

阿富汗炸彈襲擊8美軍1平民喪生 (Bombs Kill 8 US Soldiers, 1 Afghan Civilian in Afghanistan)



另外,在盧森堡召開的歐盟外長會議承諾要增加對阿富汗的援助,並修改對阿富汗的平民援助戰略。 歐盟目前每年向阿富汗提供15億美元的民用援助。外長們沒有說援助資金將增加多少。外長會議的一份文件說阿富汗的局勢正在惡化。文件說,阿富汗的政治改革,管理和國家建設等方面進程過於緩慢,有些領域毫無進展。

NATO says eight U.S. service members and an Afghan civilian working for the force were killed Tuesday in bombs attacks in southern Afghanistan. The international force says several troops were also wounded. It gave no further details.

The deaths came just a day after 11 U.S. troops and three U.S. drug agents were killed in separate helicopter crashes in Afghanistan.

In Luxembourg Tuesday, European Union foreign ministers pledged to increase aid to Afghanistan and overhaul their civilian aid strategy in the country. The EU is pouring about $1.5 billion a year in civilian aid into Afghanistan. The ministers did not say how much that would increase. A document from their meeting said the situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating. It said progress on political reform, governance and state-building is too slow and, in some areas, non-existent.

pledge 2 verb [ transitive ]

1 promise to make a formal, usually public, promise that you will do something

pledge something to something/somebody

Moore pledged $100,000 to the orchestra at the fund-raising dinner.

pledge to do something

The new governor pledged to reduce crime.

pledge that

Herrera pledged that his company will give aid to schools.

pledge (your) support/loyalty/solidarity etc

He pledged his cooperation.

pledge yourself to (do) something

Trade unions pledged themselves to resist the government plans.

2 make somebody promise to make someone formally promise something :

Employees were pledged to secrecy .

3 leave something to leave something with someone as a pledge 1 ( 3 )

4 us colleges to promise to become a member of a fraternity or sorority at an American university


overhaul 1 / ˌəʊvəːl $ ˌoʊvərːl / verb [ transitive ]

1 to repair or change the necessary parts in a machine, system etc that is not working correctly :

A mechanic is coming to overhaul the engine.

2 to change a system or method in order to improve it :

All the community’s decision-making institutions need to be overhauled.


deteriorate / tɪəriəreɪt $ -tɪr- / verb [ intransitive ]

1 to become worse :

Ethel’s health has deteriorated.

America’s deteriorating economy


In everyday English, people usually say get worse rather than deteriorate :

Her health got worse .

The situation is getting worse .

2 deteriorate into something to develop into a bad or worse situation :

The argument deteriorated into a fight.

deterioration / ˌtɪərɪreɪʃ ə n $ -ˌtɪr- / noun [ uncountable ]



卡拉季奇拒絕出庭法官威脅要指派律師代表 (Prosecution Opens Case Against Karadzic)




War crimes prosecutors have launched their long-awaited case against Radovan Karadzic, as the former Bosnian Serb wartime leader boycotted his trial Tuesday for a second straight day. Karadzic is conducting his own defense and is refusing to attend the trial in the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia at the Hague, saying he needs more time to prepare his defense.

The tribunal has rejected those demands, and chief Judge O-Gon Kwon said Tuesday he will consider naming a lawyer to represent the defendant if he continues the boycott.

Prosecutors accuse Karadzic of orchestrating the 1995 massacre of up to eight thousand Muslim men and boys near Srebrenica. In all, the 64-year-old defendant faces 11 charges of genocide and crimes against humanity. Serbian police arrested Karadzic last year after he spent 12 years on the run as one of the world's most wanted fugitives.

boycott 1 / bɔɪkɒt $ -kɑːt / verb [ transitive ]

to refuse to buy something, use something, or take part in something as a way of protesting :

We boycott all products tested on animals.


tribunal / traɪ’bjuːnl / noun [ countable ]

a type of court that is given official authority to deal with a particular situation or problem :

The case of your redundancy will be heard by an independent tribunal.

industrial tribunal


orchestrate / ɔːkəstreɪt, ɔːkɪstreɪt $ ɔːr- / verb [ transitive ]

1 written to organize an important event or a complicated plan, especially secretly :

The riots were orchestrated by anti-government forces.

a carefully orchestrated promotional campaign

2 to arrange a piece of music so that it can be played by an orchestra


massacre 1 / mæsəkə $ -ər / noun

1 [ uncountable and countable ] when a lot of people are killed violently, especially people who cannot defend themselves :

the only survivor of the massacre

massacre of

the massacre of several hundred pro-democracy demonstrators

the Boston/Peterloo/Harperville etc massacre

the infamous Peterloo massacre of 1819

2 [ countable ] informal a very bad defeat in a game or competition :

United lost in a 9–0 massacre.


genocide / dʒenəsaɪd / noun [ uncountable ]

the deliberate murder of a whole group or race of people ethnic cleansing :

The military leaders were accused of genocide.

genocidal / ˌdʒenəsaɪdl◂ / adjective :

a genocidal regime


fugitive 1 / fjuːdʒətɪv, fjuːdʒɪtɪv / noun [ countable ]

someone who is trying to avoid being caught by the police

fugitive from

a fugitive from US justice



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