karto探祕之open_karto 第三章 --- 掃描匹配


1 kt_bool Mapper::Process(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan)

3 kt_double ScanMatcher::MatchScan()

3.1 AddScans()

3.2 SmearPoint()

4 kt_double ScanMatcher::CorrelateScan()

4.1 生成角度查找表 

4.2 kt_double ScanMatcher::GetResponse()

4.3 void ScanMatcher::ComputePositionalCovariance() 

4.4 void ScanMatcher::ComputeAngularCovariance()

5 void SetSensorPose()

6 MapperSensorManager::AddScan()

7 void MapperSensorManager::AddRunningScan()


process 的過程

掃描匹配 的過程



加入了詳細中文解釋的open_karto地址:  https://github.com/kadn/open_karto



open_karto的一些數據類型介紹請看 karto探祕之open_karto 第一章 --- 數據結構


1 kt_bool Mapper::Process(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan)

  kt_bool Mapper::Process(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan)
      // ...省略

      Matrix3 covariance;
      // 如果當前幀是第一幀,則不執行MatchScan操作,否則執行。MatchScan是用來將當前幀和前面的幀(多個)進行比較,根據odometry給出的初始位姿,在初始位姿附近找到更合適的位姿作爲機器人移動位姿,同時返回該位姿下的response(衡量標準)以及covariance(可信度),具體內容在後面介紹
      // correct scan (if not first scan)
      if (m_pUseScanMatching->GetValue() && pLastScan != NULL)
        Pose2 bestPose;
                                            bestPose, // 求出的最優位姿

      // add scan to buffer and assign id 將當前幀加入數據庫中

      if (m_pUseScanMatching->GetValue())
        // add to graph
        m_pGraph->AddVertex(pScan);               // 將當前幀設置爲圖優化的頂點
        m_pGraph->AddEdges(pScan, covariance);    // 將當前幀執行 添加邊的操作
        // 將當前幀添加到runningScan中,並進行維護. runningScan即是 掃描匹配 中被比較的對象,也即是“前面的幀”

        if (m_pDoLoopClosing->GetValue())
          std::vector<Name> deviceNames = m_pMapperSensorManager->GetSensorNames();
          const_forEach(std::vector<Name>, &deviceNames)
            m_pGraph->TryCloseLoop(pScan, *iter);    // 進行閉環檢測


      return true;

    return false;


3 kt_double ScanMatcher::MatchScan()

1次粗匹配(搜索步長爲兩倍的分辨率), 如果沒匹配到的話改變角度再進行一次粗匹配, 之後進行1次精細匹配(步長爲分辨率)

   * Match given scan against set of scans   在相關網格中找到最佳掃描姿勢
   * @param pScan scan being scan-matched    當前雷達數據
   * @param rBaseScans set of scans whose points will mark cells in grid as being occupied ,也就是 m_RunningScans 
   * @param rMean output parameter of mean (best pose) of match 輸出的位姿的平均值
   * @param rCovariance output parameter of covariance of match 輸出位姿的協方差 
   * @param doPenalize default = true  
        whether to penalize matches further from the search center
   * @param doRefineMatch default= true 
        whether to do finer-grained matching if coarse match is good (default is true)
   * @return strength of response
  kt_double ScanMatcher::MatchScan(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan, 
                                   const LocalizedRangeScanVector& rBaseScans, 
                                   Pose2& rMean,
                                   Matrix3& rCovariance, 
                                   kt_bool doPenalize, 
                                   kt_bool doRefineMatch)
    // set scan pose to be center of grid
    // pScan還沒有更新父類LaserRangeScan中原始數據,掃描深度數據都在父類中,通過 pScan->GetRangeReadings()[iterNum]這種形式來訪問。
    // 1. get scan position
    Pose2 scanPose = pScan->GetSensorPose();   

    // scan has no readings; cannot do scan matching
    // best guess of pose is based off of adjusted odometer reading
    if (pScan->GetNumberOfRangeReadings() == 0)
      rMean = scanPose;

      // maximum covariance
      rCovariance(0, 0) = MAX_VARIANCE;  // XX
      rCovariance(1, 1) = MAX_VARIANCE;  // YY
      rCovariance(2, 2) = 4 * math::Square(m_pMapper->m_pCoarseAngleResolution->GetValue());  // TH*TH

      return 0.0;

    // 2. get size of grid
    // 這個是矩形柵格地圖,2431 * 2431的柵格(雷達範圍12, 之前設置過的 SetRangeThreshold) * 2 + 0.3m(滑窗範圍) 除以 分辨率 + 1
    Rectangle2<kt_int32s> roi = m_pCorrelationGrid->GetROI();   

    // 3. compute offset (in meters - lower left corner)
    Vector2<kt_double> offset;  //offset是柵格左下角在世界座標系中的位置

    // m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution()  柵格地圖一個格子在實際中的長度,單位:默認是 m
    offset.SetX(scanPose.GetX() - (0.5 * (roi.GetWidth() - 1) * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution()));
    offset.SetY(scanPose.GetY() - (0.5 * (roi.GetHeight() - 1) * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution()));

    // 4. set offset


    // set up correlation grid
    // 這裏的scanPose.GetPosition()是 Lidar的位置,不是Lidar point的位置

    // 將rBaseScans的點所對應的柵格置爲“occupied”,這就相當於存儲好了原始的數據,之後只要拿現在的和原始的柵格相比較就行了
    // 獲得了Roi裏柵格狀態  //這個會對掃描點進行處理
    AddScans(rBaseScans, scanPose.GetPosition());  

    // compute how far to search in each direction   
    // m_pSearchSpaceProbs 是一個 31 * 31 大小的柵格地圖
    Vector2<kt_double> searchDimensions(m_pSearchSpaceProbs->GetWidth(), m_pSearchSpaceProbs->GetHeight());

    // coarseSearchOffset 是一個座標,31 * 31 網格的中心 距離左下角的距離,單位m
    Vector2<kt_double> coarseSearchOffset(0.5 * (searchDimensions.GetX() - 1) * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution(),
                                          0.5 * (searchDimensions.GetY() - 1) * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution());

    // a coarse search only checks half the cells in each dimension
    // 因爲每兩個格子掃描一下,所以認爲是粗略的
    Vector2<kt_double> coarseSearchResolution(2 * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution(),
                                              2 * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution());

