【目标检测】绘制FPPI、miss rate数据及代码例子



  1. 用matlab的evaluateDetectionMissRate(建议用这个)
  2. 用官方的工具包(有一些参数我还没弄懂,欢迎清楚的小伙伴来填坑)

1. matlab的evaluateDetectionMissRate



load fppi.mat
[am, fppi, missRate] = evaluateDetectionMissRate(results, a);
% Plot log average miss rate - FPPI.
loglog(fppi, missRate);
grid on
title(sprintf('log Average Miss Rate = %.5f',am))



  1. 第一列为[x, y, width, height]
  2. 第二列为预测的分数
  3. 每一行中,第一列和第二列的物体数量要一样,例如第一列是6个物体,那他的shape为6*4,那么第二列也要是6个分数,shape为1*4(不懂的话可以打开fppi.mat看下)


  1. 第一列为[x, y, width, height]
  2. 如果有多个物体的话,就用分号;隔开
  3. 预测结果和label的每一行都是指一张图片,所以两者的顺序要对应上


function [logAverageMissRate, fppi, missRate] = evaluateDetectionMissRate(...
                                    detectionResults, groundTruthData, varargin)
%evaluateDetectionMissRate Evaluate the miss rate metric for object detection.
%   logAverageMissRate = evaluateDetectionMissRate(detectionResults,
%   groundTruthData) returns log-average miss rate to measure the detection
%   performance. For a multi-class detector, logAverageMissRate is a vector
%   of log-average miss rates for each object class. The class order
%   follows the same column order as the groundTruthData table.
%   Inputs:
%   -------
%   detectionResults  - a table that has two columns for single-class
%                       detector, or three columns for multi-class
%                       detector. The first column contains M-by-4 matrices
%                       of [x, y, width, height] bounding boxes specifying
%                       object locations. The second column contains scores
%                       for each detection. For multi-class detector, the
%                       third column contains the predicted label for each
%                       detection. The label must be categorical type
%                       defined by the variable names of groundTruthData
%                       table.
%   groundTruthData   - a table that has one column for single-class, or
%                       multiple columns for multi-class. Each column
%                       contains M-by-4 matrices of [x, y, width, height]
%                       bounding boxes specifying object locations. The
%                       column name specifies the class label.
%   [..., fppi, missRate] = evaluateDetectionMissRate(...) returns data
%   points for plotting the log-miss-rate/false-positives-per-image(FPPI)
%   curve. You can visualize the performance curve using loglog(fppi,missRate). 
%   For multi-class detector, recall and precision are cell arrays, where
%   each cell contains the data points for each object class.
%   [...] = evaluateDetectionMissRate(..., threshold) specifies the
%   overlap threshold for assigning a detection to a ground truth box. The
%   overlap ratio is computed as the intersection over union. The default
%   value is 0.5.
%   Example : Evaluate stop sign detector
%   -------------------------------------
%   % Load the ground truth table
%   load('stopSignsAndCars.mat')
%   stopSigns = stopSignsAndCars(:, 1:2);
%   stopSigns.imageFilename = fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'),'visiondata', ...
%       stopSigns.imageFilename);
%   % Train an ACF based detector
%   detector = trainACFObjectDetector(stopSigns,'NegativeSamplesFactor',2);
%   % Create a struct array to store the results
%   numImages = height(stopSigns);
%   results(numImages) = struct('Boxes', [], 'Scores', []);
%   % Run the detector on the training images
%   for i = 1 : numImages
%       I = imread(stopSigns.imageFilename{i});
%       [bboxes, scores] = detect(detector, I);
%       results(i).Boxes = bboxes;
%       results(i).Scores = scores;
%   end
%   results = struct2table(results);
%   % Evaluate the results against the ground truth data
%   [am, fppi, missRate] = evaluateDetectionMissRate(results, stopSigns(:, 2));
%   % Plot log-miss-rate/FPPI curve
%   figure
%   loglog(fppi, missRate);
%   grid on
%   title(sprintf('log Average Miss Rate = %.1f', am))
% See also evaluateDetectionPrecision, acfObjectDetector,
%          rcnnObjectDetector, trainACFObjectDetector, trainRCNNObjectDetector.

% Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.
% References
% ----------
%   [1] C. D. Manning, P. Raghavan, and H. Schutze. An Introduction to
%   Information Retrieval. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
%   [2] D. Hoiem, Y. Chodpathumwan, and Q. Dai. Diagnosing error in
%   object detectors. In Proc. ECCV, 2012.
%   [3] Dollar, Piotr, et al. "Pedestrian Detection: An Evaluation of the
%   State of the Art." Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE
%   Transactions on 34.4 (2012): 743 - 761.

2. 用官方的工具包



  1. 要下载annotations文件,并解压到../code3.2.1/data-USA
  2. 此处下载别人预测的结果,并放在../code3.2.1/data-USA/res中(res文件夹需要自己你新建)

3. 修改dbEval.m中的algs变量(在第57行),保留要你对比的算法,他的的注释掉(名字要与你res文件夹中的算法名字相同)。同时,在最后面加上你自己算法的名字,前面的布尔变量表示是否将每个box的高度调整为100/128,clrs表示颜色,'-'表示线条类型
4. 然后运行dbEval.m即可。图会闪一下,因为最终图片会保存到pdf里面,所以需要安装Ghostscriptpdfcrop。当然也可以在savefig(fName1,1,'pdf','-r300','-fonts'); close(1); f1=[fName1 '.pdf'];设一个断点,然后手动保存
5. 自己的算法一定要放在前面,不然绘图的时候会显示不出来,这个坑以后再填
6. 自己的数据格式摹仿别人的预测就好了,第一列是图片id,然后是xmin、ymin、w、h,最后不知道是什么待填坑

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