
原文:Eigen官網-Inplace matrix decompositions



#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
int main()
  MatrixXd A(2,2);
  A << 2, -1, 1, 3;
  cout << "Here is the input matrix A before decomposition:\n" << A << endl;
  //聲明inplace LU 對象 lu,並輸出此時矩陣A中的內容
  //這裏,對象lu 計算L和U因子並將其存儲在由矩陣A所在的內存中。因此,A的係數在因子分解期間被破壞,並被L和U因子替換,因爲可以驗證:
  PartialPivLU<Ref<MatrixXd> > lu(A);
  cout << "Here is the input matrix A after decomposition:\n" << A << endl;
  cout << "Here is the matrix storing the L and U factors:\n" << lu.matrixLU() << endl;
  MatrixXd A0(2,2); A0 << 2, -1, 1, 3;
  VectorXd b(2);    b << 1, 2;
  VectorXd x = lu.solve(b);
  cout << "Residual: " << (A0 * x - b).norm() << endl;
  // 輸出結果:Residual: 0
  A << 3, 4, -2, 1;
  x = lu.solve(b);
  cout << "Residual: " << (A0 * x - b).norm() << endl;
  // 輸出結果:Residual: 15.8114
  A0 = A; // save A
  x = lu.solve(b);
  cout << "Residual: " << (A0 * x - b).norm() << endl;
  // 輸出結果:Residual: 0
  MatrixXd A1(2,2);
  A1 << 5,-2,3,4;
  cout << "Here is the input matrix A1 after decomposition:\n" << A1 << endl;
  // 輸出結果: Here is the input matrix A1 after decomposition:
 // 5 -2
 // 3  4
 //The matrix A1 is unchanged, and one can thus solve A1*x=b, and directly check the residual without any copy of A1:
  x = lu.solve(b);
  cout << "Residual: " << (A1 * x - b).norm() << endl;
  // 輸出結果: Residual: 2.48253e-16


Here is the input matrix A before decomposition:
 2 -1
 1  3
 Here is the input matrix A after decomposition:
  2  -1
0.5 3.5

Here is the matrix storing the L and U factors:
  2  -1
0.5 3.5


  • class LLT
  • class LDLT
  • class PartialPivLU
  • class FullPivLU
  • class HouseholderQR
  • class ColPivHouseholderQR
  • class FullPivHouseholderQR
  • class CompleteOrthogonalDecomposition
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