    // actual scan-matching   //找到了 最好的位姿使得response最大   

    // 粗匹配 使用的位姿是 scanPose
    // offset是coarseSearchOffset,搜索空間是 coarseSearchOffset * 2 除以分辨率,再加1,xy搜索分辨率爲2個柵格大小
    // 角度搜索範圍 20度,裏邊會乘以2所以是40度,角度搜索分辨率爲2
    kt_double bestResponse = CorrelateScan(pScan, scanPose, coarseSearchOffset, coarseSearchResolution,
                                           doPenalize, rMean, rCovariance, false);

    // 如果最初沒有找到合適的匹配項,是否增加 角度搜索空間,默認爲false
    if (m_pMapper->m_pUseResponseExpansion->GetValue() == true)
      if (math::DoubleEqual(bestResponse, 0.0))

        // try and increase search angle offset with 20 degrees and do another match
        kt_double newSearchAngleOffset = m_pMapper->m_pCoarseSearchAngleOffset->GetValue();
        for (kt_int32u i = 0; i < 3; i++)
          newSearchAngleOffset += math::DegreesToRadians(20);

          bestResponse = CorrelateScan(pScan, scanPose, coarseSearchOffset, coarseSearchResolution,
                                       newSearchAngleOffset, m_pMapper->m_pCoarseAngleResolution->GetValue(),
                                       doPenalize, rMean, rCovariance, false);

          if (math::DoubleEqual(bestResponse, 0.0) == false)

    if (doRefineMatch)
      // fineSearchOffset 爲什麼是 coarseSearchResolution*0.5? 等於一個柵格的分辨率?
      Vector2<kt_double> fineSearchOffset(coarseSearchResolution * 0.5);
      Vector2<kt_double> fineSearchResolution(m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution(), m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution());

      // 精確匹配時 使用的位姿是 粗匹配 輸出的rMean
      // 匹配範圍爲 3個的 柵格大小 fineSearchOffset * 2 除以分辨率 再 +1,xy搜索分辨率也爲1個柵格大小
      // 角度搜索範圍 是粗匹配的一半,角度搜索分辨率爲0.2
      bestResponse = CorrelateScan(pScan, rMean, fineSearchOffset, fineSearchResolution,
                                   0.5 * m_pMapper->m_pCoarseAngleResolution->GetValue(),
                                   doPenalize, rMean, rCovariance, true);  //這裏的true會讓程序計算角度方差
    return bestResponse;

3.1 AddScans()

首先將 m_pCorrelationGrid 中柵格全置爲 0 ,

然後遍歷 running scna , 將每一幀雷達數據進行 AddScan()


然後將這些點對應的柵格地圖中的點 不是佔用狀態的 設置成 佔用狀態,同時,更新當前座標點周圍的佔用值, SmearPoint(gridPoint)

   * Marks cells where scans' points hit as being occupied
   * @param rScans scans whose points will mark cells in grid as being occupied
   * @param viewPoint do not add points that belong to scans "opposite" the view point
  void ScanMatcher::AddScans(const LocalizedRangeScanVector& rScans, Vector2<kt_double> viewPoint)
    m_pCorrelationGrid->Clear();   //把柵格地圖的所有值(0,100,255)置爲0

    // add all scans to grid
    // rScans 可能是 running scans 或者 相鄰的scans 或者 閉環產生的scans
    const_forEach(LocalizedRangeScanVector, &rScans)   
      // viewPoint 是當前幀的 在世界座標系中的位置,但是不包含laser朝向信息,
      // 而 *iter都是存儲的之前的幀的掃描點在世界座標系中的位置
      AddScan(*iter, viewPoint);    

   * Marks cells where scans' points hit as being occupied.  Can smear points as they are added.
   * @param pScan scan whose points will mark cells in grid as being occupied
   * @param viewPoint do not add points that belong to scans "opposite" the view point
   * @param doSmear whether the points will be smeared
  void ScanMatcher::AddScan(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan, const Vector2<kt_double>& rViewPoint, kt_bool doSmear)
    PointVectorDouble validPoints = FindValidPoints(pScan, rViewPoint);   //找到之前的scan在 rviewpoint這個位置上看來合適的點,具體條件見函數內部,記爲有效的點

    // put in all valid points
    const_forEach(PointVectorDouble, &validPoints)
      Vector2<kt_int32s> gridPoint = m_pCorrelationGrid->WorldToGrid(*iter);  //把 point的位置變爲 在柵格地圖上的座標,柵格地圖的原點是左下角

      // IsUpTo  means  <
      if (!math::IsUpTo(gridPoint.GetX(), m_pCorrelationGrid->GetROI().GetWidth()) ||
          !math::IsUpTo(gridPoint.GetY(), m_pCorrelationGrid->GetROI().GetHeight()))
        // point not in grid

      int gridIndex = m_pCorrelationGrid->GridIndex(gridPoint);   //二維變爲一維索引

      // set grid cell as occupied
      if (m_pCorrelationGrid->GetDataPointer()[gridIndex] == GridStates_Occupied)  //查詢grid cell狀態
        // value already set

      m_pCorrelationGrid->GetDataPointer()[gridIndex] = GridStates_Occupied;  //在這裏將之前的數據幀的所有掃描點都在grid中更新狀態,用於之後的匹配

      // smear grid
      if (doSmear == true)

 3.1.1 FindValidPoints()

   * Compute which points in a scan are on the same side as the given viewpoint
   * @param pScan
   * @param rViewPoint
   * @return points on the same side
  PointVectorDouble ScanMatcher::FindValidPoints(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan, const Vector2<kt_double>& rViewPoint) const
    //得到以前已經經過了轉換的點, 但是還需要判斷方向:順時針還是逆時針
    const PointVectorDouble& rPointReadings = pScan->GetPointReadings();

    // points must be at least 10 cm away when making comparisons of inside/outside of viewpoint
    const kt_double minSquareDistance = math::Square(0.1);  // in m^2

    // this iterator lags from the main iterator adding points only when the points are on
    // the same side as the viewpoint
    PointVectorDouble::const_iterator trailingPointIter = rPointReadings.begin();
    PointVectorDouble validPoints;

    Vector2<kt_double> firstPoint;
    kt_bool firstTime = true;

    // 訪問一個幀的掃描點數據,這些數據的含義是掃描點在世界座標系中的位置
    const_forEach(PointVectorDouble, &rPointReadings)  
      Vector2<kt_double> currentPoint = *iter;

      if (firstTime && !std::isnan(currentPoint.GetX()) && !std::isnan(currentPoint.GetY()))
        firstPoint = currentPoint;
        firstTime = false;

