看美劇練口語 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E06 Part5

Scene 12 Jay & Gloria

  • I support Manny no matter what. 我無條件支持曼尼.
  • Didn't end great. 結局不怎麼樣。
  • it was definitely to identify a body. 肯定是叫你認屍的。
    -it's definitely to do sth.
  • What do you got there? 有什麼啊?
  • I have never been more proud of you. 我真爲你驕傲。
  • I'm sure your friends are gonna love it. 你的朋友們一定會喜歡的。
  • my son will die a virgin. 我兒子絕對出師未捷身先死。
  • And now you stepped on it! -而你居然還踩上去了.
  • My pan flute. -排簫
    -can I take a look at that whistle?
    -flute, whistle.

I don't see any ponchos, 我沒看到哪兒有斗篷
which means either the kids don't wear them 說明孩子們要麼不會穿斗篷
or the ones who do wear them disappear. 要麼穿斗篷的孩子們都被攆走了
We're doing the right thing. 我們是對的啦
I support Manny no matter what. 我無條件支持曼尼
Children need to know that you believe in them. 孩子們需要你的信任
It's the most important thing. 那非常非常重要
If you tell them they have wings, 如果你告訴他們 他們有翅膀
they will believe they can fly. 他們就會相信自己能飛上藍天
Oh, really? 噢 是嗎
I had a buddy, went to Woodstock, 我認識個老兄 去了伍德斯托克音樂節
believed he could fly. Didn't end great. 堅信自己能飛起來 最後沒啥好下場
It's why hotel windows don't open anymore. 正因此 酒店的窗戶都不敢開了
Is something wrong? Who's died? 發生什麼事了嗎 誰死了
No one, Manny. 沒人死 曼尼
Why would you even think that? 你怎麼這麼想呢
In Colombia, 在哥倫比亞的時候
Manny went to Pablo Escobar Elementary School. 曼尼念巴勃羅埃斯科瓦爾小學
If you were pulled out of class, 如果你從課堂上被叫出來
it was definitely to identify a body. 肯定是叫你認屍的
Well, we got your poncho here. 好吧 我們把你的斗篷帶來了
I thought you said it made me look like 你不是說我穿着它就像
my neck was wearing a dress. 我脖子穿了條裙子嗎
That was a joke. 我只是開玩笑的
Oh, good! It's still in the pocket! 噢 太好了 還在包裏
-What do you got there, buddy? -My pan flute. -什麼還在包裏 小傢伙 -排簫
I'm going to play some colombian folk music for my new classmates. 我要給新同學演奏哥倫比亞民俗音樂
Huh. Great. 不錯嘛
I have never been more proud of you. 我真爲你驕傲了
I'm sure your friends are gonna love it. 你的朋友們一定會喜歡的
-Break the flute. -What? -把排簫毀掉 -什麼
The poncho by itself is fine. 斗篷本身沒什麼
The poncho, plus the flute, 斗篷 加排簫
plus the stupid dance- 再加上蠢頭蠢腦的舞蹈
my son will die a virgin. 我兒子絕對出師未捷身先死
That's right. 一語中的
Hey, sport, can I take a look at that whistle? 嘿 給我看看那排簫吧
Oh, geez. Look at that. 噢 天 弄掉了
-And now you stepped on it! -What? -而你居然還踩上去了 -什麼
What's wrong with me? 我這是怎麼了啊

Scene 13 Mitchell & Cameron

  • how long are you gonna beat yourself up over one mistake? 你還要用這個失誤折磨自己多久
    -Little by little change your habits, but don’t beat yourself up over it. 一點一點改變你的習慣,不要氣餒。
  • Is this going to be like the blond highlights all over again? 又要像上次"挑染金髮"事件一樣嗎?
    -all over again 重複一次。
  • I think I suck at being a father. 我只是覺得我這個父親當得很失敗。
  • at -- suck at sth. / be good at sth.
  • you're such a natural. 你簡直是天生的.
  • Don't you forget it. 可別忘了。
  • Don't freak out! 別抓狂。
  • pinch her with the seat belt. 綁安全帶的時候夾到她.
    -pinch 夾痛。
  • she lights up. 她就來精神了。
  • preschool 幼兒園,學前班。 elementary school 小學。

-Here, let me get it. -Thank you. -來 我來開門吧 -謝謝
-You know, actually, maybe you should do this. -Why? -也許真的該你來開門 -爲什麼
I don't want to bump her head against the door, 我不想又把她頭撞到門上了
you know, pinch her with the seat belt. 或者說 綁安全帶的時候夾到她
Mitchell, how long are you gonna beat 米奇爾 你還要用這個失誤
yourself up over one mistake? 折磨自己多久
Is this going to be like the blond highlights all over again? 又要像上次"挑染金髮"事件一樣嗎
I just-I think I suck at being a father. 我只是覺得我這個父親當得很失敗
What are you talking about? We're new at this. 你在說什麼呢 我們還是新手爸爸
Yeah, but you're such a natural. I mean, look at you. 對 可你簡直是天生的好父親 你看你
You walk into the room and she lights up. 你一進屋她就來精神了
Y-You change her diaper with one hand. I- 你一隻手就能給她換尿片 而我
Nice. I-I'm actually jealous of you. 好吧 我其實是在嫉妒你
There are so many things that you do that I can't. 也有好多事兒你行我不行呢
Y-You baby-proofed the entire house. 你把整個屋子都做好了幼兒防護
You took care of all the adoption paperwork. 你把所有的領養文件都處理得有條不紊
Without you, we wouldn't even have a baby to injure. 要沒你 我們都沒有寶寶可撞
Just a couple of forms. 只是一些表格而已
Actually, that was a lot of paperwork. 好吧 確實是一大堆表格
And you got her on all those preschool waiting lists. 你還擠進了所有幼兒園的候選名單
Can't believe you were gonna wait until she was "old enough." 不然呢 難道要等到她年齡"足夠大"
You see, that's what makes us a great team. 看到沒 所以我們纔是超棒的一隊啊
We each have our own strengths. 我們各有所長
-Now, who are amazing parents? -We are. -快說 誰是超棒奶爸 -我們
-I can't hear you. -We are! -我聽不見 -我們
-Don't you forget it. -Okay. -可別忘了 -好啦
Did we just lock our baby in the car? 我們是不是把寶寶鎖在車裏了
Did you put the keys in the bag? 你把鑰匙放在包裏了嗎
I put the keys in the bag. 我把鑰匙放在包裏了
Oh, Mitchell, 米奇爾
I told you not to put the keys in the bag! 我說過不要把鑰匙放在包裏的嘛
Come on! Don't freak out! 拜託 別抓狂
Lily, it's okay! 莉莉 沒事的
What, are you singing to her? 有沒有搞錯 你還跟她唱歌
People get arrested for this, Mitchell. 人們會爲此被逮捕的
-Do all four doors lock? -Do you have a phone? -四個門都鎖上了嗎 -帶手機了嗎?

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