原创 看美劇練口語 MF回顧 S01E03

Corpus while reading it, think about how to used it better, such as replacing some words or using it in mind and say it

原创 看美劇對聽力和口語提升的那點事

因原文[看美劇練口語][Leah三步法,更適合時間有限的自己]:美語口語的發音,連讀,語調練習較長,此爲在其中摘出來的。 補充看美劇對聽力和口語提升的那點事 聽力與口語相輔相成,先來囉嗦一下看美劇路上那些關於聽力和口語的三個階段: leah

原创 看美劇練口語 MF回顧 S01E02

Every time God closes a door, he opens a window. Corpus while reading it, think about how to used it better, such as re

原创 [CriminalMinds犯罪心理] 名言摘錄 S01E02

Criminal Minds S01 E02 James Reese once said, "There are certain clues at a crime scene which, by their very nature, d

原创 看美劇練口語 MF回顧 S01E01

Love is what binds us, through fair or stormy weather. Corpus while reading it, think about how to used it better, such

原创 [CriminalMinds 犯罪心理]名言摘錄 S01E01

Criminal Minds S01 E01 Joseph Conrad said,"The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are q

原创 看美劇練口語小結 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E04

[1] I just want him to fit in. 我只是想他融入集體。 Do you care to join me? 你有興趣一起嗎 I'm gonna go check on Lily. 我去看看莉莉。 check on

原创 看美劇練口語 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E05 Part4

Scene 9 All he heard it wrong. 他聽錯了. there are the little roustabouts. 兩個壯小夥來了。 -roustabout n.(美)碼頭工人;甲板水手;馬戲場雜工. Yo

原创 看美劇練口語 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E05 Part3

Scene 6 Phil & Claire and Jay & Gloria Huddle up. 聚過來。 Now in light of what happened at school today, 鑑於今天在學校裏發生的事情. -i

原创 看美劇練口語 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E04 Part4

Scene 9 All So you just spring it on Gloria like this? 所以你就給歌洛莉亞來個突然襲擊嗎? a caring person 有愛心的人/通情達理的人。 It's not a good

原创 看美劇練口語小結 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E05

[1] Your team scored two goals. 你們隊得了兩分。 Give me a break. 饒了我吧 Do you have any idea what a bad liar you are? We'll be r

原创 看美劇練口語 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E05 Part1

Scene 1 Jay & Gloria Your team scored two goals. 你們隊得了兩分。 Give me a break. 饒了我吧 French toaster sticks 法式烤麪包棒,法棍。 the

原创 看美劇練口語 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E06 Part1

待辦:實踐較少,需要進行一輪複習回顧。 今天事情多時間有限,未進行回顧及同步配音練習,暫更Season1 Episode6 Part1 Scene1~3 begin. Scene 1 Phil & Claire It's due to

原创 看美劇練口語 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E05 Part2

Scene 4 Phil & Claire We'll be right down. 我們馬上過來 Luke got in a fight. 盧克打架了. By the time a teacher separated them, 老師把

原创 [看美劇練口語][Leah三步法,更適合時間有限的自己]:美語口語的發音,連讀,語調練習

英語的輸入:聽力、閱讀。 英語的輸出:口語、寫作。 作爲一個看了百餘部美劇的美劇迷,結合與不少雅思、託福幾近滿分的高手經驗,結合實踐總結的,適合時間有限、想通過美劇提升口語同學的“看美劇練口語方法”。 關於看美劇練口語的資料和經驗不少,大