      Vector2<kt_double> delta = firstPoint - currentPoint;
      if (delta.SquaredLength() > minSquareDistance)
        // This compute the Determinant (viewPoint FirstPoint, viewPoint currentPoint)
        // Which computes the direction of rotation, if the rotation is counterclock
        // wise then we are looking at data we should keep. If it's negative rotation
        // we should not included in in the matching
        // have enough distance, check viewpoint
        double a = rViewPoint.GetY() - firstPoint.GetY();
        double b = firstPoint.GetX() - rViewPoint.GetX();
        double c = firstPoint.GetY() * rViewPoint.GetX() - firstPoint.GetX() * rViewPoint.GetY();
        double ss = currentPoint.GetX() * a + currentPoint.GetY() * b + c;

        // reset beginning point
        firstPoint = currentPoint;

        if (ss < 0.0)  // wrong side, skip and keep going
          trailingPointIter = iter;
          for (; trailingPointIter != iter; ++trailingPointIter)
            // 將符合條件的(1.距離大於一定值 2.是正確的時針方向)掃描點加入validPoints之中

    return validPoints;

3.2 SmearPoint()

大致上感覺是:通過一個 6 * 6 的核函數,將當前座標點附近 6*6 的點 做卷積,如果附近點的佔用值小於核函數中的佔用值,則將 核函數中的佔用值 賦值給 附近點的佔用值。

     * Smear cell if the cell at the given point is marked as "occupied"
     * @param rGridPoint
    inline void SmearPoint(const Vector2<kt_int32s>& rGridPoint)
      assert(m_pKernel != NULL);

      int gridIndex = GridIndex(rGridPoint);
      if (GetDataPointer()[gridIndex] != GridStates_Occupied)

      kt_int32s halfKernel = m_KernelSize / 2;

      // apply kernel
      for (kt_int32s j = -halfKernel; j <= halfKernel; j++)
        kt_int8u* pGridAdr = GetDataPointer(Vector2<kt_int32s>(rGridPoint.GetX(), rGridPoint.GetY() + j));

        kt_int32s kernelConstant = (halfKernel) + m_KernelSize * (j + halfKernel);

        // if a point is on the edge of the grid, there is no problem
        // with running over the edge of allowable memory, because
        // the grid has margins to compensate for the kernel size
        for (kt_int32s i = -halfKernel; i <= halfKernel; i++)
          kt_int32s kernelArrayIndex = i + kernelConstant;

          kt_int8u kernelValue = m_pKernel[kernelArrayIndex];
          if (kernelValue > pGridAdr[i])
            // kernel value is greater, so set it to kernel value
            pGridAdr[i] = kernelValue;

     * Sets up the kernel for grid smearing.
    virtual void CalculateKernel()


          kt_double distanceFromMean = hypot(i * resolution, j * resolution);
          kt_double z = exp(-0.5 * pow(distanceFromMean / m_SmearDeviation, 2));

          kt_int32u kernelValue = static_cast<kt_int32u>(math::Round(z * GridStates_Occupied));

          int kernelArrayIndex = (i + halfKernel) + m_KernelSize * (j + halfKernel);
          m_pKernel[kernelArrayIndex] = static_cast<kt_int8u>(kernelValue);


4 kt_double ScanMatcher::CorrelateScan()


   * Finds the best pose for the scan centering the search in the correlation grid
   * at the given pose and search in the space by the vector and angular offsets
   * in increments of the given resolutions
   * @param rScan scan to match against correlation grid
   * @param rSearchCenter the center of the search space
   * @param rSearchSpaceOffset searches poses in the area offset by this vector around search center
   * @param rSearchSpaceResolution how fine a granularity to search in the search space
   * @param searchAngleOffset searches poses in the angles offset by this angle around search center   (20 degrees)
   * @param searchAngleResolution how fine a granularity to search in the angular search space           (2 degrees)
   * @param doPenalize whether to penalize matches further from the search center
   * @param rMean output parameter of mean (best pose) of match
   * @param rCovariance output parameter of covariance of match
   * @param doingFineMatch whether to do a finer search after coarse search
   * @return strength of response
  kt_double ScanMatcher::CorrelateScan(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan, const Pose2& rSearchCenter,
                                       const Vector2<kt_double>& rSearchSpaceOffset,
                                       const Vector2<kt_double>& rSearchSpaceResolution,
                                       kt_double searchAngleOffset, kt_double searchAngleResolution,
                                       kt_bool doPenalize, Pose2& rMean, Matrix3& rCovariance, kt_bool doingFineMatch)
    // 1. 製作角度查找表
    assert(searchAngleResolution != 0.0);

    // setup lookup arrays    
    // 這個函數把lookuparray的角度寫好了。每一個lookuparry存儲了每一個激光數據
    // (總共361/修改之後爲180個)在角度滑窗之後的結果,還沒有xy的滑窗
    m_pGridLookup->ComputeOffsets(pScan, rSearchCenter.GetHeading(), searchAngleOffset, searchAngleResolution);

    // only initialize probability grid if computing positional covariance (during coarse match)
    if (!doingFineMatch)

      // position search grid - finds lower left corner of search grid
      Vector2<kt_double> offset(rSearchCenter.GetPosition() - rSearchSpaceOffset);

    // 2. 求得搜索空間的個數,分別爲x y angle 的個數

    // calculate position arrays
    //以下計算出需要的各種x,y,angle用於三重循環 ,在這裏x有16個值,y有16個值,angle有21個值
    std::vector<kt_double> xPoses;
    kt_int32u nX = static_cast<kt_int32u>(math::Round(rSearchSpaceOffset.GetX() *
                                          2.0 / rSearchSpaceResolution.GetX()) + 1);
    kt_double startX = -rSearchSpaceOffset.GetX();
    for (kt_int32u xIndex = 0; xIndex < nX; xIndex++)
      xPoses.push_back(startX + xIndex * rSearchSpaceResolution.GetX());
    assert(math::DoubleEqual(xPoses.back(), -startX));

    std::vector<kt_double> yPoses;
    kt_int32u nY = static_cast<kt_int32u>(math::Round(rSearchSpaceOffset.GetY() *
                                          2.0 / rSearchSpaceResolution.GetY()) + 1);
    kt_double startY = -rSearchSpaceOffset.GetY();
    for (kt_int32u yIndex = 0; yIndex < nY; yIndex++)
      yPoses.push_back(startY + yIndex * rSearchSpaceResolution.GetY());
    assert(math::DoubleEqual(yPoses.back(), -startY));

