看美劇練口語 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E06 Part4

Scene 10 Phil & Claire

  • If only there was some way we could settle this once and for all. 有什麼辦法能一舉解決這個問題。
  • You seriously wanna race me? 你真想跟我比嗎?
  • I got a conference call. 我得開個電話會議.
  • [舌側音練習]
    -settle, settle this once and for-all.
    -half-marathon, half-scared,
    -I'll, call: I'll have a conference call.

I always take the stairs two at a time. 我一直兩步一級地上樓
I don't even think about it anymore. 想都不用想的
The regular way would seem weird. 普通人爬樓梯簡直弱爆了
Phil, let it go. I'm faster than you. 菲爾 省省吧 我就是比你快
If only there was some way we could settle this once and for all. 有什麼辦法能一次性解決這個爭論就好了
But how? 可該用什麼辦法呢
You seriously wanna race me? 你真想跟我比嗎
I ran a half-marathon last year. 我去年可跑了半個馬拉松的距離
Wow. I'm half-scared. 我也嚇破了半個膽
Okay, we do need to do this. I'll go change. 好吧 確實得比一比 我去換衣服
Not now. I got a conference call. But how about after that? 現在不行 我得開個電話會議 會後如何
-Great. This afternoon. -Sweet. -很好 就今下午 -太棒了
Two at a time, two at a ti- 兩階一步 兩階一步
Son of a-Gotta fix that step! 我去 這樓梯得修了
Two at a time! Already at the top, so- 兩階一步 順利登頂.

Scene 11 Mitchell & Cameron

  • it was supposed to.
    -It was ought to . That ought to be easy to remember.
  • -But the real thing is that ..., 但實際上.
    -actually, In act or in fact; really; in truth; positively. actively.
  • I just assumed that ... 我只是以爲...
  • I'm on call today. 今天由我值班.
  • I went through a dozen eggs. 我耗費了一打雞蛋。
    -went through 經歷,遭遇,嘗試,經過,審查。 用處多,上下文環境來體會。
  • There doesn't seem to be any mark. 看上去沒留什麼印跡.
  • I thought it might be medically relevant. 我覺得這有助於診斷.
  • You'll be pleased to know that Mitchell and I intend on raising Lily with influences from her Asian heritage. 我想你會很開心瞭解我們打算讓莉莉從小接觸到亞洲文化的氛圍。
  • That is fantastic. 很好啊。現今fantastic多隱含諷刺意,就如呵呵不再單純的是笑的意思。
  • there's a fantastic pho place right around the corner from our house. 我們家的拐角處有一個超棒的越南米粉店。
  • he's a nervous eater. 他是個一緊張就愛吃東西的人。She's a sad eater.
  • It was a wig, actually. Sort of a ghetto-fabulous Afro thing. 是假髮 時下流行的非洲爆炸頭.
    -wig n. 假髮; 法官帽.
  • it happened a couple hours ago on a doorjamb. 大概幾小時前, 撞到在門框上了.
    -doorjamb 門柱,門框。

Hi, I'm Dr. Miura. I'm on call today. 我是繆拉醫生 今天由我值班
Looks like we have a little head bump. 看起來我們是撞到了頭
Yeah, it happened a couple hours ago on a-on a doorjamb. 對 大概幾小時前 撞到在門框上了
We used to do this thing in school... 我們以前在學校參加過一種課程
where they would give you an egg and you couldn't break it. 給你一個雞蛋 你不能把它弄破了
And it was supposed to teach you how hard it was to be a parent. 這是爲了讓你體驗到爲人父母的艱難
But the real thing, 但實際上
I-it's so much harder. You know? 爲人父母比那個難多了
We did that in my school too. 我在學校也做過這個
Didn't turn out so well. 結果都不太理想
I went through a dozen eggs. 我耗費了一打雞蛋
Yeah, well, he's a nervous eater. 他一緊張就開始吃
No, I broke a dozen eggs. 不 雞蛋是被我弄破了
I'm sorry. I just assumed that- 很抱歉 我只是以爲
I know. 我懂
I know what you assumed. 我懂你怎麼想的
There doesn't seem to be any mark. 看上去沒留什麼印跡
-Well, her head was somewhat protected. -Protected? -她頭上其實戴了護具 -護具
-Was she wearing a-a hat? -Yes, yes, like a hat. -她戴了一個帽子嗎 -對 差不多
It was a wig, actually. Sort of a ghetto-fabulous Afro thing. 是假髮 時下流行的非洲爆炸頭
I thought it might be medically relevant. 我覺得這有助於診斷
Really? 是嗎
You thought "Ghetto-fabulous" Might be medically relevant? 你覺得"時下流行"跟診斷有關嗎
-Maybe I should just finish with the exam. -Yes, thanks. -我還是繼續檢查好了 -好的 謝謝
You'll be pleased to know that Mitchell and I intend on 我想你會很高興知道我們打算
raising Lily with influences from her Asian heritage. 讓莉莉從小接觸到亞洲文化的氛圍
That is fantastic. 很好啊
Have you noticed any vomiting since the head bump? 撞到頭之後有沒有嘔吐現象呢
Uh, no. No, no, no. 不 不 沒有
We've hung some art in her room. Some Asian art. 我們在她房裏掛了些東方藝術品
And then when she's ready for solid food, 當她可以吃固體食物時
there's a fantastic pho place... 我們家的拐角處
right around the corner from our house. 就有一個超棒的越南米粉店
Am I pronouncing that right? Is it pho? 我發音對嗎 是米粉嗎
It's a soup. 一種湯麪
I don't know. I'm from Denver. 我不知道 我是丹佛人
We don't have a lot of pho there. 我們那兒沒有什麼 米粉
Uh, just to be sure, 再確認一下
could you show me how hard Lily got hit? 能給我演示一下莉莉撞得有多厲害嗎
And use your head. 就用你的頭
Um, yeah. Really, it was-it was just sorta, like, uh- 差不多 就像這樣
-You know? -Could I see that again? -懂了嗎 -能再來一次嗎
Um, it was just-just a head bump, you know. 就是 就是撞了一下頭 你知道的
-How are you feeling? -Uh, fine. -那你什麼感覺 -還好吧
So is Lily. 莉莉也這麼覺得
Babies are designed to survive new parents, 寶寶天生自會應對新手家長
so stop worrying. 所以別擔心了
You guys are doing great. 你們做得很好了
Thank you. 謝謝
Denver. 我是丹佛人

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