看美劇練口語 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E05 Part4

Scene 9 All

  • he heard it wrong. 他聽錯了.
  • there are the little roustabouts. 兩個壯小夥來了。
    -roustabout n.(美)碼頭工人;甲板水手;馬戲場雜工.
  • You look like you patched things up pretty good. 看來你們和好如初了.
    -patch things up.

Where did you go? 你去哪了
You heard him. 你聽見他說什麼了
He said, "Get outta here." 他說"一邊涼快去"
Oh, my God. You're such a girl. 天啊 你真像個嬌弱的小姑娘
Dad-I was coming to get a beer anyways. 爸 反正我也想要喝杯啤酒的
Nice apology. 你道歉真有誠意
Nice beer. 啤酒真不錯
Hey, there are the little roustabouts. 嘿 兩個壯小夥來了
-You look like you patched things up pretty good, huh? -Yeah. -看來你們和好如初了 -沒錯
Oh, we can learn so much from the children. 我們能從孩子身上學到許多東西啊
Bet it seems kind of silly now 現在再回頭想想打架的事
what you were even fighting about, huh? 是不是覺得當時很蠢啊
-I made fun of his accent. -What accent? -我笑他的口音 -什麼口音
I made fun of him for having the same thing for lunch every day. 我笑他每天的午餐都一樣
I made fun of him because his mom used to dig coal. 我取笑他 因爲他媽媽以前是挖煤的
What? 什麼
He said you were a coal digger. 他說你是個挖煤工
Okay. I think we can move on. 好了 我覺得該換個話題了
Who said I was a coal digger? 誰說我是個"挖煤工"
That's what my mom told me. 我媽告訴我的
What's a coal digger? 什麼是挖煤工
Sweetheart, he heard it wrong. 寶貝 他聽錯了
It's "Gold digger." 那叫"淘金工"[傍大款]
I'm gonna have to call you back. 我得過一會再打給你了
I really do not think that I remember ever saying that. 我真的不記得說過這話
Well, you said in the car. 其實 你在車裏這麼說過
You said it at Christmas. 你聖誕節這麼說過
-You said it in the Mexican restaurant--Okay, -你還在墨西哥餐廳這麼說過 -好了
Mr. "Leaves His Sweatshirts at School Every Day... 乖兒子 你每天丟三落四
Suddenly Remembers Everything," Thank you. 今天卻記憶如神 真謝謝你了
And it was all in my head, huh? 還說是我自己胡思亂想 哈
Oh, listen. Gloria, it was... 聽我說 歌洛莉亞 其實
like, a year ago, before I knew you. 都是一年前的事了 那時我還不瞭解你呢
Nice going. 你真行啊
Now my mom and my sister are fighting. 搞得我媽和我姐吵架了吧
If I say something that everybody else is thinking, 如果我說了衆人都想說的話
does that make me a mean person? 是不是意味着我很刻薄呢
Or does it make me a brave person? 或者說我很勇敢呢
One who is courageous enough to 我就是一個有勇氣
stand up and-and say something... 頂住壓力 挺身而出
behind someone's back 在背後悄悄地說
to a 10-year-old. 只敢在小孩面前說
Well, she's pissed. 她現在可是氣瘋了
Yeah. She wouldn't even come out of her room. 是啊 她甚至連房間都不願意出了
Did you really have to call her that-a gold digger? 你真的非要說她是"傍大款的"嗎
Well, you know what, Dad? It was a year ago. 知道嗎 爸爸 那可是一年前
And it was a natural question to ask. 所以人家自然而然會問啊
She's a beautiful, hot woman, 她那麼漂亮 那麼性感
and you're not exactly, you know- 而你卻不那麼 你懂的
Not exactly what? 不那麼什麼
Um-Mitchell, little help? 米奇爾 幫幫忙啊
No. You are doing great. 不用 你說的挺好的
See, this is exactly why we sweep things under the rug- 看見了吧 所以說家事要忍着
so people don't get hurt. 這樣大家纔不會受傷害
Yeah, until you sweep too much under the rug. 話是沒錯 但如果老是忍着憋着
Then you got a lumpy rug. 矛盾就越積越多
Creates a tripping hazard. You open yourself up to lawsuits. 矛盾爆發的危險也越大 也會惹禍上身
Boy, you can go a really long time without blinking. 岳父大人 你可以好長時間不眨眼啊

Scene 10 Phil and Gloria

  • So it's natural for Claire to wonder about you and her dad. 所以克萊爾自然會對你和她爸的關係產生聯想啊.
  • [/l/ 舌側音練習語料]。最開始練習時,1動作要到位:舌位+舌側要出氣。2不要怕動作太大不自然。熟練了自然就自然了。
  • she'll be the most loyal friend you've ever had.
  • You're such a girl.
    -Did you really have to call her that-a gold digger?
  • just tell me one thing.
  • she fell off a mud flap。
  • it was probably your fault.