    // calculate pose response array size
    kt_int32u nAngles = static_cast<kt_int32u>(math::Round(searchAngleOffset * 2.0 / searchAngleResolution) + 1);

    kt_int32u poseResponseSize = static_cast<kt_int32u>(xPoses.size() * yPoses.size() * nAngles);  // 位置、角度的變化
    // allocate array   //Pose2包含了 x,y,theta. 滑窗的結果存儲在pPoseResponse中
    std::pair<kt_double, Pose2>* pPoseResponse = new std::pair<kt_double, Pose2>[poseResponseSize];
    // rSearchCenter 是搜索空間的中心
    Vector2<kt_int32s> startGridPoint = m_pCorrelationGrid->WorldToGrid(Vector2<kt_double>(rSearchCenter.GetX() + startX, 
                                                                                           rSearchCenter.GetY() + startY));
    // 3. 遍歷搜索空間,求得所有搜索項的響應值

    // 在 xy範圍上進行遍歷,因爲 使用了角度的查找表,所以其實 遍歷了 x  y theta, 最終找到最大的response
    // 如果使用了 懲罰項,那麼公式變成了  response = k * response. 當 dx dy dtheta越大的時候, k越小 
    kt_int32u poseResponseCounter = 0;
    forEachAs(std::vector<kt_double>, &yPoses, yIter)
      kt_double y = *yIter;
      kt_double newPositionY = rSearchCenter.GetY() + y;
      kt_double squareY = math::Square(y);

      forEachAs(std::vector<kt_double>, &xPoses, xIter)
        kt_double x = *xIter;
        kt_double newPositionX = rSearchCenter.GetX() + x;
        kt_double squareX = math::Square(x);

        //由 x,y得出一個 gridIndex
        Vector2<kt_int32s> gridPoint = m_pCorrelationGrid->WorldToGrid(Vector2<kt_double>(newPositionX, newPositionY));  
        kt_int32s gridIndex = m_pCorrelationGrid->GridIndex(gridPoint);
        assert(gridIndex >= 0);

        kt_double angle = 0.0;
        kt_double startAngle = rSearchCenter.GetHeading() - searchAngleOffset;
        for (kt_int32u angleIndex = 0; angleIndex < nAngles; angleIndex++)
          angle = startAngle + angleIndex * searchAngleResolution;
          //由 angleIndex 和 gridIndex得出response   
          kt_double response = GetResponse(angleIndex, gridIndex);

          if (doPenalize && (math::DoubleEqual(response, 0.0) == false))
            // simple model (approximate Gaussian) to take odometry into account

            kt_double squaredDistance = squareX + squareY;
            kt_double distancePenalty = 1.0 - (DISTANCE_PENALTY_GAIN *
                                               squaredDistance / m_pMapper->m_pDistanceVariancePenalty->GetValue());
            distancePenalty = math::Maximum(distancePenalty, m_pMapper->m_pMinimumDistancePenalty->GetValue());

            kt_double squaredAngleDistance = math::Square(angle - rSearchCenter.GetHeading());
            // m_pAngleVariancePenalty 20角度變成弧度的平方
            kt_double anglePenalty = 1.0 - (ANGLE_PENALTY_GAIN *
                                            squaredAngleDistance / m_pMapper->m_pAngleVariancePenalty->GetValue());
            anglePenalty = math::Maximum(anglePenalty, m_pMapper->m_pMinimumAnglePenalty->GetValue());

            response *= (distancePenalty * anglePenalty);

          // store response and pose
          pPoseResponse[poseResponseCounter] = std::pair<kt_double, Pose2>(response, Pose2(newPositionX, newPositionY,

        assert(math::DoubleEqual(angle, rSearchCenter.GetHeading() + searchAngleOffset));

    assert(poseResponseSize == poseResponseCounter);

    // 4. 在 所有搜索項的響應值 中尋找最大的響應值

    // find value of best response (in [0; 1])
    kt_double bestResponse = -1;
    for (kt_int32u i = 0; i < poseResponseSize; i++)
      bestResponse = math::Maximum(bestResponse, pPoseResponse[i].first);

      // will compute positional covariance, save best relative probability for each cell
      if (!doingFineMatch)
        const Pose2& rPose = pPoseResponse[i].second;
        Vector2<kt_int32s> grid = m_pSearchSpaceProbs->WorldToGrid(rPose.GetPosition());

        // Changed (kt_double*) to the reinterpret_cast - Luc
        kt_double* ptr = reinterpret_cast<kt_double*>(m_pSearchSpaceProbs->GetDataPointer(grid));
        if (ptr == NULL)
          throw std::runtime_error("Mapper FATAL ERROR - Index out of range in probability search!");

        *ptr = math::Maximum(pPoseResponse[i].first, *ptr);

    // 5. 最大的響應值(同爲最大)對應的位姿可能有很多種,求得 x y angle 的平均值 

    // average all poses with same highest response   
    Vector2<kt_double> averagePosition;
    kt_double thetaX = 0.0;
    kt_double thetaY = 0.0;
    kt_int32s averagePoseCount = 0;
    for (kt_int32u i = 0; i < poseResponseSize; i++)
      // DoubleEqual: 在 正負KT_TOLERANCE = 1e-06 內範圍內的都是相等
      if (math::DoubleEqual(pPoseResponse[i].first, bestResponse))
        averagePosition += pPoseResponse[i].second.GetPosition();

        kt_double heading = pPoseResponse[i].second.GetHeading();
        thetaX += cos(heading);
        thetaY += sin(heading);

        averagePoseCount++;                        //對 x,y進行平均

    Pose2 averagePose;
    if (averagePoseCount > 0)
      averagePosition /= averagePoseCount;

      thetaX /= averagePoseCount;
      thetaY /= averagePoseCount;

      averagePose = Pose2(averagePosition, atan2(thetaY, thetaX));
      throw std::runtime_error("Mapper FATAL ERROR - Unable to find best position");

    // delete pose response array
    delete [] pPoseResponse;

    #ifdef KARTO_DEBUG
    std::cout << "bestPose: " << averagePose << std::endl;
    std::cout << "bestResponse: " << bestResponse << std::endl;

