


美國敦促北韓不要使黃海衝突進一步升級 (US Urges North Korea Not to Escalate Tensions in Yellow Sea)



Washington has urged North Korea not to escalate tensions in the Yellow Sea following a naval skirmish between the North and South Korean navies Tuesday. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs says Washington hopes Pyongyang will not take any further actions in the area that could be seen as an escalation. South Korea's military says one of its warships first fired warning shots at a North Korean boat that it says crossed the Korean maritime border off the west coast of the Korean peninsula.

South Korea says the North Korean patrol boat(巡邏艇) suffered heavy damage in the exchange before retreating. A South Korean military official (Lee Gi-sik) described the incident as regrettable and said Seoul has lodged a strong protest with Pyongyang. North Korea's official (KCNA) news agency says its patrol boat was on a mission to confirm an unidentified object on its side of the border.

escalate / ˈeskəleɪt / verb [ intransitive and transitive ]

1 if fighting, violence, or a bad situation escalates, or if someone escalates it, it becomes much worse

escalate into

Her fear was escalating into panic.

The fighting on the border is escalating.

We do not want to escalate the war.

2 to become higher or increase, or to make something do this :

The costs were escalating alarmingly.

policies that escalate their own costs

escalating crime

escalation / ˌeskəˈleɪʃ ə n / noun [ uncountable and countable ] :

the escalation of fighting in June

a rapid escalation in value


skirmish / ˈskɜːmɪʃ $ ˈskɜːr- / noun [ countable ]

1 a fight between small groups of soldiers, ships etc, especially one that happens away from the main part of a battle – used in news reports

skirmish with/between/over

The young soldier was killed in a skirmish with government troops.

2 a short argument, especially between political or sports opponents

skirmish with/between/over

Bates was sent off after a skirmish with the referee.

a budget skirmish between the President and Congress

skirmish verb [ intransitive ] :

They skirmished briefly with soldiers from Fort Benton.


maritime / ˈmærətaɪm, ˈmærɪtaɪm / adjective [ only before noun ]

1 relating to the sea or ships [= marine ] :

San Francisco has lost nearly all of its maritime industry.

2 near the sea :

the Canadian maritime provinces


patrol 1 / ˈtrəʊl $ -ˈtroʊl / verb ( past tense and past participle patrolled , present participle patrolling ) [ transitive ]

1 to go around the different parts of an area or building at regular times to check that there is no trouble or danger :

Armed guards patrolled the grounds.

an area patrolled by special police units

2 to drive or walk around an area in a threatening way :

Gangs of youths patrolled the streets at night.


2 argument/discussion [ countable ] a short conversation, usually between two people who are angry with each other :

a quiet exchange between the judge and the clerk

The DJ was fired after a heated exchange (= a very angry conversation ) on air with a call-in listener.


lodgelodge a complaint/protest/appeal etc British English to make a formal or official complaint, protest etc

lodge a complaint/protest/appeal etc with

He lodged an appeal with the High Court.

lodge a complaint/protest/appeal etc against

They lodged a complaint against the doctor for negligence.


汽車炸彈在巴基斯坦西北至少炸死30 (Car Bomb Kills At Least 30 in Northwestern Pakistan)




At least 30 people have been killed, including a number of children, in a suicide car bomb attack in northwest Pakistan.

Investigators say the bomb exploded Tuesday on a busy street near a market in the city of Charsadda, some 40 kilometers north of Peshawar. Dozens of people were wounded in the blast which destroyed several buildings. It was the third bombing in the area in three days.

On Monday, a suicide bomber in a rickshaw(黃包車) blew himself up at a checkpoint in Peshawar, killing three people. A suicide bomber killed 13 people in a crowded market outside the city on Sunday.


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