Gloria? It's Phil. 歌洛莉亞 我是菲爾
Can I talk to you for a second? 能和你談一會嗎
Claire likes to say you can be part of the problem... 克萊爾總是說 "你要麼是問題製造者"
or part of the solution. "要麼就是問題解決者"
But I happen to believe that you can be both. 而我則認爲 解鈴還須繫鈴人
Listen, Claire feels terrible. 聽着 克萊爾感到很抱歉
Why don't you talk to her? 要不你找她談談
Why? I know what she thinks-a coal digger. 爲什麼 我知道她認爲我是個挖煤的
You know she's saying "Gold digger"? 你知道她說的其實是傍大款的吧
Yes, Phil! 我知道 菲爾
Well, I-I know she said that. 我知道她這麼說過
But that was a long time ago, 但那是很早以前的事了
before she knew you. 那時她尚未真正瞭解你
Does Jay buy me nice things? 傑是不是給我買好東西了
Yes! Of course! All beautiful things. 沒錯 當然了 全是好東西
Look at this-yellow, red, blue. 看看這些 黃的 紅的 藍的
All the colors. 五顏六色的
Do you think I can't live without this? 你認爲我沒了這些就活不了了嗎
Take them away, Phil. 拿走啊 菲爾
Gloria, 歌洛莉亞
we all know you'd be fine without underwear. 我們都知道你不穿內褲也沒事
I mean, we know it's not about that. 我是說 我們知道你說的不是這個

No. It's about me not being accepted by my new family. 對 我說的是我不被這個家庭所接納
That is not true. 不是這樣的
Gloria, look, you're a beautiful woman. 歌洛莉亞 聽着 你是個大美女
In fact, you're probably one of those 其實 你很有可能
beautiful women who doesn't even know it. 都不知道自己是美女
No, I know it. 不 我知道的
So it's natural 所以克萊爾自然
for Claire to wonder about you and her dad. 會對你和她爸的關係產生聯想啊
This family's very protective of each other. 這是個保護欲很強的家庭
I remember the first time Claire brought me home. 我還記得克萊爾第一次帶我去她家的時候
Do you think Jay thought I was good enough for his little girl? 你以爲傑會覺得我配得上他家千金嗎
No way. But over time, 纔不會 但是過了一段時間
he realized that I loved Claire as much as he did. 他意識到我和他一樣深愛着克萊爾
And by then, Mitch had brought Cam home, 與此同時 米奇把小卡帶進家門
so I was golden. 相比之下我就是金龜婿了
Claire just needs a little time. 克萊爾只是需要些時間
And then, trust me, 相信我 過段時間後
she'll be the most loyal friend you've ever had. 她就會成爲你最親的閨蜜了.

Scene 11 Jay and Mitchell & Cameron

  • So we're torn. 我們深受折磨. torn (口)難過,傷心,折磨,痛苦。
  • you look at guys. 你們喜歡男人.
  • I think you're smokin' hot. 我覺得你超性感的。
  • What about a seven? 那有7分嗎。
  • I might have lowballed a little bit. 我有點低估自己了。 -lowball vt. 向(顧客)虛報低價。
  • Touchy. 他太敏感。
  • Righteous Brothers were on. 播着The Righteous Brothers的音樂。
    -Righteous /'raɪtʃəs/ (注意沒有捲舌音) a.&ad.&n.正直的,正派的...
    -The Righteous Brothers were the musical duo of Bobby Hatfield and Bill Medley.
  • The whole kit and caboodle, 從頭到腳都...
    -Kid and caboodle: 家當
    kit and caboodle: 所有的人
    the whole caboodle: 全體