    // 6. 粗匹配時計算位置協方差,精匹配時計算角度協方差

    if (!doingFineMatch)
    {  //計算位置協方差
      ComputePositionalCovariance(averagePose, bestResponse, rSearchCenter, rSearchSpaceOffset,
                                  rSearchSpaceResolution, searchAngleResolution, rCovariance);
      ComputeAngularCovariance(averagePose, bestResponse, rSearchCenter,
                              searchAngleOffset, searchAngleResolution, rCovariance);

    rMean = averagePose; // 最優位姿

    #ifdef KARTO_DEBUG
    std::cout << "bestPose: " << averagePose << std::endl;

    if (bestResponse > 1.0)
      bestResponse = 1.0;

    assert(math::InRange(bestResponse, 0.0, 1.0));
    assert(math::InRange(rMean.GetHeading(), -KT_PI, KT_PI));

    return bestResponse;

4.1 生成角度查找表 

     * Compute lookup table of the points of the given scan for the given angular space
     * @param pScan the scan
     * @param angleCenter
     * @param angleOffset computes lookup arrays for the angles within this offset around angleStart
     * @param angleResolution how fine a granularity to compute lookup arrays in the angular space
    void ComputeOffsets(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan,
                        kt_double angleCenter,
                        kt_double angleOffset,
                        kt_double angleResolution)
      assert(angleOffset != 0.0);
      assert(angleResolution != 0.0);

      // 角度搜索範圍:40度: 2 * 20
      kt_int32u nAngles = static_cast<kt_int32u>(math::Round(angleOffset * 2.0 / angleResolution) + 1);

      // convert points into local coordinates of scan pose
      // rPointReadings是激光數據的深度信息轉換爲在世界座標系中的二維座標
      const PointVectorDouble& rPointReadings = pScan->GetPointReadings();  

      // compute transform to scan pose
      Transform transform(pScan->GetSensorPose());   
      Pose2Vector localPoints;  //localPoints的所有數據的角度是 0.0
      const_forEach(PointVectorDouble, &rPointReadings)
        // do inverse transform to get points in local coordinates 進行逆變換以獲取局部座標中的點
        Pose2 vec = transform.InverseTransformPose(Pose2(*iter, 0.0));

      // create lookup array for different angles
      kt_double angle = 0.0;
      kt_double startAngle = angleCenter - angleOffset;
      for (kt_int32u angleIndex = 0; angleIndex < nAngles; angleIndex++)
        angle = startAngle + angleIndex * angleResolution;
        ComputeOffsets(angleIndex, angle, localPoints, pScan);

     * Compute lookup value of points for given angle
     * @param angleIndex
     * @param angle
     * @param rLocalPoints
    void ComputeOffsets(kt_int32u angleIndex, kt_double angle, const Pose2Vector& rLocalPoints, LocalizedRangeScan* pScan)
      // m_ppLookupArray 是個2維指針,存儲不同角度下的雷達數據
      m_Angles.at(angleIndex) = angle; // m_Angles 一維數組,只保存當前scan的角度

      // set up point array by computing relative offsets to points readings
      // when rotated by given angle

      const Vector2<kt_double>& rGridOffset = m_pGrid->GetCoordinateConverter()->GetOffset();

      kt_double cosine = cos(angle);
      kt_double sine = sin(angle);

      kt_int32u readingIndex = 0;

      // 第i個角度的所有掃描數據的指針,每一個掃描數據又是一個uint數組,
      // 這個uint數組的大小是LookupArray的m_Capacity, m_Capacity 的大小是rLocalPoints.size()
      kt_int32s* pAngleIndexPointer = m_ppLookupArray[angleIndex]->GetArrayPointer();

      kt_double maxRange = pScan->GetLaserRangeFinder()->GetMaximumRange();

      const_forEach(Pose2Vector, &rLocalPoints)
        const Vector2<kt_double>& rPosition = iter->GetPosition();

        if (std::isnan(pScan->GetRangeReadings()[readingIndex]) || 
          // const kt_int32s INVALID_SCAN = std::numeric_limits<kt_int32s>::max();
          pAngleIndexPointer[readingIndex] = INVALID_SCAN;

        // counterclockwise rotation and that rotation is about the origin (0, 0). 是關於原點(0,0)的 逆時針 旋轉。
        // 將rPosition相對於當前幀的sensor這個點(比如在tutorial1中第一次來這裏時是1,1)逆時針旋轉angle度,得到offset
        Vector2<kt_double> offset;   
        offset.SetX(cosine * rPosition.GetX() - sine * rPosition.GetY());
        offset.SetY(sine * rPosition.GetX() + cosine * rPosition.GetY());

        // have to compensate for the grid offset when getting the grid index
        // rPosition 旋轉後的座標,加上 地圖中心 與原點間的偏差?地圖就是 pCorrelationGrid
        Vector2<kt_int32s> gridPoint = m_pGrid->WorldToGrid(offset + rGridOffset);

        // use base GridIndex to ignore ROI
        // lookupIndex 就是 雷達點經過旋轉之後在地圖中的索引值
        kt_int32s lookupIndex = m_pGrid->Grid<T>::GridIndex(gridPoint, false);

        // pAngleIndexPointer = m_ppLookupArray[angleIndex]
        // m_ppLookupArray[angleIndex][readingIndex] = = lookupIndex
        // 所以一個角度值 angleIndex 對應的 查找表裏 存儲的是 一幀雷達數據 經過旋轉後在地圖中的索引值,
        // 也就是 只算出了scan旋轉後的座標值,並沒有進行實際的雷達數據旋轉
        pAngleIndexPointer[readingIndex] = lookupIndex;

      assert(readingIndex == rLocalPoints.size());

4.2 kt_double ScanMatcher::GetResponse()

response : 響應值,就是對應的雷達點在地圖中的佔用值 的和 的平均值。

假設一幀雷達只有2個點,第一個點是佔用狀態,就是100,第二個點是unknow狀態,就是0,然後用(100 + 0)/ ( 2 * 100) = 0.5

 來自於 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_24893115/article/details/52965410

   * Get response at given position for given rotation (only look up valid points)
   * @param angleIndex
   * @param gridPositionIndex
   * @return response
  kt_double ScanMatcher::GetResponse(kt_int32u angleIndex, kt_int32s gridPositionIndex) const
    kt_double response = 0.0;

    // add up value for each point
    // 實際獲得了Grid<T>的m_pData, T* m_pData;  即 uchar* m_pData; 大小是m_WidthStep * m_Height,因此是柵格格子個數大小
    kt_int8u* pByte = m_pCorrelationGrid->GetDataPointer() + gridPositionIndex; 

