


伊朗警方與示威者發生衝突 (Iranian Police Clash With Opposition Protesters)



Iranian riot police used batons and tear gas Wednesday to break up anti-government protests coinciding with rallies marking the storming of the U.S. embassy 30 years ago.

Witnesses say police beat and arrested activists in Haft-e-Tir square, where hundreds of Iranians gathered to show their support for reformist opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi. The activists shouted "Death to the Dictator," reviving protests against the disputed re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Some opposition groups say protests also took place in Shiraz and Isfahan.

The White House says it hopes the violence will not spread. In a separate area of Tehran Wednesday, Iranians shouted "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" at a rally outside the closed U.S. embassy. The demonstrations came 30 years after Iranian students stormed the embassy and held 52 Americans hostage for 444 days.

revive / ˈvaɪv / verb

1 [ transitive ] to bring something back after it has not been used or has not existed for a period of time :

Local people have decided to revive this centuries-old tradition.

2 [ intransitive and transitive ] to become healthy and strong again, or to make someone or something healthy and strong again recover :

The economy is beginning to revive.

an attempt to revive the steel industry

The doctors revived her with injections of glucose.

3 [ transitive ] to produce a play again after it has not been performed for a long time :

A London theatre has decided to revive the 1950s musical ‘In Town’.

storm 2 verb

1 [ transitive ] to suddenly attack and enter a place using a lot of force :

An angry crowd stormed the embassy.

2 [ intransitive always + adverb/preposition ] to go somewhere in a noisy fast way that shows you are extremely angry

storm out of/into/off etc

Alan stormed out of the room.

3 [ intransitive and transitive ] literary to shout something in an angry way :

‘What difference does it make?’ she stormed.


報導顯示美國公司裁減員工數下降 (Reports: US Employers Cutting Fewer Jobs)



U.S. employers cut fewer jobs in October than the prior month, but the unemployment rate is still expected to rise. Wednesday's report from a company (called ADP) that processes paychecks for millions of U.S. workers says private companies cut 24,000 fewer jobs in October than the prior month (for a total of 203,000).A placement company (Challenger, Gray, and Christmas) that tracks layoff announcements says the number of layoffs announced by employers in October also declined from the prior month.

However, economists surveyed by news organizations still predict that the U.S. jobless rate will rise slightly and hit 9.9 percent when government experts publish their findings on Friday. The unemployment rate is expected to rise above 10 percent next year before beginning a gradual recovery. Job market worries are one reason that top officials of the U.S. central bank are expected to keep interest rates at their current very low levels when they announce interest rate policy on Wednesday afternoon.


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