看美劇練口語 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E06 Part3

-Gloria? -I'm here. -歌洛莉亞 -我在這兒
I, uh, just dropped Manny off at school, and I realized... 我剛把曼尼送到學校 突然發現
I just dropped Manny off at school. 我剛把曼尼送到學校了
Oh, boy. 我的媽呀
And I was hoping we'd still have a few more good years 我還以爲在你老年癡呆前
-before the mind started to go. -No, what I'm saying, -我們還能過幾年好日子呢 -不 我是說
we have the day to ourselves, the first time in months. 幾個月來 我們終於能過過二人世界了
We should take advantage of it. 我們得好好利用呀
Go to the club, 去俱樂部玩玩
nice lunch, 吃頓好的
some massages. 做做按摩
-What about work? -I'm the boss. -你的工作呢 -我是老闆啊
Since I married you, people are surprised I come in at all. 自從娶了你 人家都好奇我居然還去上班
Jay's very spontaneous. 傑很有心思
He's always surprising me with little presents, fun getaways. 他總能給我驚喜 小禮物啊 度假啊
I wasn't the greatest husband the first time around, 第一次結婚時 我沒怎麼盡責
but I'm trying to do better this time. 不過這次我在努力改進
And maybe by my third marriage, I'll have it down pat. 也許下次結婚 我就能成模範了
Yeah, that one's gonna cost me. 得 待會兒就得爲此付出代價了
What ya reading there? A book? 你在看什麼書呢
Yeah. I've been meaning to get to it for a while. 對 我老早就想讀這本了
Ooh, it's got a map at the beginning. 開篇有個地圖
I like it when books do that. 我喜歡這種的
Don't you have an open house this morning? 你今早不是要帶客人去看房嗎
I rescheduled. 我改時間了
Thought you might like some company. 我想你也許希望我陪陪你
Well, the first day of school can be tough 對家庭主婦們來說
for stay-at-home moms. 開學第一天肯定無聊至極吧
Now, you have to understand, 因爲你不得不適應
the kids are gone, the nest is empty. 孩子們也走了 巢也空了
They are rudderless. 她們一下慌了神了
And a lot of guys wouldn't even notice, 而大多數男人都不會注意到這一點
but I'm not a lot of guys. 不過我可不是這樣的男人
I listen with my mind, 我總是用心聆聽
and if you pay attention, women will tell you what they want... 而如果你仔細觀察 會發現女人總是
by telling you the opposite of what they want. 嘴上說一套 心裏想另外一套
Like the other day, Claire was, like, "You have to move your car. 有一天 克萊爾說"把你的車挪開點"
There's no space in the garage for both of our cars." "車庫裏裝不下我們倆的車"
And what she's really saying is that, 而她其實想說的是
you know, I should probably get a sports car. 也許我該換一輛跑車
I was sort of looking forward to a quiet day. 我是想要安靜一天的
Thought I'd just read, maybe go for a run later, that's it. 讀讀書 出去跑跑步之類的
Great. We'll run together. 好啊 我們一起去跑步吧
You don't have to do that. 你不必陪我的
I know. 我知道
Listening. 用心聆聽
The thing is, I like to run alone. 其實呢 我就想一個人跑步
And I run kinda fast, so- 而且我跑得挺快 所以
-So? -So I'm not sure you're gonna be able to keep up with me. -所以什麼 -所以我不確定你跟得上
-You're kid-you're kidding, right? -No. -你開玩笑的吧 -不是
You really think I can't keep up with you? 你真覺得我追不上你嗎
I'm not sure you can keep up with this conversation. 我覺得你都沒理解我的意思
I think you're forgetting that I power-walk every morning... 你肯定忘了我每天早上都競走的
and that I wear my special shoes with the big soles, 還穿着一個醫生設計的
which were designed by a doctor. 特製厚底健步鞋
Yes, I know. But I run every day. 對 我知道 可我每天都跑步
You really think you can run as fast as me? 你真覺得你能跑的和我一樣快嗎
No, Phil, I think I can run much, much faster... 不 菲爾 我跑起來可遠遠得
than you. 比你快
Boom. Just like that, the whole day changed. 砰 就這樣 一整天都逆轉了
It was game on. She knew it. 槓上了 她知道
I knew it. We both knew it. 我知道 我們都知道
I just wanna read. 我只是想看會兒書
I think I'II order what I had the last time. 我要預約上次幫我按的那個人
What was that called? 叫什麼來着
You want me to say it 你只是想讓我說出口
-because you want me to roll my R's. -Come on! -因爲你想聽我發彈舌R音 -說一個吧
Reuben. 魯兒賓
-Jay, what is this? -Oh, looks like my old car cover. -傑 這是什麼 -可能是舊蓋車布吧
Don't give me that. This is Manny's poncho. 少來這一套 這是曼尼的斗篷
What is it doing here? 它怎麼在這兒
Maybe he decided to take it off on the way to school. 也許在上學路上他突然打算脫了它
What did you say to him? 你跟他說什麼了
Nothing. I... told some jokes. 沒什麼 我就說了點兒笑話
You say plenty with your jokes. 你肯定胡扯了一大篇
Jay, he looks up to you. 傑 他很崇拜你的
He respects your opinion. 他那麼尊重你的意見
We dodged a bullet on this. 我們是躲過了一劫
Trust me. I've been down this road before. 相信我 我是過來人
I remember one time Mitchell 我記得有一次米奇爾
decided to wear a jaunty scarf to school. 決定帶着一個搞笑的圍巾去上課
I kept my mouth shut. 我什麼都沒說
He got his jaunty butt kicked. 結果他被踢得屁股了開花
My dad has this perception that I was very flamboyant as a kid, 我爸總覺得我從小就挺花枝招展的
which is just-it's nonsense, 簡直是純屬鬼扯
because I kept the whole gay thing very under wraps. 我的同志行爲一直都掩藏的超好的
You know, I was just a guy's guy. 我完全是男人中的男人
I was basically a jock. 基本都算是運動健將型了
You know? 你們懂的
So we should crush Manny's spirit... 那我們就該扭曲曼尼的思想
and destroy everything that makes him who he is. 毀掉他的天性嗎
I'm just saying, 我只是說
it's no fun to see your kid get picked on every day, 我可不樂意 看着兒子天天受人欺負
getting tormented just because he's different. 被人折磨 就因爲他與衆不同
Now I'm telling you, it rips your heart out. 現在我跟你說了 你又得傷心了
Well, Batman doesn't get picked on and he wears a cape. 蝙蝠俠也穿着披肩 就沒人指責他
A poncho is just a cape that goes all the way around. 斗篷不就跟披肩差不多啊
Batman doesn't get picked on because he's a muscular genius. 蝙蝠俠不受指責 因爲他是個大俠
Manny can't make it to the top bunk. 曼尼連上鋪都爬不上去
We're taking this poncho to Manny at school. 我們要去學校把斗篷給曼尼
It's important that he knows we support him. 必須讓他知道 我們是站在他這邊的
And then we go get those massages, because that sounds good. 之後我們去做按摩 這主意還不賴
I always take the stairs two at a time. 我一直兩步一級地上樓
I don't even think about it anymore. 想都不用想的
The regular way would seem weird. 普通人爬樓梯簡直弱爆了

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