    // m_pGridLoopup存儲 nAngles個LookupArray指針,每一個角度索引 對應着一個 pOffsets,
    // pOffsets 存儲了 scan 所有的數據點 經過旋轉後 的座標 對應着的 柵格的索引
    const LookupArray* pOffsets = m_pGridLookup->GetLookupArray(angleIndex); 
    assert(pOffsets != NULL);

    // get number of points in offset list,一幀scan有多少個點
    kt_int32u nPoints = pOffsets->GetSize();
    if (nPoints == 0)
      return response;

    // calculate response
    kt_int32s* pAngleIndexPointer = pOffsets->GetArrayPointer();
    for (kt_int32u i = 0; i < nPoints; i++)
      // ignore points that fall off the grid
      kt_int32s pointGridIndex = gridPositionIndex + pAngleIndexPointer[i];
      if (!math::IsUpTo(pointGridIndex, m_pCorrelationGrid->GetDataSize()) || pAngleIndexPointer[i] == INVALID_SCAN)

      // uses index offsets to efficiently find location of point in the grid
      // pAngleIndexPointer[i] 是這幀scan的第i個點經過旋轉後對應着的柵格地圖的索引
      // pByte[pAngleIndexPointer[i]] 就是這個索引對應着的佔用值:    
      // GridStates_Unknown = 0, GridStates_Occupied = 100, GridStates_Free = 255
      response += pByte[pAngleIndexPointer[i]];

    // normalize response
    // 歸一化爲什麼要除以 GridStates_Occupied,明明GridStates_Free 255 纔是最高的?
    // 因爲mapper.cpp中只有佔用 和 free 兩種狀態,沒有給格子添加 free 狀態。
    // free 狀態是在 OccupancyGrid 中設置的,OccupancyGrid 是在slam_karto中進行調用的
    response /= (nPoints * GridStates_Occupied);
    assert(fabs(response) <= 1.0);
    return response;

4.3 void ScanMatcher::ComputePositionalCovariance() 

圖片來自於 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_24893115/article/details/52965410

   * Computes the positional covariance of the best pose
   * @param rBestPose
   * @param bestResponse
   * @param rSearchCenter
   * @param rSearchSpaceOffset
   * @param rSearchSpaceResolution
   * @param searchAngleResolution
   * @param rCovariance
  void ScanMatcher::ComputePositionalCovariance(const Pose2& rBestPose, kt_double bestResponse,
                                                const Pose2& rSearchCenter,
                                                const Vector2<kt_double>& rSearchSpaceOffset,
                                                const Vector2<kt_double>& rSearchSpaceResolution,
                                                kt_double searchAngleResolution, Matrix3& rCovariance)
    // reset covariance to identity matrix

    // if best response is vary small return max variance
    if (bestResponse < KT_TOLERANCE)
      rCovariance(0, 0) = MAX_VARIANCE;  // XX
      rCovariance(1, 1) = MAX_VARIANCE;  // YY
      rCovariance(2, 2) = 4 * math::Square(searchAngleResolution);  // TH*TH


    kt_double accumulatedVarianceXX = 0;
    kt_double accumulatedVarianceXY = 0;
    kt_double accumulatedVarianceYY = 0;
    kt_double norm = 0;

    kt_double dx = rBestPose.GetX() - rSearchCenter.GetX();
    kt_double dy = rBestPose.GetY() - rSearchCenter.GetY();

    kt_double offsetX = rSearchSpaceOffset.GetX();
    kt_double offsetY = rSearchSpaceOffset.GetY();

    kt_int32u nX = static_cast<kt_int32u>(math::Round(offsetX * 2.0 / rSearchSpaceResolution.GetX()) + 1);
    kt_double startX = -offsetX;
    assert(math::DoubleEqual(startX + (nX - 1) * rSearchSpaceResolution.GetX(), -startX));

    kt_int32u nY = static_cast<kt_int32u>(math::Round(offsetY * 2.0 / rSearchSpaceResolution.GetY()) + 1);
    kt_double startY = -offsetY;
    assert(math::DoubleEqual(startY + (nY - 1) * rSearchSpaceResolution.GetY(), -startY));

    for (kt_int32u yIndex = 0; yIndex < nY; yIndex++)
      kt_double y = startY + yIndex * rSearchSpaceResolution.GetY();

      for (kt_int32u xIndex = 0; xIndex < nX; xIndex++)
        kt_double x = startX + xIndex * rSearchSpaceResolution.GetX();

        Vector2<kt_int32s> gridPoint = m_pSearchSpaceProbs->WorldToGrid(Vector2<kt_double>(rSearchCenter.GetX() + x,
                                                                                           rSearchCenter.GetY() + y));
        kt_double response = *(m_pSearchSpaceProbs->GetDataPointer(gridPoint));

        // response is not a low response
        if (response >= (bestResponse - 0.1))
          norm += response;
          accumulatedVarianceXX += (math::Square(x - dx) * response);
          accumulatedVarianceXY += ((x - dx) * (y - dy) * response);
          accumulatedVarianceYY += (math::Square(y - dy) * response);

    if (norm > KT_TOLERANCE)
      kt_double varianceXX = accumulatedVarianceXX / norm;
      kt_double varianceXY = accumulatedVarianceXY / norm;
      kt_double varianceYY = accumulatedVarianceYY / norm;
      kt_double varianceTHTH = 4 * math::Square(searchAngleResolution);

      // lower-bound variances so that they are not too small;
      // ensures that links are not too tight
      kt_double minVarianceXX = 0.1 * math::Square(rSearchSpaceResolution.GetX());
      kt_double minVarianceYY = 0.1 * math::Square(rSearchSpaceResolution.GetY());
      varianceXX = math::Maximum(varianceXX, minVarianceXX);
      varianceYY = math::Maximum(varianceYY, minVarianceYY);

      // increase variance for poorer responses
      kt_double multiplier = 1.0 / bestResponse;
      rCovariance(0, 0) = varianceXX * multiplier;
      rCovariance(0, 1) = varianceXY * multiplier;
      rCovariance(1, 0) = varianceXY * multiplier;
      rCovariance(1, 1) = varianceYY * multiplier;
      rCovariance(2, 2) = varianceTHTH;  // this value will be set in ComputeAngularCovariance

