obama has not done enough to push China on the issue. The president's critics say his decision to delay a meeting with the Dalai Lama until after his visit to China was an insult to the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader. White House officials say Mr. Obama plans to meet with the Dalai Lama as early as December.

報導說中國曾向巴基斯坦提供核武器材料 (Report: China Gave Pakistan Nuclear Weapons Material)




A major American newspaper says China gave Pakistan enough weapons-grade uranium in 1982 to make two nuclear bombs -- and that U.S. officials have known about it for decades. The Washington Post says the information comes from accounts written by Abdul Qadeer Khan, considered the father of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program, who is under house arrest in Pakistan for proliferation activities.

The Post says China also gave Pakistan a blueprint for a simple nuclear weapon. The paper says it was provided with Khan's information by journalist Simon Henderson, who has maintained correspondence with the Pakistani scientist.

The Post says U.S. officials privately confronted China about the alleged transfer once, and that Beijing denied it. A Pakistani foreign ministry spokesman denied the Post story as "baseless."

proliferation / prəˌlɪfəˈreɪʃ ə n / noun

1 [ singular, uncountable ] a sudden increase in the amount or number of something

proliferation of

the proliferation of global media networks

2 [ uncountable ] the very fast growth of new parts of a living thing, such as cells



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