


中國反對美方對發展中國家提出減排計劃 (China Rejects US Pressure on Carbon Emission Cuts)



China says it opposes the U.S. position that developing nations should commit to emissions cuts at next month's climate talks in Copenhagen. Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu says it is the responsibility of developed countries to take the lead in reducing emissions. Ma says China also believes that developed countries, such as the United States, should provide capital, technology and building capacity to developing nations. Ma added, however, that China has a "very serious" attitude toward climate change.

On Wednesday, U.S. climate change envoy Todd Stern told lawmakers the United States will not agree to targets on climate change unless developing countries, especially China, make similar moves. The U.S. Congress is currently debating a bill aimed at reducing emissions. The divide between developed and developing nations has long been a stumbling block to talks on how to address climate change.

envoy / envɔɪ / noun [ countable ]

someone who is sent to another country as an official representative [= emissary ] :

The United Nations is sending a special envoy to the area.


聯合國在阿富汗襲擊後重新安置其工作人員 (UN to Relocate Many Staff Members After Afghan Attack)



The United Nations says it will temporarily relocate more than half of its 1,100 international staff members in Afghanistan, following a deadly Taliban attack on a facility for U.N. workers. The head of the U.N. mission in Afghanistan, Kai Eide, says officials have begun the process of moving at least 600 staff members to more secure locations inside and outside the country.

Eide says the United Nations is not talking about pulling out of Afghanistan. He says it is just looking after the safety of its workers while ensuring its operations in the country can continue. Last week, Taliban gunmen killed five U.N. workers in an attack on an international guest house in the capital, Kabul. The Taliban said it was targeting U.N. employees working on the recent Afghan presidential election.


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