    // if values are 0, set to MAX_VARIANCE
    // values might be 0 if points are too sparse and thus don't hit other points
    if (math::DoubleEqual(rCovariance(0, 0), 0.0))
      rCovariance(0, 0) = MAX_VARIANCE;

    if (math::DoubleEqual(rCovariance(1, 1), 0.0))
      rCovariance(1, 1) = MAX_VARIANCE;

 4.3 void ScanMatcher::ComputeAngularCovariance()

   * Computes the angular covariance of the best pose
   * @param rBestPose
   * @param bestResponse
   * @param rSearchCenter
   * @param rSearchAngleOffset
   * @param searchAngleResolution
   * @param rCovariance
  void ScanMatcher::ComputeAngularCovariance(const Pose2& rBestPose,
                                             kt_double bestResponse,
                                             const Pose2& rSearchCenter,
                                             kt_double searchAngleOffset,
                                             kt_double searchAngleResolution,
                                             Matrix3& rCovariance)
    // NOTE: do not reset covariance matrix

    // normalize angle difference
    kt_double bestAngle = math::NormalizeAngleDifference(rBestPose.GetHeading(), rSearchCenter.GetHeading());

    Vector2<kt_int32s> gridPoint = m_pCorrelationGrid->WorldToGrid(rBestPose.GetPosition());
    kt_int32s gridIndex = m_pCorrelationGrid->GridIndex(gridPoint);

    kt_int32u nAngles = static_cast<kt_int32u>(math::Round(searchAngleOffset * 2 / searchAngleResolution) + 1);

    kt_double angle = 0.0;
    kt_double startAngle = rSearchCenter.GetHeading() - searchAngleOffset;

    kt_double norm = 0.0;
    kt_double accumulatedVarianceThTh = 0.0;
    for (kt_int32u angleIndex = 0; angleIndex < nAngles; angleIndex++)
      angle = startAngle + angleIndex * searchAngleResolution;
      kt_double response = GetResponse(angleIndex, gridIndex);

      // response is not a low response
      if (response >= (bestResponse - 0.1))
        norm += response;
        accumulatedVarianceThTh += (math::Square(angle - bestAngle) * response);
    assert(math::DoubleEqual(angle, rSearchCenter.GetHeading() + searchAngleOffset));

    if (norm > KT_TOLERANCE)
      if (accumulatedVarianceThTh < KT_TOLERANCE)
        accumulatedVarianceThTh = math::Square(searchAngleResolution);

      accumulatedVarianceThTh /= norm;
      accumulatedVarianceThTh = 1000 * math::Square(searchAngleResolution);

    rCovariance(2, 2) = accumulatedVarianceThTh;

5 void SetSensorPose()

更新 m_CorrectedPose :車 相對 世界座標系 的位置及角度。以及當前雷達在世界座標系的位置

     * Computes the robot pose given the corrected scan pose
     * @param rScanPose pose of the sensor
    void SetSensorPose(const Pose2& rScanPose)
      Pose2 deviceOffsetPose2 = GetLaserRangeFinder()->GetOffsetPose();   //這是sensor相對於車中心的座標
      kt_double offsetLength = deviceOffsetPose2.GetPosition().Length();
      kt_double offsetHeading = deviceOffsetPose2.GetHeading();  //這是sensor相對於車座標系的角度
      kt_double angleoffset = atan2(deviceOffsetPose2.GetY(), deviceOffsetPose2.GetX());
      kt_double correctedHeading = math::NormalizeAngle(rScanPose.GetHeading());
      // worldSensorOffset 是"scan相對於車的偏移"在世界座標系中的位置

      //先假設angleoffset是0,那麼correctHeading減去offsetHeading是 offset相對於世界座標系的角度。
      //假設 offsetLength是1, correctedHeading 是pi,  offsetHeading是 pi/2, 那麼
      //offsetLength * cos(correctedHeading + angleoffset - offsetHeading) = 0
      //offsetLength * sin(correctedHeading + angleoffset - offsetHeading) = 1
      // angleoffset 的含義與在最初設定offset時有關,且可以認爲這裏的angleoffset的符號寫反了,
      // offset 的heading 的含義如果是相對於車座標系而言的,那麼就沒有必要使用 angleoffset, 如果是相對於 "以車原點爲圓心,laser到圓心爲x軸的座標系",
      // 那麼也應該用 correctedHeading - angleoffset - offsetHeading。 
      Pose2 worldSensorOffset = Pose2(offsetLength * cos(correctedHeading + angleoffset - offsetHeading),
                                      offsetLength * sin(correctedHeading + angleoffset - offsetHeading),
      // rScanPose是 scan在世界座標系的位置,  worldSensorOffset是 "scan相對於車的偏移"在世界座標系中的位置,相減之後就是車相對世界座標系的位置
      // 這裏的相減 會讓角度也相減,也就是 correctedHeading - offsetHeading, 這樣就得到了車的角度相對於世界座標系的角度
      m_CorrectedPose = rScanPose - worldSensorOffset;


     * Compute point readings based on range readings
     * Only range readings within [minimum range; range threshold] are returned
    virtual void Update()
      LaserRangeFinder* pLaserRangeFinder = GetLaserRangeFinder();

      if (pLaserRangeFinder != NULL)

        kt_double rangeThreshold = pLaserRangeFinder->GetRangeThreshold();
        kt_double minimumAngle = pLaserRangeFinder->GetMinimumAngle();
        kt_double angularResolution = pLaserRangeFinder->GetAngularResolution();
        Pose2 scanPose = GetSensorPose();

        // compute point readings
        Vector2<kt_double> rangePointsSum;
        kt_int32u beamNum = 0;
        for (kt_int32u i = 0; i < pLaserRangeFinder->GetNumberOfRangeReadings(); i++, beamNum++)
          kt_double rangeReading = GetRangeReadings()[i];
          if (!math::InRange(rangeReading, pLaserRangeFinder->GetMinimumRange(), rangeThreshold))
            kt_double angle = scanPose.GetHeading() + minimumAngle + beamNum * angularResolution;
            //將laser scan的讀入數據轉換成了在地圖上的座標
            Vector2<kt_double> point;
            point.SetX(scanPose.GetX() + (rangeReading * cos(angle)));
            point.SetY(scanPose.GetY() + (rangeReading * sin(angle)));


          kt_double angle = scanPose.GetHeading() + minimumAngle + beamNum * angularResolution;
          //將laser scan的讀入數據轉換成了在地圖上的座標
          Vector2<kt_double> point;
          point.SetX(scanPose.GetX() + (rangeReading * cos(angle)));
          point.SetY(scanPose.GetY() + (rangeReading * sin(angle)));