You're not leaving, are you? 你們不是要走吧
You know, there's kind of a lot of drama. 你也知道 現在這兒鬧得有點不愉快
-So we're torn. -Let me ask you something. -我們深受折磨 -我問你們點事
Your sister said that Gloria 你姐姐說歌洛莉亞
would never go for anybody who looked like me. 絕不會喜歡上我這種樣子的男人
Now, you guys basically are like women. 所以說 基本上 你們和女人差不多
You know, you look at guys. 你們喜歡男人
So what do you think? 所以你們怎麼想
You're seriously asking us if you're attractive? 你真是在問我們 你是否有吸引力嗎
Well, I know I'm no Erik Estrada or anything. 我知道自己算不上高帥富
-I'm just curious is all. -Dad. -我只是好奇罷了 -爸
So if I was in one of your bars and- 所以如果我出現在同志酒吧 然後
Righteous Brothers were on, you know. 播着經典老歌
Would you, uh, 你會不會
I don't know, check me out? 我不知道 和我搭訕
Dad, you're really close to ruining gay for me. 爸 你快要毀了做基佬的情調了
-All right, fine. Whatever. -Jay. Jay, now listen. -那好 無所謂 -傑 聽着
I think it's-I just think it's 我覺得 我只是覺得
a little weird for a son to say this to his father. 要一個兒子對父親這麼說實在太詭異
But for the record, I think you're smokin' hot. 但我聲明一下 我覺得你超性感的
Really? 真的嗎
Yeah, 100%. You're totally my type. 當然 百分百肯定 你絕對是我的菜
You're dangerous, you're getable, 你既危險 又觸手可及
you have a little "Cashola" In your pocket. 你荷包裏又裝着鼓鼓的錢
Face, body, the whole- 長相 身材 還是整體
The whole kit and caboodle, I think. Really. 從頭到腳都特帥 我覺得 真的
-What about a seven? Nine. For sure, nine. -那有7分嗎 -9分 絕對的9分
-But you knew that. -I might have lowballed a little bit. -但你肯定知道的 -我有點低估自己了
Okay, isn't there a game on? 不是還有比賽呢嗎
-Touchy. -I know. -他太敏感 -我知道

Scene 12 Phil & Claire and Gloria

  • why he's covered in your underwear. 爲什麼他渾身都是你的內褲.
    -is covered in.
  • I don't know what to say except for that I am really, really sorry. 我不知道該說些什麼,只能說我真的非常非常抱歉.
  • Honestly, at first, it was hard. 說實話 一開始 我很難接受.
  • I'm getting used to it. 我正慢慢去習慣。
  • Are we okay? 我們和好了嗎?
  • so we're even 這樣我們就扯平了。
  • earrings 耳環, bracelet 手鐲,
  • you don't expect to wake up one morning... with a new mom who looks like she fell off a mud flap. 我是說 誰都不會期望有一天醒來後發現多了一個比自己還年輕性感的後媽吧.
    -who looks like she fell off a mud flap. 讓自己看起來像是掉進泥堆裏一樣----非常形象得形容對比之下覺得自己不如對方了。

native 的境界就是,運用自如。

Gloria? Come on, let's-let's talk about this. 歌洛莉亞 拜託 我們好好談談
I've seen her kick in a door before. 我可見過她破門而入過
I don't know what my husband is saying to you or... 我不知道我丈夫和你說了什麼 或者
why he's covered in your underwear. 爲什麼他渾身都是你的內褲
Obviously I'm trying to seduce him for his money. 很顯然我是看上他的錢了唄
'Cause that's what I do, right? 因爲我就是這樣的人嘛 對不對
What do I have to give back... 我究竟要付出什麼
so that everyone trusts me? Huh? 才能得到大家的信任啊
-These earrings? -No. -耳環嗎 -不是
-What? This bracelet? -No. -那是什麼 手鐲嗎 -不是
-My new dress? -No. -還是我的新裙子 -不是
I didn't respond because... 我沒出聲是因爲
this shouldn't be about me. 其實關鍵不在於我
It should be about you... 而在於你
talking to you... about it. 和你 好好談 一談
Phil? Honey? 菲爾 親愛的
No, no, no. No. 不 不 不 不用
You're welcome. 不用謝
I don't know what to say 我不知道該說些什麼
except for that I am really, really sorry. 只能說我真的非常非常抱歉
Just tell me one thing. 你就告訴我一件事
How do you really feel that I'm with your father? 對於我和你爸的關係 你到底怎麼想
Uh, well- 其實
Honestly, at first, it was hard. 說實話 一開始 我很難接受
I mean, you don't expect to wake up one morning... 我是說 誰都不會期望有一天醒來後發現
with a new mom who looks like she fell off a mud flap. 多了一個比自己還年輕性感的後媽吧
But... I'm getting used to it. 但是 我正慢慢去習慣
And the important thing is you make him happy, 而且 重要的是你能讓他幸福
which you do in-in so many ways, 用你的各種方法
so many colors. 五顏六色的方法
Are we okay? 我們和好了嗎
-No. -No? -沒 -沒
You embarrassed me in front of everyone downstairs. 你讓我在所有人面前出醜了
What, I'm supposed just to forget about it? 怎麼 要我這麼輕易就忘掉嗎
What do you want me to do- 那你想要怎樣
just embarrass myself so we're even? 讓我也出醜 這樣我們就扯平了
Go jump in the pool. 跳進泳池
[Go jump in a lake 直譯爲跳湖 俗語 讓某人離遠點]
Oh, you mean go jump in a lake. Right. 是讓我離你遠點 是吧
Go jump in the pool with your clothes on. 我是讓你穿着衣服跳進泳池
Then I know you're sorry. 那樣我就知道你的歉意了
I'm not gonna do that, Gloria. 我是不會跳的 歌洛莉亞
Okay. Then I won't forgive you. 好的 那我也不會原諒你.

