【LP】00 Pre-Introduction and 01 Introduction

從本博文開始,將持續更新方述誠教授在南卡羅來納大學教授的研究生課程《Linear Programming》中的內容,視頻由於一些原因無法上傳,這裏有一個可以提供參考的一個pdf文件,下面給出網址:

00 Pre-introduction


  • course objective

  • pre-requisites(預備知識)

  • course content(課程內容)

  • textbook and references

00-1 Course objective

  1. provides the fundamental understanding to the theory and algorithms of linear optimization(爲什麼這麼做,要怎麼做)
  2. involves mathematical analysis, theorem proving, algorithm design and numerical method
  3. not tell you how to build linear programming models:重點在於理論,重點在於線性優化裏的理論與算法,而不是如何建立模型
  4. not tell you how to use software: MATLAB or LINGO or any solver

00-2 Pre-requisites

matrix theory\linear algebra\introduction to OR

00-3 Course content

  • introduction to LP
  • geometric interpretation of LP(線性規劃的幾何解釋)
  • simplex method (單純形法)
  • duality and sensitivity analysis(對偶和靈敏性分析)
  • interior point method(內點法)
  • related topics(相關話題)

00-4 Textbook and references:

《linear optimization and extensions》SHU-CHENG FANG and Sarat Puthenpura

01 Introduction


  • what’s linear programming?
  • Why to study it?
  • How to study?
  • History of linear programming
  • How to solve an LP problem
  • Where to go?

01-1 What’s linear programming?

Optimize a linear objective function of decision variables subject to a set of linear constrains. (事實上,這裏的programming就是optimization)


Minimize x12x2subject to: x1+x2402x1+x260  x1,x20Minimize \ x_{1}-2x_{2} \\ subject \ to: \ x_{1}+x_{2} \leq 40 \\ \qquad 2x_{1}+x_{2} \leq 60 \\ \ \\ \ x_{1},x_{2} \geq 0


01-2 Why study?

  • Wide applications:
    One of the most widely applied methodologies
  • Passage to advanced subjects:
    -nonlinear programming
    -network flows
    -integer programming
    -conic programming(錐優化)
    -semidefinite programming
    -robust optimization

01-3 How to study it?

Geometric intuition(幾何直覺)-guidance
Algebraic manipulation(代數操作)-exact skill
Computer programming(電腦編程)- rapid calculation


01-4 History of linear programming

  • conceived by G.B Dantzig
  • Named by T.C.Koopmans & G.B Dantzig
  • Simplex Method proposed by G.B Dantzig

01-5 How to solve an LP problem?

1.what’s special of LP?
  • linear constrains shape the feasible domain as a convex polyhedral set(凸多邊形) with a finite number of vertices.(這個多邊形有有限個頂點)
  • linear objective function provides a linear contour(等高線) of each fixed value(這句話的意思是:目標函數所表示表示出來的那根線,給定了某個確定的值,就會確定一根直線,然後不同的值構成了一束等高線的樣子)
  • 上述兩條語句說明了一個LP問題的特點
2. Fundamental theorem of LP

For a LP program: if the feasible domain is not empty, then its optimum is either unbounded or is attained at least at one vertex of the feasible domain


3.How to find an optimal solution

How to find X*?

(1) One by one (Enumeration method)

(2) Simplex Method
step1:start at a vertex
step2:if current vertex is optima stop otherwise
step3: move to a better neighboring vertex, go to step 2

(3) interior point method


01-6 Where to go?

  • Integration of interior-point method to develop hybrid algorithms for solving very large size LP for real-word applications by exploring(內點法適合大規模的現實問題)
    -special structure
    -parallel computation(並行計算)
  • Nonlinear optimization with linear constrains
  • conic programming
  • etc.


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