          //將laser scan掃描到的點的世界座標加在一起,然後求取平均值,就是m_BarycenterPose的結果
          rangePointsSum += point;

        // compute barycenter
        kt_double nPoints = static_cast<kt_double>(m_PointReadings.size());
        if (nPoints != 0.0)
          Vector2<kt_double> averagePosition = Vector2<kt_double>(rangePointsSum / nPoints);
          m_BarycenterPose = Pose2(averagePosition, 0.0);
          m_BarycenterPose = scanPose;

        // calculate bounding box of scan
        m_BoundingBox = BoundingBox2();
        forEach(PointVectorDouble, &m_PointReadings)
          m_BoundingBox.Add(*iter);   //Add函數會不斷地改變 m_BoundingBox的包含範圍

      m_IsDirty = false;

6 MapperSensorManager::AddScan()

   * Adds scan to scan vector of device that recorded scan
   * @param pScan
  void MapperSensorManager::AddScan(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan)
    GetScanManager(pScan)->AddScan(pScan, m_NextScanId);   //這個是在ScanManager 類中加入了 pScan
    m_Scans.push_back(pScan);                              //這個是在當前的MapperSensorManager 中加入了 pScan,兩者有關係
    m_NextScanId++;                                        //MapperSensorManager has a "typedef std::map<Name, ScanManager*> ScanManagerMap"

  class ScanManager
     * Adds scan to vector of processed scans tagging scan with given unique id
     * @param pScan
    inline void AddScan(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan, kt_int32s uniqueId)
      // assign state id to scan

      // assign unique id to scan

      // add it to scan buffer

7 void MapperSensorManager::AddRunningScan()

   * Adds scan to running scans of device that recorded scan
   * @param pScan
  inline void MapperSensorManager::AddRunningScan(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan)

     * Adds scan to vector of running scans
     * @param pScan
    void AddRunningScan(LocalizedRangeScan* pScan)

      // vector has at least one element (first line of this function), so this is valid
      Pose2 frontScanPose = m_RunningScans.front()->GetSensorPose();
      Pose2 backScanPose = m_RunningScans.back()->GetSensorPose();

      // cap vector size and remove all scans from front of vector that are too far from end of vector
      //進行 runningScan的維護,數量上的維護以及第一個與最後一個距離之間的維護
      kt_double squaredDistance = frontScanPose.GetPosition().SquaredDistance(backScanPose.GetPosition());
      while (m_RunningScans.size() > m_RunningBufferMaximumSize ||
             squaredDistance > math::Square(m_RunningBufferMaximumDistance) - KT_TOLERANCE)
        // remove front of running scans

        // recompute stats of running scans
        frontScanPose = m_RunningScans.front()->GetSensorPose();
        backScanPose = m_RunningScans.back()->GetSensorPose();
        squaredDistance = frontScanPose.GetPosition().SquaredDistance(backScanPose.GetPosition());



process 的過程

本節介紹了掃描匹配的大致流程,其中涉及各個函數的初始化部分及參數部分可以參照 karto探祕之open_karto 第一章 和 karto探祕之open_karto 第二章 --- 參數解析

1 通過上一幀雷達數據的座標,加上上一幀雷達到當前幀雷達的odom變化,得到當前幀的初始位姿

2 判斷 scan 滿足 時間,距離,角度 的條件,則是一個有效的點,將這個點進行 掃描匹配,求出最優的位姿。

3 將這幀雷達加入到 running scan 中

4 將將這幀雷達加入到 圖結構 中,添加頂點,與邊,進行迴環檢測與整體圖優化。

掃描匹配 的過程

1 首先獲取當前幀的初始位姿,通過里程計得到的猜測,

2 roi 就是 m_pCorrelationGrid 的區域,大小爲 2431 * 2431 的柵格,也就是前後左右12米的範圍,又加了0.3m的 核函數的邊界。這個區域是隨着雷達的移動不斷更新的,通過 running scan 進行更新,running scan 不包括當前的scan。karto的掃描匹配只維護這麼大的一個網格,所以消耗的內存和cpu很小


3 地圖的offset 是當前scan 與 m_pCorrelationGrid 地圖中心的 座標偏差

4 通過AddScans() 將m_pCorrelationGrid中 的 雷達點上佔據的柵格設置爲 佔用狀態,首先是將m_pCorrelationGrid的柵格值全設置爲0,然後將 pScan 進行篩選,距離與方向上的篩選。篩選之後將這些雷達點對應的柵格設置爲佔用狀態,同時使用smear將雷達點周圍的柵格使用核函數進行更新一下。

5 設置搜索範圍與搜索分辨率,粗匹配時計算位置協方差;使用粗匹配輸出的座標均值 再次進行精匹配,設置搜索範圍與分辨率,精匹配時計算角度協方差。

6 響應值的計算:就是當前scan對應在柵格地圖中的格子的佔用值的平均值,如果這幀scan對應所有格子都爲佔用,則相應值爲1,格子目前只有 GridStates_Unknown = 0,GridStates_Occupied = 100 2種狀態,所以歸一化時除以的是GridStates_Occupied 。free 狀態實在OccupiedGrid中設置的,OccupiedGrid類在slam_karto中進行調用。

7 角度查找表:將當前scan按照不同角度進行旋轉,每個旋轉角度對應一個角度查找表。一個角度查找表中存儲的是當前scan的每一個數據點 經過旋轉後對應着柵格地圖中格子的索引值,一個角度查找表存儲了當前scan經過旋轉後的索引值,這裏並不是真正的將scan進行旋轉了,只是記錄下旋轉後的對應的格子的索引,用於求取響應值。




Karto SLAM之open_karto代碼學習筆記(一) https://blog.csdn.net/wphkadn/article/details/85144186

Karto SLAM之open_karto代碼學習筆記(二) https://blog.csdn.net/wphkadn/article/details/90247146

Karto_slam框架與代碼解析  https://blog.csdn.net/qq_24893115/article/details/52965410

加入了詳細中文解釋的open_karto地址  https://github.com/kadn/open_karto

SLAM_Karto 學習(四) 深入理解 ScanMatch 過程  https://blog.csdn.net/Fourier_Legend/article/details/81558886?utm_source=blogxgwz0#process%E5%87%BD%E6%95%B0uml

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