Scene 13 All

  • This is so awesome. 太讚了。
  • If they could get a pass rush on 'em, 如果他們能來個突破。
  • that's the oldest trick in the book. 這招早就爛大街了。
  • I always got blamed for a quarterback's clumsy hands/ for sb.'s mistake. 背黑鍋。
  • How did that come up? 這是唱的哪出啊?
  • I'm really trying to block it out. 我正想忘記這事呢.
  • As far as I'm concerned, 我覺得/依我看;就我而言/據我瞭解.
  • [football]
  • a field goal 定位球.
  • a break 暫停。
  • The snap! Fumble! 向後傳球 失誤了。
  • Center 中位。
  • a quarterback 四分衛。
  • snap 傳。

Now a field goal beats us. 再來個定位球 我們就輸了
Hey, you guys work that out? 你們倆和好了嗎
Almost. Gloria just wants me to jump in the pool. 差不多了 歌洛莉亞想讓我跳進泳池
-Okay then. -What? -那好吧 -什麼
If they could get a pass rush on 'em, something, a break. 他們咋就不來個突破 或者請求暫停啊
This is so awesome. 太讚了
I know. Mom does not look good wet. 我知道 我媽渾身溼透很難看的
Gloria, is this really necessary? 歌洛莉亞 這真有必要嗎
Dad, it's fine. It's fine. If I need to jump in this water... 爸 沒事 如果我跳進泳池
to prove to Gloria how sorry I am, I will do it. 能證明我對歌洛莉亞的歉意 那我就跳
I'm fine. 我沒事
You're serious? You're not gonna stop me? 你來真的嗎 你就不攔我一下
Why would I do that? 我幹嘛要攔
Because I am standing here. 因爲我已經站這了
I am showing you my willingness to- 我已經證明了我的誠意
No? 不行是吧
-Are you happy? -Yes! I forgive you! -你高興了吧 -沒錯 我原諒你了
Then give me your hand. 那就拉我一把
Oh, that's the oldest trick in the book. 這招早就爛大街了
-She's gonna pull you in there. -No! -她要把你也拉進池裏 -我纔不
And that's my job. 所以我來幫你
This is funny, but this is also a teaching moment. 真有趣 但同時也給我們上了一課
-Yeah! -Think about...No! -是吧 -好好想想 不
Cannonball! 大炸彈來啦
The snap! Fumble! 向後傳球 失誤了
How could he fumble that? 怎麼會傳球失誤呢
Center blew the snap. 都怪中衛
You know what?I hate that. 你知道嗎 我最討厭這麼說了
I played center, 我以前就是中衛
and I always got blamed for a quarterback's clumsy hands. 明明是四分衛笨手笨腳 卻讓我背黑鍋
Well, I was a quarterback, and it was probably your fault. 我當過四分衛 這可能確實是你的錯
It's impossible to fumble the ball... 如果四分衛把手的位置放正確了
when the quarterback has the proper hand placement. 傳球怎麼可能會失誤呢
It's weird to think of a woman being sexually attracted to Dad. 要有女性認爲老爸有吸引力那就太詭異了
No, you wanna hear weird? 不 你知道什麼才詭異嗎
Cam said he'd pick up dad at a gay bar. 小卡說他會在同志酒吧找老爸搭訕
Ooh. How did that come up? 這是唱的哪出啊
Mmm, I'm really trying to block it out. 嗯嗯 我正想忘記這事呢
As far as I'm concerned, 我覺得嘛
Mom and Dad had sex two times. 老爸老媽也就上過兩次牀
Agreed. 同意
Okay, get your hands up there 好 把你的手放到這上來
like you're lifting me off the ground. 就像你要把我舉起來一樣
Be one with me, Jay. There you go. 和我合爲一體 傑 這就成了
Do you wanna get something to eat? 你想不想吃點東西
I am never eating again. 我噁心得什麼都吃不下了
Just snap the damn thing. 趕緊傳那該死的球
Perfect. That one kinda hurt. 完美 就是有點疼

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