

1. $ roscore

2. $ roslaunch drrobot_jaguar4x4_playerplayer+odom.launch  and control the robotuse joy_stick to test the robot is work well

3. power on the velodyne vlp-16 laser andtest the network is ok;

* *you need replace the velodyne host IDwith your computer ID.

4. $roslaunch velodyne_drivervlp16_2D.launch ,and test the laser data is published ok

5. $rosbag record  -a  

6. $roslaunch  map_and_localization gmapping_bag.launch

7. $rosbag play  mybag  --rate 0.5

8. rosrun map_server   map_saver  -f mymap

If there are some questions, eg : thevelodyne can not convergence

catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

and edit the gmapping_bag.launch

<param name="linearUpdate"value="1.0"/>

<param name="angularUpdate"value="0.6"/>

<param name="particles"value="30"/>



0.      $ sudo apt-get installros-jade-navigation     

1.      $roscore

2.      $ roslaunchdrrobot_jaguar4x4_player player+odom.launch  and control the robot use joy_stick to testthe robot is work well

3.      $roslaunch velodyne_drivervlp16_2D.launch ,and test the laser data is published ok

4.      $rosrun  map_server map_server src/map_and_localization/maps/office.yaml

5.      $rviz  -d map_and_localization.rviz    //add the addres of map_and_localization.rviz

6.      $roslaunch  map_and_localization  amcl.launch 

//  if  static navigation

$roslaunch   static_navigation  static_navigation.lauch  and you need to edit nodes.txt and edges.txt

rostopic  echo  /robot_pose   you need to cope the robot pose into nodes.txt

// else  dynamicnavigation

$roslaunch   ros_navigation  ros_navigation.lauch  
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